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Thread: VCDS (VAG-COM) codes and programmable options for Golf Mk7

  1. #1231
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    Jun 2017
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    Hi Don

    Sorry I was trying to say the menus to enable RC are missing out of my channel map , hopefully you will see what I mean from the link

    I have attached a link to my channel map.



  2. #1232
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    Quote Originally Posted by scaper28 View Post
    Hi Don

    Sorry I was trying to say the menus to enable RC are missing out of my channel map , hopefully you will see what I mean from the link

    I have attached a link to my channel map.

    Craig: What a very interesting problem - thank you for raising it!!!

    Fortunately your car and mine have the same BCM - see as follows:
    scaper28 - BCM
    SW:5Q0-937-084-N   HW:5Q0-937-084-N ---  Cent. Elect. --- SA: 03147,,,,
    ;Component:BCM MQBAB M   H14 0106, Coding:03000842C241027B0FA44080B1040328100A000000000000000000000000,,,
    ;VCDS Version: Beta 17.6.0 (x64)  Data version: 20170602 DS274
    DV52 - BCM
    SW:5Q0-937-084-N   HW:5Q0-937-084-N ---  Cent. Elect. --- SA: 31347
    ;Component:BCM MQBAB M   H14 0106, Coding:03001842C24102FB0FA4400000040308100A000000000000000000000000
    ;VCDS Version: Beta 17.6.0 (x64)  Data version: 20170602 DS274
    I was able to replicate your problem by creating an Admap of my BCM using the same Beta software version as in your file (i.e. Beta SW ver 17.6.0). I then compared the ver 17.6.0 admap with an admap from a previous Ross Tech version (i.e. ver 16.8.0)

    I was pleasantly surprised to discover that the latest Beta version software found 78 x new adaptation channels in my BCM that were previously unknown.

    However, I also sadly discovered that the latest Beta verion software lost 68 x old adaptation channels from my BCM that were previously known

    Here is the list of the Adaptation channels that were lost from my previous version SW (I've highlighted your missing channels):
    ENG126561-ENG100480-Innenbeleuchtung KL 58xs min-Y2
    ENG126561-ENG100773-Innenbeleuchtung KL 58xs min-Y3
    ENG126561-ENG101574-Innenbeleuchtung KL 58xs min-X1
    ENG126561-ENG102140-Innenbeleuchtung KL 58xs min-X3
    ENG126561-ENG115658-Innenbeleuchtung KL 58xs min-x0
    ENG126561-ENG115659-Innenbeleuchtung KL 58xs min-y0
    ENG126561-ENG99557-Innenbeleuchtung KL 58xs min-X2
    ENG126561-ENG99777-Innenbeleuchtung KL 58xs min-Y1
    IDE01268-ENG02321-Windshield wiper-Tippendes_Frontwaschen
    IDE01268-ENG02322-Windshield wiper-Frontwischer_Abtauposition
    IDE01268-ENG126844-Windshield wiper-Washer_Tipwiping_Variant
    IDE02269-ENG02272-Acknowledgement signals-Quittierton bei zweitem ZV-AUF-Befehl
    IDE02269-ENG02273-Acknowledgement signals-Quittierton bei zweitem ZV-ZU-Befehl
    IDE02711-ENG02323-Rear Window Wiper-Einzelansteuerung Heckintervallwischen Zeitintervall 1
    IDE02711-ENG02324-Rear Window Wiper-Einzelansteuerung Heckintervallwischen Zeitintervall 2
    IDE02711-ENG02325-Rear Window Wiper-Einzelansteuerung Heckintervallwischen
    IDE04923-ENG02307-Turn signal control-Abbruch Komfortblinken
    IDE04924-ENG126816-Driving light and parking light-Standlicht aus
    IDE04927-ENG126845-Window heater-FSH Automatik
    IDE04927-ENG126846-Window heater-Abschalttemperatur fuer Heckscheibenheizung
    IDE04927-ENG126847-Window heater-Abschalttemperatur fuer Frontscheibenheizung
    IDE04928-ENG126842-Anti-theft device-Ueberwachung Innenentriegelungshebel
    IDE05142-ENG02314-Access control-Heckfreigabe_Ohne_Verzoegerung
    IDE05142-ENG02315-Access control-Deaktivierung_Laderaumschliessung_extern
    IDE05142-ENG02316-Access control-LS_Taster_Togglefunktion
    IDE05142-ENG02317-Access control-Nutzfahrzeug_Schliessung
    IDE05142-ENG02318-Access control-Wiederverriegelung_Laderaum
    IDE05142-ENG06090-Access control-Mindestbetaetigung_HDF_Innentaster
    IDE05142-ENG115722-Access control-Elektrische Laderaumabdeckung
    IDE05142-ENG125652-Access control-Servoheck Schlossansteuerung
    IDE05142-ENG125653-Access control-Deaktivierung_SAFE_ueber_DWA_Deaktivierungstaster
    IDE05142-ENG126837-Access control-Entsafen mit autorisierte Klemme 15 Ein
    IDE05142-ENG126838-Access control-Softtouch-Betaetigung senden
    IDE05142-ENG126839-Access control-Entriegelungwunsch_verzoegert_waehrend_Zuziehvorgang
    IDE05142-ENG126840-Access control-Vorrastenhaenger_Freigabe
    IDE07470-ENG02308-After-run for park light-Bedingungen zur Standlichtbegrenzung
    IDE07470-ENG02309-After-run for park light-Bedingungen zur Parklichtbegrenzung
    IDE07470-ENG02310-After-run for park light-Faktor fuer Verfgbarkeitstimer
    IDE07470-ENG02311-After-run for park light-Standlicht-Verfgbarkeit
    IDE08542-ENG02339-Access control 2-Spiegelanklappen_bei_Wiederverriegelung
    IDE08542-ENG115869-Access control 2-Virtuelles_Pedal
    IDE08542-ENG125654-Access control 2-Nachsaven_nach_Verdecklauf
    IDE08542-ENG125655-Access control 2-Regenschliessen_ein_aus
    IDE08542-ENG125656-Access control 2-Regenschliessen_art
    IDE08542-ENG125657-Access control 2-Remote_Unlock_Lock
    IDE08542-ENG126610-Access control 2-Signalisierung_Spiegelanklappung
    IDE08542-ENG126611-Access control 2-virtuelles_pedal_HMI_einstellbar
    IDE08542-ENG126841-Access control 2-Profilfunktion fuer Anklappung der Aussenspiegel
    IDE08542-ENG128459-Access control 2-easycloselight_aktiv
    IDE08786-ENG126628-Assistance light functions-LS_Error_Ausgabe
    IDE08786-ENG126817-Assistance light functions-Umfeldleuchte als Manoevrierleuchte
    IDE08786-ENG126818-Assistance light functions-Fahrlichtwarnung_Hinweis_Konfig
    IDE08786-ENG130581-Assistance light functions-Fahrlicht_Hinweis_mehrfach
    IDE08788-ENG126629-Dyn. turn signal modes-Telematikblinken1_STS_Blinken Telematikblinken2_OCU_Blinken
    IDE08788-ENG126819-Dyn. turn signal modes-Emergency_alert_blinken
    IDE10298-Alternating park position 1
    IDE10299-Alternating park position 2
    MAS01490-ENG02328-Energy management-Praediktives_Energiemanagement
    MAS01490-ENG116830-Energy management-Energy_Management_Adaptation
    MAS05934-ENG02319-Convert. top oper.-Remote Lock Unlock Timer s1
    MAS05934-ENG02320-Convert. top oper.-Remote Lock Unlock Timer s3
    MAS05934-ENG126630-Convert. top oper.-Reichweitenbegrenzung fuer Servoheck schliessen
    MAS05934-ENG126843-Convert. top oper.-ZV verriegeln bei Klemme 15 Ein
    Just to be clear - the list above are those adaptation channels that appeared in the BCM admap using version 16.8.0 BUT do not appear in the BCM admap using Beta version 17.6.0

    Alas, I have no idea why this has happened - I suggest that you contact Ross Tech for a response. However, if you want to proceed with the tweak - please use a previous release VCDS version

    Last edited by DV52; 30-06-2017 at 07:36 PM.
    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

  3. #1233
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    Thank you so much I will do that now , I thought I was going mad not being able to find it .

    Much appreciated for your help and time .

    well giving that I can find 16.8.0 download , as typically every time I update I delete the old downloads so I am now searching google for a previous version download of it .

    Last edited by scaper28; 30-06-2017 at 07:50 PM.

  4. #1234
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    Is it possible to activate a indicator in the cluster for the low beam light or the drl light?
    Just to know when the low beam is on or off, or the drl is on or off.

  5. #1235
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Question: Anyone have an OBDeleven? Is it worth the money?
    Traded: Tornado Red MY11 Golf GTI Adidas
    Missus: MY17 VW Tiguan 140TDI R-Line, DAP, Tint, White.
    Missus: MY14 VW Golf R Leather, DAP, Tint, Lapiz Blue .

  6. #1236
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    Quote Originally Posted by stark27 View Post
    Question: Anyone have an OBDeleven? Is it worth the money?

    OBDeleven – Audi & Volkswagen Diagnostic System – Shop – AutoInstruct
    Yea it is worth it's money, tested on numerous golfs and polos plus a few skodas really handy

  7. #1237
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    Quote Originally Posted by ala View Post
    Is it possible to activate a indicator in the cluster for the low beam light or the drl light?
    Just to know when the low beam is on or off, or the drl is on or off.
    ala: Hi. You didn't mention what flavor mk7 that you own (which build year and which model).

    There are a couple of adaptation channels in the BCM that appear to be appropriate for your wants. They are:

    • IDE06864-ENG115733-Daytime running lights-Tagfahrlichtkontrollleuchte (for earlier model BCM) which has a factory setting of not active. "Tagfahrlichtkontrollleuchte" translates to "DRL indicator light" - I think. Later model BCMs use ENG10575-ENG115733-Außenlicht_Front-Tagfahrlichtkontrollleuchte

    • IDE04924-ENG115858-Driving light and parking light-Kontrollleuchte fuer Begrenzungslicht (for an earlier model BCM) which has a factory setting of not active. " Kontrollleuchte fuer Begrenzungslicht" translates to "Indicator light for marker light" - I think. Not quite the same as the low beam, but the marker light should be illuminated whenever the low beam is switched-on. Later model BCMs use ENG10584-ENG115858-Außenlicht_uebergreifend-Kontrollleuchte fuer Begrenzungslicht.

    But don't get too excited because whilst these 2 x channels look hopeful, when I've tried to activate these in the past - nothing happened! My totally unfounded belief is that notwithstanding that these two channels are indeed correct to initiate the indicator lights on the dashboard, the Instrument panel (in my car) doesn't have these required indicator lamps fitted (this is just a guess). But my car has a black and white bog-standard instrument panel.

    So, if you want to experiment on your mk7 (perhaps, your car has a higher-end instrument panel) - try changing the settings and see what happens! If you get the same results as I did - just revert the settings back to their original values - nothing lost!!

    Good luck

    Last edited by DV52; 08-07-2017 at 04:58 PM.
    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

  8. #1238
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    Ohh. 2015 variant 1,4 tsi 122hp. comfortline.
    Is it also possible to turn off the light in the cluster wenn the drl is on, so it turns on together with the low beam, because then the indicator in the cluster is not necessary.
    I've turned on the rear lights together with the front drl.
    But am using the foglights as drl.

    I'll try the other thing next week.

  9. #1239
    Can anyone help with my Golf Gti facelift 2017 settings? I have the outer DRL and blinkers working, but not the inner ones. I see that there are bulbs inside the inner stripes but they for some reason are not illuminated.

    I would like to make it work so that both DRL stripes are illuminated and also the inner blinker would blink.

    Anyone knows how to do it already for the facelift?
    Last edited by UserName123; 11-07-2017 at 05:32 PM.

  10. #1240
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    Quote Originally Posted by UserName123 View Post
    Can anyone help with my Golf Gti facelift 2017 settings? I have the outer DRL and blinkers working, but not the inner ones. I see that there are bulbs inside the inner stripes but they for some reason are not illuminated.

    I would like to make it work so that both DRL stripes are illuminated and also the inner blinker would blink.

    Anyone knows how to do it already for the facelift?
    UserName123: Hi - I note that your location is "Hell"! Are you a devotee of Dante's 14th-century epic poem "Divine Comedy", and is there a sign over the gates there saying "Abandon hope all ye that enter here"?

    Anyhow: to your question - I'm not sure but if you post-up an adaptation channel map of the module @ address hex09 (which VCDS calls the "BCM"), then I'll have a look at what's possible in the new Golf

    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

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