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Thread: VCDS (VAG-COM) codes and programmable options for Golf Mk7

  1. #1041

    Hi Raga can be activated with VCDS DAB radio function, or there is to change hardware clicked down?

  2. #1042
    Quote Originally Posted by DV52
    Fabbromix: Ciao e Benvenuto nel forum

    ho Limitato la mia risposta alla Tua Domanda SPECIFICHE circa il Famoso filo 9 dal manico alla centralina BCM. Ecco lo schema elettrico Lo Lo Lo Lo Lo Lo Lo Uno Che ho sviluppato Qualche tempo fa, il Che mostra provengono i 9 fili Sono collegati Tra Euro-Interruttore (Quello che si chiama "la maniglia") e il BCM.

    Se la Vostra auto non e Stato Montato in fabbrica, con la luce del Sensore (pioggia / umidita), poi il filo mancante sarebbe probabilmente Essere Quello che gestisce la Funzione AUTO. Venite Si Può VEDERE Dalle mie foto, Questo e il Collegamento con PIN 2 # sull'Euro-Interruttore e l'altra estremita del Cavo è collegato al pin # 16 su Socket C sul BCM.

    E 'facile trovare il PIN # 2 sull'Euro-Interruttore, Perché i numeri Codice Codice Codice Codice Codice Codice Codice Codice dei pin di Base Sono Indicati Sulla di di del Connettore. I COLLEGAMENTI BCM Sono mostrati Nella foto qui sotto

    Buona fortuna con il Progetto

    Mi Chiedo se Qualcuno qui Nella Comunità mi CONOSCE aiutare ad Attivare il Sensore pioggia / luce / umidita - 8U0 955 559 B al bene di operare la Manopola luci con posizione "Auto" - 5GG 941 431 D - ha aggiunto da me nel mio MK7 e ho Anche Messo Il Filo in piu Tra l'Interruttore e BCM per la Funzione Auto.

    Ho attivato Tutte QUESTE Opzioni per VCD:

    seleziona una
    09-Cent. Elect.
    5Q0-937-086 AK
    Lungo Coding Helper
    E Set:

    Byte 6: Sensore di Luminosità installato (02) <- OK Attivazione
    Byte 7: Interruttore con ADL installato (FB) <- OK Attivazione

    di chiusura e Il ritorno alla Codifica, SI dovrebbe VEDERE un nuovo Elemento Nella Terza Posizione, o Il Nostro 8U0 955 559 B.
    SCEGLIERE e codificatelo Così:
    Byte 2: Audi A3 (6C)
    da oggi il Sensore e Attivo.
    Purtroppo non vedo this Terzo Elemento Che dovrebbe Attivare il Sensore con la BCM.

    Aggiungo ALCUNE schermate:

    Last edited by fabbromix; 16-01-2017 at 05:29 AM.

  3. #1043
    Join Date
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    Brisbane Qld
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    Quote Originally Posted by NVRENUF View Post
    Hi guys

    I just got a Ross-Tech cable.. Well actually got it for my Audi,
    Though thought i might have a play with my Company car Golf also.

    Though unlike the audi forum i can't find here a document that has all the cool vagcom
    coding listed.

    has anyone got a list of different vagcom codes that can be used that are tried and tested ?


    Hey mate, do you have a link to the Audi vag codes?
    I have an B8 A4 that I would be keen to make some change on

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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  4. #1044
    Join Date
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    Adelaide, SA
    Quote Originally Posted by ferret vrs View Post
    Hey mate, do you have a link to the Audi vag codes?
    I have an B8 A4 that I would be keen to make some change on
    Have a look in the A4 section on There's also loads of info on
    2008 MkV Volkswagen Golf R32 DSG
    2005 MkV Volkswagen Golf 2.0 FSI Auto
    Sold: 2015 8V Audi S3 Sedan Manual
    Sold: 2010 MkVI Volkswagen Golf GTI DSG

  5. #1045
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    Quote Originally Posted by fabbromix View Post
    I wonder if anyone here in the Community I KNOW help Activate the rain / light / humidity sensor - 8U0 955 559 B for good to operate the knob lights with "Auto" position - 5GG 941 431 D - added by me in my MK7 and I Even put the wire in more Among the switch and BCM for the Auto function.

    I activated All THESE Options for VCD:

    select a
    09-Cent. Elect.
    5Q0-937-086 AK
    Long Coding Helper
    And Set:

    Byte 6: Light sensor installed (02) <- OK Activation
    Byte 7: Switch with installed ADL (FB) <- OK Activation

    The closing and return to coding, you should see a new element in the Third Position, or Our 8U0 955 559 B.
    CHOOSE and codificatelo So:
    Byte 2: Audi A3 (6C)
    now the sensor and Active.
    Unfortunately I do not see this Third Element That should activate the sensor with the BCM.
    Fabromix: Thanks for the PM. I had to translate your Italian to English - notwithstanding my Italian heritage, my Italian language skills are hopeless!

    I'm not sure that there much more that I can add. The Rain-light-humidity sensors are a simple LIN bus circuit hanging-off the BCM -so not much to go wrong . Your settings for Byte 6 and Byte 7 look OK, the part number for the RLHS looks OK as well.

    You should probably tell the Air Con controller @ address hex08 that the humidity side of the sensor is installed (Byte9, Bit 2-3 should be hex04) - but this is unlikely to be your problem.

    Are you getting any error messages in the BCM? Have you checked that you are getting +12 Volts on Pin #1 of the RLHS (i.e. from fuse # 8 ) and have you confirmed that Pin #2 is actually earthed? Have you also checked the integrity of the LIN wire from Pin #3 on the RLHS to Pin #28, Socket C on the BCM?

    Last edited by DV52; 17-01-2017 at 06:13 PM.
    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

  6. #1046
    Ciao Don ti ho caricato alcuni screenshot di quello che mi dice il VCD.
    Last edited by fabbromix; 21-01-2017 at 06:37 PM.

  7. #1047
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    Quote Originally Posted by fabbromix View Post
    Hello Don I loaded you some screenshots of what it tells me the VCDS.
    fabbromix: your link is infected with a "severe" form of Trojan virus - I've only now reconfigured my laptop and reinstalled software - damn. I'm normally more careful about opening links, but this time too quick!!! - bummer

    Anyhow -warning to others - DON'T OPEN FABBOMIX'S LINK!!

    Last edited by DV52; 22-01-2017 at 07:15 AM.
    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

  8. #1048
    I apologize ... for what has happened, I guarantee that is just a screenshot folder you from my PC while I was setting with Vag Com.
    As soon as I can put only screnshot.

    I'm sorry...

  9. #1049
    Join Date
    Jan 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by DV52 View Post
    fabbromix: your link is infected with a "severe" form of Trojan virus - I've only now reconfigured my laptop and reinstalled software - damn. I'm normally more careful about opening links, but this time too quick!!! - bummer

    Anyhow -warning to others - DON'T OPEN FABBOMIX'S LINK!!


    Samsung'tan gönderildi...

  10. #1050

    Quote Originally Posted by DV52 View Post
    fabbromix: your link is infected with a "severe" form of Trojan virus - I've only now reconfigured my laptop and reinstalled software - damn. I'm normally more careful about opening links, but this time too quick!!! - bummer

    Anyhow -warning to others - DON'T OPEN FABBOMIX'S LINK!!

    You may want to remove his link from your post.

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