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Thread: VCDS (VAG-COM) codes and programmable options for Golf Mk7

  1. #1081
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    Quote Originally Posted by Piotr W View Post
    Hallo again.
    Thank You verry much for another acurate answer.
    Again I'm impressed of Your knowlege.
    That means I can do it myself but I'm still waiting for OBD11.
    Maybe it will arrive monday. I hope so.
    Poitr: Dont be impressed - there's much about the mk7 of which I am ignorant and the more I understand, the more my ignorance becomes apparent!

    Hope that your OBD11 dongle arrives soon, but before you start making changes, I suggest that you make a FULL database of the "virgin" adaptation channel settings and long-coding values. Regardless of what type of diagnostic device that you intend to use, the existence of fulsome records of the original control module variables will be an invaluable tool when the brown stuff and the fan meet - which will happen at some stage in your learning proccess

    I wrote a badly worded paper on how to do this for VCDS (see the VCDS reference thread on this forum), but it's a little different with an OBD11 dongle. Instead, I've attempted to capture the essence of the procedures in the series of screen-shots below. Make sure that you repeat the process for ALL the control modules in your car.

    Quote Originally Posted by Piotr W View Post
    I have another question if You don't mind.
    How to change that my radio go's OFF when I turn the key in ignition to "0" position.
    I want to change it so it goe's off when I take the key out from ignition ( it works like that in my other car - MK5 with RNS510) .
    Is it possible to change the way it works at that moment. Or maybe my ignition isn't working properly? But my car has milege only 15k km.
    With regards Piotr
    hmm.......... I don't know! But it must be able to be changed with coding/adaptation channels because our mk7s in Australia operate in the manner that you describe - the MMI in our cars turn-off when the key is removed (i.e. the "S switch" is opened).

    My suspicion, and it's a pure guess is that the answer may be found in the green engineering menu in the MIB, but I've not spent much time in this part of the control module, so I'm not sure.

    Perhaps someone else here has the answer?


    PS: Here's a video of how to access the green engineering screen using OBD11 - have a look, but take care when changing settings -please

    Last edited by DV52; 07-02-2017 at 08:58 PM.
    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

  2. #1082
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    Quote Originally Posted by DV52 View Post
    gelocatil: Hi - do you have a burglar alarm fitted to the car?

    nope,all totally stock

  3. #1083
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    Quote Originally Posted by gelocatil View Post
    nope,all totally stock
    OK ..... that's real odd. In Aussie mk7s (mine at least), when the rotary switch is on Auto position, the parking lights (both front and rear tails) turned off whenever the key is removed from the ignition lock (i.e. when the "S switch" in the ignition lock-barrel is open).

    I'm guessing, but try this: Go to the BCM (@address hex09), enter the magic number 31374 and search for an adaptation channel titled
    (3)-Driving light and parking light-Standlicht aus bei LDS=ABL und S-Kontakt aus. Change the setting to active and see what happens

    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

  4. #1084
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    Quote Originally Posted by DV52 View Post
    OK ..... that's real odd. In Aussie mk7s (mine at least), when the rotary switch is on Auto position, the parking lights (both front and rear tails) turned off whenever the key is removed from the ignition lock (i.e. when the "S switch" in the ignition lock-barrel is open).

    I'm guessing, but try this: Go to the BCM (@address hex09), enter the magic number 31374 and search for an adaptation channel titled
    (3)-Driving light and parking light-Standlicht aus bei LDS=ABL und S-Kontakt aus. Change the setting to active and see what happens

    thanks for answer. i checked mi bcm backup and actually is "active"
    more adaptations if can help
    VCDS (VAG-COM) codes and programmable options for Golf Mk7-captura-de-pantalla-2017-02-07-las-17-02-53-png

  5. #1085
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    Quote Originally Posted by gelocatil View Post
    thanks for answer. i checked mi bcm backup and actually is "active"
    more adaptations if can help
    VCDS (VAG-COM) codes and programmable options for Golf Mk7-captura-de-pantalla-2017-02-07-las-17-02-53-png
    gelocatil: here you go- from my mk7 which works as described in my previous post

    (1)-Driving light and parking light-Kontrollleuchte fuer Begrenzungslicht integriert in Suchbeleuchtung
    (2)-Driving light and parking light-Schlusslicht mit Bremslichtfunktion not active
    (3)-Driving light and parking light-Standlicht aus bei LDS=ABL und S-Kontakt aus active
    (4)-Driving light and parking light-Parklicht ueber LSS aktiviert One-sided
    (5)-Driving light and parking light-Standlichtreduzierung mit beidseitigem Parklicht active
    (6)-Driving light and parking light-Zahl der aktiven Scheinwerfer auf 2 limitieren not active
    (7)-Driving light and parking light-Warnung Fahrt mit Standlicht not active
    ( 8 )-Driving light and parking light-Zeitwert Einschaltzeit Abbiegelicht 15 min
    (9)-Driving light and parking light-Lichthupe bei Zuendung aus moeglich active
    (10)-Driving light and parking light-Lichtwarnungsverhalten klemmenabhaengig
    (11)-Driving light and parking light-Menueeinstellung CHO LHO Menuesteuerung Zeit aktivieren
    (12)-Driving light and parking light-Allwetterlicht Einschaltgrenze 0 km/h
    (13)-Driving light and parking light-Allwetterlicht Ausschaltgrenze 0 km/h
    (14)-Driving light and parking light-Nebelschlusslicht Warngeschwindigkeit 0 km/h
    Last edited by DV52; 08-02-2017 at 08:19 AM.
    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

  6. #1086
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    Today my OBD11 finally arrived to me. After installation and connecting obd11 and android phone I've logged in.
    And it apeared that:
    "If this changed was made, it should have enabled the rear-fog light symbol in the instrument panel when the rotart light switch is pulled out twice - as below" - it wasn't done. After I changed it rear fog light apeares on intrument cluster after pulling twice rotary switch.
    But I found other problem - when I pull rotary switch once both front and rear fog lights are on. So something else is wrong.I don't know yet if it's from wrong coding (which we made before ) or from connections in harnes. I need to solve that problem.
    Second thing that I changed with obd11 is that now I can check refuel quanity.
    Tommorow I'll try to do backup files for each modules.
    Regards Piotr

  7. #1087
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    Quote Originally Posted by DV52 View Post
    Mark: I'm not sure, but I suspect (guess?) that you haven't managed to include the Blinken Hellphase/Dunkelphase commands into your tweak correctly (or at all) and this is why the inner lamps don't blink!

    So, let me invite you to consider the following when designing the Leuchte programming changes for this function:

    First - you need to remember that on both sides of the car, the inner tail lamps on a mk7 (for LED fittings) are connected in parallel (electrically), hence they resemble the 3rd Brake light in that there is only one Leuchte-set controlling both lamps. This means that unlike the "pace-car " example, where the blinking activity in the hazard warning light tweak is activated by using the opposite side blinken command. in this instance, both side blinken commands need to included into the same Leuchte-set

    Second, The activating Leuchte command (i.e. Aktive Blinkfunktion...) that is used for both the pace car and the 3rd Brake light examples needs to be included into the change sequence for this tweak (illuminated to 100%).

    Third - Of course you must have already enabled the Dyn. turn signal modes-Warnblinken_Zuendung_EIN and Dyn. turn signal modes-Warnblinken_Zuendung_AUS adapation channels, but I assume that this has been done because you have implemented my 3rd Brake-light and Pace-cae tweaks.

    So, putting all this together, the instructions using OBD11 for Enabling the Inner Lamps with the Hazard Warning Signal are like this:

    1. Select the Central electrics module module @ address hex09
    2. Select Security access
    3. Enter the magic number 31347
    4. Select Adaptation
    5. Search for rc6 and select Leuchte27NSL RC6
    6. Depending on whether you want to align the blinking of the inner lamps with eith the outer, or inner turn signal, make the changes shown in the screen shots below

    Note: The screenshots above assume that Warnblinken_Zuendung_EIN and Warnblinken_Zuendung_AUS adaptation channels in the Parent-group Dyn. turn signal modes (Central electrics module) have been set to active


    Hi Don,

    Tonight I noticed an issue with the coding.

    When indicating with the rear lights on, the inner red lamps are also blinking at the normal rear light brightness. For some reason I must have not noticed this was happening when I applied the coding, as it was during the day I must not have checked every light switch position possible!

    I have removed the Blinken command from E27 & F27, so now no issues when indicating with the rear lights on. Of course when activating the hazard lights the inner reds luminance to 100%.

    Any other suggestions on how to enable without causing issues when indicating?

    Thanks again for all your coding help and support on this and other sites, much appreciated.

    Drive: Golf GTI 5DR Manual (Non PP) Build Week 48, Delivered 29/12/2016, Pure White, 18" Austin Alloys, Dynaudio, Car-Net App and Voice Control

  8. #1088
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    Quote Originally Posted by Meirk View Post
    Hi Don,

    Tonight I noticed an issue with the coding.

    When indicating with the rear lights on, the inner red lamps are also blinking at the normal rear light brightness. For some reason I must have not noticed this was happening when I applied the coding, as it was during the day I must not have checked every light switch position possible!

    I have removed the Blinken command from E27 & F27, so now no issues when indicating with the rear lights on. Of course when activating the hazard lights the inner reds luminance to 100%.

    Any other suggestions on how to enable without causing issues when indicating?

    Thanks again for all your coding help and support on this and other sites, much appreciated.

    Mark: I'm mortified and very sorry - my only excuse for the obvious error in my advice is a rapidly deteriorating membrane (from old age) and an overfondness of single malt scotch.

    But thank you for your kindness in not pointing-out that I'd forgotten one of the fundamental laws of Leuchte programming: ALWAYS, always consider the matter of priority from the inevitable conflicts whenever Leuchte-sets have more than one lighting function!!

    Anyhow, I've re-designed the tweak the way that it should have been when I first responded to your request! As I said above, the trick is to give the parking light function the highest priority so that it takes precedence whenever the turn signal operates coincident with the parking light.

    Again my apology - it's back to remedial Leuchte programming school for me!!


    PS: I intend to re-write my initial response (the correct way) so as not to confuse others who might read the post in the future - hope this doesn't cause you any problems

    Last edited by DV52; 11-02-2017 at 12:41 PM.
    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

  9. #1089
    Hello Don I tried editing posted by our friend XaGiCo to transform the screen of my Composition Media 6.5 "in Carbon version but unfortunately I can not find the item you select in order to make the change (I'll put screenshot).
    Do you have any other resource in your hat magic to give us to be able to operate the screen carbon style?

  10. #1090
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    Quote Originally Posted by fabbromix View Post
    Hello Don I tried editing posted by our friend XaGiCo to transform the screen of my Composition Media 6.5 "in Carbon version but unfortunately I can not find the item you select in order to make the change (I'll put screenshot).
    Do you have any other resource in your hat magic to give us to be able to operate the screen carbon style?
    fabbromix: There are 5 x versions of the MIB1 units:
    1. Composition Touch
    2. Composition Color
    3. Composition Media
    4. Discover Media
    5. Discover Pro

    Which version do you have?

    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

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