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Thread: VCDS (VAG-COM) codes and programmable options for Golf Mk7

  1. #1221
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    Just a quick query, has anyone been able to code the Front LED Indicators on a 7R to permanently stay on during the day along side the DRL? ive seen many youtube videos that have 7R's rolling with that enabled. would love to get it done to mine, providing i dont get done by the Po Po's
    15 Golf R MK7
    APR Tuned

  2. #1222
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    Quote Originally Posted by mrmomoz View Post
    Just a quick query, has anyone been able to code the Front LED Indicators on a 7R to permanently stay on during the day along side the DRL? ive seen many youtube videos that have 7R's rolling with that enabled. would love to get it done to mine, providing i dont get done by the Po Po's
    mrmomoz: In a remarkable coincidence of happenstance (how's that for a tautology?) - our mutual forum colleague anonymus included the answer to your question a couple of posts back.

    Here's a copy of his/her inclusion:

    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

  3. #1223
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    Quote Originally Posted by DV52 View Post
    mrmomoz: In a remarkable coincidence of happenstance (how's that for a tautology?) - our mutual forum colleague anonymus included the answer to your question a couple of posts back.

    Here's a copy of his/her inclusion:

    Keep in mind that your front hazard light will not work with the coding. I will have to give it another go on the weekend with a different logic that I have in mind and see if I can get it working.


  4. #1224
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    annonymous : Just remove the Blinken links aktiv (beide Phasen) and Blinken rechts aktiv (beide Phasen) commands (i.e. step 3 in each table

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  5. #1225
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    Quote Originally Posted by DV52 View Post
    annonymous : Just remove the Blinken links aktiv (beide Phasen) and Blinken rechts aktiv (beide Phasen) commands (i.e. step 3 in each table

    Don : At the other end, I would like to have that feature when indicating.

    I am thinking to move step 1 to G0 and Aktive Blinkfunktion hat ein auf 1 gesetztes zugeordnetes Bit in pa_dynamisch_blinken to H0 and leave all the others in place. But not too sure about dimmwert and dimming direction settings.


  6. #1226
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    Quote Originally Posted by anonymous View Post
    Don :

    I am thinking to move step 1 to G0 and Aktive Blinkfunktion hat ein auf 1 gesetztes zugeordnetes Bit in pa_dynamisch_blinken to H0 and leave all the others in place. But not too sure about dimmwert and dimming direction settings.

    Kim: Arrh........... I see - good thinking!!!

    I like the "Aktive Blinkfunktion hat ein auf 1 gesetztes zugeordnetes Bit in pa_dynamisch_blinken to H0" suggestion. But for hazard flashing you will need to also activate Dyn. turn signal modes-Warnblinken_Zuendung_AUS and Dyn. turn signal modes-Warnblinken_Zuendung_EIN Then, just finish-off by setting Dimmwert GH 0 to 127 and leave Dimming Direction GH 0 set to maximize (of course the same changes are needed to the right-side light)

    But I'm not sure about moving step 1 to G0 (because it gives the DRL command a higher priority than DRL Wink - so DRL Wink won't ever function). Perhaps try the changes above first - then see if the DRL function really needs modifying

    Last edited by DV52; 27-06-2017 at 02:00 PM.
    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

  7. #1227
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    Quote Originally Posted by DV52 View Post
    Kim: Arrh........... I see - good thinking!!!

    I like the "Aktive Blinkfunktion hat ein auf 1 gesetztes zugeordnetes Bit in pa_dynamisch_blinken to H0" suggestion. But for hazard flashing you will need to also activate Dyn. turn signal modes-Warnblinken_Zuendung_AUS and Dyn. turn signal modes-Warnblinken_Zuendung_EIN Then, just finish-off by setting Dimmwert GH 0 to 127 and leave Dimming Direction GH 0 set to maximize (of course the same changes are needed to the right-side light)

    But I'm not sure about moving step 1 to G0 (because it gives the DRL command a higher priority than DRL Wink - so DRL Wink won't ever function). Perhaps try the changes above first - then see if the DRL function really needs modifying

    Don - based on my quick coding session last weekend , "Aktive Blinkfunktion hat ein auf 1 gesetztes zugeordnetes Bit in pa_dynamisch_blinken" would not work on its own. My guess is that it has to be paired with another function to work. eg - if you revisit the pace car indicator on hazard light coding only post.

    I've tried your suggestion with Flashing DRL on LOCK/UNLOCK but no luck(I might have done something wrong). That why I am guessing that it might need pairing. Won't be able to try again until weekend to see if it works. I will try your suggestion too. It's all part of learning and trying to understand the whole logic behind it

  8. #1228
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    Quote Originally Posted by anonymous View Post
    Don - based on my quick coding session last weekend , "Aktive Blinkfunktion hat ein auf 1 gesetztes zugeordnetes Bit in pa_dynamisch_blinken" would not work on its own. My guess is that it has to be paired with another function to work. eg - if you revisit the pace car indicator on hazard light coding only post.
    Kim:In my experience - Yes and No!! Yes - "Aktive Blinkfunktion hat ein auf 1 gesetztes zugeordnetes Bit in pa_dynamisch_blinken" does need to operate in tandem with another function. No - no "pairing" needed!

    My understanding is that this Leuchte command only operates within the context of Dynamic Turn Signal functions - so the command won't do anything unless the Dyn. turn signal modes adaptation adaptation channel is activated (in later model BCMs, these functions are grouped under the "parent" channel name "Außenlicht_Blinker").

    But by all means, experiment with the Leuchte command and share your observations

    Quote Originally Posted by anonymous View Post
    I've tried your suggestion with Flashing DRL on LOCK/UNLOCK but no luck(I might have done something wrong). That why I am guessing that it might need pairing. Won't be able to try again until weekend to see if it works. I will try your suggestion too. It's all part of learning and trying to understand the whole logic behind it
    I implemented the tweak on my mk7 before posting the instructions here - works OK for me!
    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

  9. #1229
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    Hi Don

    I am struggling with auto rain closing , I have followed the guides and instructions on here , however I don't have the following in my adaptations .

    (15) Access Control 2 - Regenschliessen_ein aus (Rain Closing on / off) - Select Active
    (16) Access Control 2 - Regenschliessen_art (Rain closing Type) set to Permanent

    Both the above menus are missing for me .

    this is all I have .

    IDE08542-ENG122186-Access control 2-Menuesteuerung Regenschliessen
    IDE08542-ENG116657-Access control 2-Menuesteuerung Spiegelabsenkung
    IDE08542-ENG116659-Access control 2-Menuesteuerung synchrone Spiegelverstellung
    IDE08542-ENG115671-Access control 2-Regenschließen

    Golf mk7 1.4 tsi GT 2013 5 door


  10. #1230
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    Quote Originally Posted by scaper28 View Post
    Hi Don

    I am struggling with auto rain closing , I have followed the guides and instructions on here , however I don't have the following in my adaptations .

    (15) Access Control 2 - Regenschliessen_ein aus (Rain Closing on / off) - Select Active
    (16) Access Control 2 - Regenschliessen_art (Rain closing Type) set to Permanent

    Both the above menus are missing for me .

    this is all I have .

    IDE08542-ENG122186-Access control 2-Menuesteuerung Regenschliessen
    IDE08542-ENG116657-Access control 2-Menuesteuerung Spiegelabsenkung
    IDE08542-ENG116659-Access control 2-Menuesteuerung synchrone Spiegelverstellung
    IDE08542-ENG115671-Access control 2-Regenschließen

    Golf mk7 1.4 tsi GT 2013 5 door

    OK: Not sure that I entirely understand the problem, but I'm guessing that the issue here may be related to the changes that were wrought in later versions of Ross Tech's software. I can't remember the exact SW version number where these changes were first made, but what happened was that the leading bracketed numbers in the adaptation channel descriptors were replaced with what RT calls "tags".

    So, if you are using the latest Ross Tech Software - and you should be using the latest software, the relevant channel descriptors are:

    (15)-Access control 2-Regenschliessen_ein_aus =IDE08542-ENG125655-Access control 2-Regenschliessen_ein_aus

    (16)-Access control 2-Regenschliessen_art=IDE08542-ENG125656-Access control 2-Regenschliessen_art

    (28 )-Access control 2-Menuesteuerung Regenschliessen = IDE08542-ENG122186-Access control 2-Menuesteuerung Regenschliessen

    If you still can't find these channels, then make an adaptation channel map of the BCM and load the file on a third party hosting site (like dropbox) - then post a link to the file here and I will have a look at it. If you are not sure how to make an "admap" - this might help:

    PS:..... and good luck - as I have indicated in my tweak instructions, this is one of the more problematic tweaks to get working!!
    Last edited by DV52; 30-06-2017 at 09:46 AM.
    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

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