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Thread: VCDS (VAG-COM) codes and programmable options for Golf Mk7

  1. #811
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    Has anyone had any luck getting the development menu working via VCDS? My MIB2 unit just rejects the coding, a quick look around suggests that the VCP goes into a special mode (security access?) and the OBDEleven can just magically do it.

    I'm using the latest VCDS beta.
    Last edited by readerr0r; 19-04-2016 at 08:24 AM.
    MY16 Octavia RS 162 Race Blue Combi

    MY12 Skoda Octavia RS 147 Black Combi - Sold

  2. #812
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    Quote Originally Posted by readerr0r View Post
    Has anyone had any luck getting the development menu working via VCDS? My MIB2 unit just rejects the coding, a quick look around suggests that the VCP goes into a special mode (security access?) and the OBDEleven can just magically do it.

    I'm using the latest VCDS beta.
    readerrr0r: I don't have a MIBII unit, but the security codes for 5F (that I'm aware-of) are 31347 and 20103 (see my VCDS reference thread). If a security code is needed (and I'm almost certain that it is needed for this function), I'm extremely surprised that VCP and OBD11 can by-pass the necessity to enter the code first - for the VW coding boffins to allow access to the development menu in the MIB without a security code seems improbable and highly risky as it allows the user to change the DNA of the control module!

    For the purposes of the security code list in my reference thread, can you confirm that either, or both of these codes work on a MIBII-please? I hope so, because finding new security codes is like finding rocking horse sh#t (very difficult). I used the "login-finder" facility on my VCP cable to search through the 99,999 possible codes on the BCM and after 10.5 hours of force-polling I only got to 67,000 and I gave-up!!

    Last edited by DV52; 19-04-2016 at 10:40 AM.
    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

  3. #813
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    Thanks DV52, sadly neither worked

    20103 was accepted by 5F but setting developer mode gave an out of range error

    31347 was just rejected by the controller

    I'm assuming both VCP and OBDeleven have their own security codes hard baked into the software, though VCP mentions switching to an engineer mode first

    edit: so does OBDeleven
    Last edited by readerr0r; 19-04-2016 at 12:13 PM.
    MY16 Octavia RS 162 Race Blue Combi

    MY12 Skoda Octavia RS 147 Black Combi - Sold

  4. #814
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    Apr 2016
    I have a 2015 S3 and have the exact same behavior as sucnip. Has anyone else been experiencing this? Did anyone find a fix?

  5. #815
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    Quote Originally Posted by onyrd79 View Post
    I have a 2015 S3 and have the exact same behavior as sucnip. Has anyone else been experiencing this? Did anyone find a fix?
    Sorry I was referring to post 229

  6. #816
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    Dear All,

    I would like to ask, somebody know how in VCDS dislabe autotatic hand brake when we have ON auto hold.
    I want to use a auto hold but withaut automat hand brake when for examle I stay on parking.

    and secon question

    Whether it is possible to activ a (OFF ASR - ESP)button ? where? Now I have only backlit button

    Thanks for help

  7. #817
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    Quote Originally Posted by readerr0r View Post
    Thanks DV52, sadly neither worked

    20103 was accepted by 5F but setting developer mode gave an out of range error

    31347 was just rejected by the controller

    I'm assuming both VCP and OBDeleven have their own security codes hard baked into the software, though VCP mentions switching to an engineer mode first

    edit: so does OBDeleven

    Quote Originally Posted by onyrd79 View Post
    I have a 2015 S3 and have the exact same behavior as sucnip. Has anyone else been experiencing this? Did anyone find a fix?
    readerr0r/onyrd: Good news, it seems that the Boffins at RT have been working diligently on the problem (thanks to Drive), here's what Dana (from RT) has reported:

    Hopefully, the next Beta release will have the fix incorporated

    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

  8. #818
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    Hello everyone - thanks for all the work with VCDS so far, it's great having a repository like this. I've borrowed a VCDS cable mainly to enable TMS and change the fake engine sound down, however I was having a play around with the LED indicators and appear to have messed up!

    When I put the indicator to turn left, the left inside and outside LED's indicate in alternate - that's what I wanted, but also the inside right hand side LED strip flashes. When I indicate right, just the outside right hand side LED lights indicate but nothing else. So to me it seems in the right hand inside LED strip are configured wrong, but I can't figure out what I did!

    My settings at the moment are exactly like the new setting here - I've got an MY16 Golf R.

    EDIT - Got it fixed. I should read the instructions better! :/
    Last edited by The 10th Doctor; 24-04-2016 at 01:13 AM.

  9. #819
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    Quote Originally Posted by The 10th Doctor View Post
    Hello everyone - thanks for all the work with VCDS so far, it's great having a repository like this. I've borrowed a VCDS cable mainly to enable TMS and change the fake engine sound down, however I was having a play around with the LED indicators and appear to have messed up!

    When I put the indicator to turn left, the left inside and outside LED's indicate in alternate - that's what I wanted, but also the inside right hand side LED strip flashes. When I indicate right, just the outside right hand side LED lights indicate but nothing else. So to me it seems in the right hand inside LED strip are configured wrong, but I can't figure out what I did!

    My settings at the moment are exactly like the new setting here - I've got an MY16 Golf R.

    EDIT - Got it fixed. I should read the instructions better! :/
    10th Doctor: I Know you got the problem fixed, but I just wanted to say hi to someone from Galllfrey. I knew that if I just waited long-enough the good-doctor would appear (probably just a blink in time for a time-lord)!!

    Let me guess what the problem was - did you get your "links" and "rechts" mixed-up for the right side lamp?

    Good to hear that the tweak worked for you

    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

  10. #820
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    Golf mk7 Security Code discovery - Can you help?

    I recently constructed a purpose-built test-jig that I intend to use to interrogate the control modules on a mk7 in the comfortable environment of my workshop bench (see below). The device is just a way of interfacing a CAN Gateway (PN-5Q0 907 530 E) between the control module under test and a VCDS cable.

    It's really nothing more than a power distribution board and a place to anchor the diagnostic CAN high/low wires. I've also included a T15 (terminal 15) switch on the board to simulate ignition switch-on which is used as a wake-up signal by some control modules. The LEDs are just there to tell me that the power is switched-on and to indicate the state of the T15 switch. All that's needed in addition to the components in the picture is a 12 Volt power supply (less than 1 Amp) and a VCDS cable (oh.. and the module under test- of course).

    Once the device was built, it was an easy matter of stripping all of the original control modules from the installation list on the CAN Gateway (it was second-hand from Germany) and then clearing all of the DTCs to get the very simple, but very unusual auto-scan report below (not many autoscans take only 33 seconds to complete!)

    VCDS -- Windows Based VAG/VAS Emulator Running on Windows 10 x64
    VCDS Version: (x64)
    Data version: 20160325
    VIN:    License Plate: TESTBENCH JIG
    Mileage:    Repair Order: autoscan
    19-CAN Gateway -- Status: OK 0000
    Chassis Type: 5Q0
    Scan: 19
    19-CAN Gateway -- Status: OK 0000
    Address 19: CAN Gateway (J533)       Labels: 5Q0-907-530-V1.clb
       Part No SW: 5Q0 907 530 E    HW: 5Q0 907 530 E
       Component: GW MQB Mid    121 1109  
       Revision: --------    Serial number: 0000073193
       Coding: 010000342B086400EF0006481C0F00000001000000000000000000000000
       Shop #: WSC 01357 011 00200
       ASAM Dataset: EV_GatewLear 006010
       VCID: 3365F3749A38A9A479-FFFE
    No fault code found.
    End-------------------------(Elapsed Time: 00:33)--------------------------
    So why am I telling you this I hear you ask? Well, other than being a real nifty way of finding-out more about how these control modules work (because it's a one-to-one communication's network), the test jig is able (I hope) to discover previously unknown security codes. As many here have found, security codes are essential to do most of the tweaks listed in various forums and in lots of control modules, multiple security codes are used to access specific adaptation channels. At present, VCDS doesn't have a security code discovery facility, but cables like VCP and OBD11 can be used for this function.

    As a test exercise, I hooked-up a VCP cable to my jig, set-up the necessary variables and started the polling process to find the security codes in the CAN Gateway. Because of the simplicity of the test-jig (there are no communications crashes on the CAN bus from competing control modules wanting to get access), the speed of the polling process is increased. I let the process run over-night and in the morning I had my answer. It took 9.5 hours to raw poll 100,000 candidate numbers (security codes are a 5 digit number) all without the involvement of a car or me as the cable user!! It confirmed my belief that there is only one security number in the CAN Gateway (20103)- perhaps not a spectacular finding, but as proof-of-concept, I was delighted with the outcome!

    So here's the pitch- this is a kind-of "crowd sourcing" request, I guess!! My purpose in writing this post is to hear from anyone who has spare control modules for a mk7 (doesn't matter which, and even if you believe that the module is faulty) - particularly if you are located in Melbourne. I want a loan of the module, so that I can interrogate your module for unknown security codes. Security Code polling is a very "safe" process so the risks of damage are infinitesimal (IMO). Any codes found will be posted on my VCDS reference thread for the use of the forum community (with the control module owner's attribution). After I have finished, the module will be returned.

    If you can help, please PM and we can arrange delivery and agree details for returning the module


    PS: My only concern about the success of the venture is the Component Protection facility on key control modules on a mk7. I've discussed this question with Sebastian at RT and his advice is that polling shouldn't be a problem on a test-jig environment - I'm keen to confirm Sebastian's hypothesis!!
    Last edited by DV52; 26-04-2016 at 12:31 AM.
    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

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