Originally Posted by
Hey everyone, just wondering where to purchase everything we need to do these modifications for my MK7 that will arrive in a couple of months.
Also, is this the main forum for MK7 VCDS? Or is there another forum with all the information?
Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
Mike: Congratulations on your new purchase! Your first decision is what level of commitment that you intend to make into the subject matter. Before you spend any money buying diagnostic stuff -an honest decision about this question is the starting point (at least in the short to medium term). If you intend to "dabble", then my suggestion is that you avoid paying a relatively large sum of money for a VCDS cable. IMO, your better option (at the "dabbling" end) is an OBDeleven dongle.
Not sure if you are familiar with OBD11, but it's a Bluetooth connected device that speaks to an andoid tablet/mobile-phone (through a Google App). I wrote-up a small product review on OBD11 which you can read HERE, but I suggest that you search the web for other information (particularly forums like Vortex and Golfmk7 where you can get genuine user comments -rather than marketing stuff). If you go the OBD11 route, most of the tweaks that refer to VCDS cables can be done. OBD11 is a good inexpensive way of introducing yourself to the topic - and you can progress into more expensive equipment at a later time if you get-hooked! Also, if you belong to the "App generation", the look-and-feel of OBD11 will be familiar to you!
Of course the other cable to consider is the more professional (and more expensive) VCDS cable which is made by Ross Tech. Because MQB platform vehicles like the mk7 have CAN bus network topology, the candidate cables are: the older style Micro Hex, or HEX+CAN cables, or you could consider the newer HEX NET device which is a WIFI enabled dongle (it can be used in cable form as well). Basically, it's just a question of how much you are prepared to pay, and what level of functionality you want
Finally, you could consider a VAG CAN PRO (VCP) cable from VAG Tech. It's perhaps the lesser known alternative, but it's nevertheless a very powerful, professional device. IMO, VCP cables have more features than a VCDS cable (like the ability to find security codes and the ability to programme control module software -such as engine module tuning). However, VAG Tech's documentation is non existent, so learning to use the device is more difficult. I think that I just convinced VAG Tech to lift their game where manuals are concerned (my last email says that VAG Tech will make documentation -in English a priority), so I'm hopeful of seeing an improvement soon (couldn't' get any worse!)
Not surprisingly, each cable/dongle has its advantages and disadvantages. One thing to get clear in your mind before you make a purchase is the different cost structures: the cost to buy the device and the ongoing costs for subscription services to use/update the software (VCDS has an advantage here because there are no subscription/update costs).
As to where to go in VWWatecooled, this thread is the general discussion platform about OBDII matters related to the Golf mk7. The convenor for the mk7 part of VWW has kindly allowed me to start a "reference thread" that hopefully contains a library of useful tweaks and related information about this topic which you can find HERE. It was intended for VCDS cable use, but almost all of the stuff there is applicable to any of the three cables
Lastly, DON'T, under any circumstance, consider buying a cheap Chinese knock-off clone cable . These fraudulent cables rip-off the hard won IP that Uwe Ross has put into his cable over many years. IP theft is not a victimless crime and anyone buying a clone cable is just as guilty as the seller - because it's the buyer that creates the market for the stolen IP! Buying one of these clone cables is a simple matter of greed being victorious over what's morally correct. Also, it's almost certain that the clone cable will be sold with obsolete software that won't be fully compatible with the newer generation control modules in a mk7 (trying to update this obsolete software at the Ross Tech site will render the clone cable inoperative). So don't buy a clone cable -please
Last edited by DV52; 18-04-2016 at 07:30 PM.
Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.