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Thread: VCDS (VAG-COM) codes and programmable options for Golf Mk7

  1. #781
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Don, you are correct – its current that is applied to the valve that changes its characteristics. There must be a value for the modes (map) as baseline for a range the valve can work through???? (It might include high and low range values????) It’s this admap value I cannot find at the moment. (You can see it shows 0 as this is what its being told by the controller I assume)

    As the system is semi active it will vary the current depending on a number of variables and just looking at the info being fed to a valve when sitting still is likely to be the same in all modes.

    Ill have some free time this weekend and will see what else I can see and if changing between modes changes any measured values.



  2. #782
    Hi Don,*

    I am just wondering can you give me some help? I am got a keyless Golf GTI My16. However, when the ignition off, the interior light doesn't turn on. This is quite strange compare to my wife tiguan, although she doesn't have the keyless system.
    Do you have any information how to activate the interior light when the car ignition off. If you can give me some helps, there will be appreciated.


    Golf GTI MK7
    Last edited by elastica_junky; 22-03-2016 at 06:39 PM.

  3. #783
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    Quote Originally Posted by elastica_junky View Post
    Hi Don,*

    I am just wondering can you give me some help? I am got a keyless Golf GTI My16. However, when the ignition off, the interior light doesn't turn on. This is quite strange compare to my wife tiguan, although she doesn't have the keyless system.
    Do you have any information how to activate the interior light when the car ignition off. If you can give me some helps, there will be appreciated.
    Golf GTI MK7
    elastic_junky (interesting handle!): Hello. I don't have KESSY on my car, but I understand that your observation regarding the interior light is normal for mk7s with this feature - I have no idea why that is so! If you search other forums, you will find lot's of discussion regarding this odd feature and AFAIK, a fix has not as yet been found.

    Nevertheless, here's some "thought-prompts" that you might want to consider:

    Not sure if you are aware, but all the lighting stuff on MQB platform vehicles happens in the coding/adaptation channels in the Body Control Module (VCDS reports this as "09-Cent. Elect."). If you go to my VCDS reference thread, you will find a BCM compare spread-sheet that contains a number of different admaps for cars with and without KESSY. I've had a quick look and there's nothing that jumps-out as a possible solution to the problem that you have observed. But it might be useful if you download the spread-sheet and have a closer look at the 2,900-ish adaptation channels.

    The other possible (perhaps, more likely) place to find the solution is in the KESSY control module, itself which is reported by VCDS as 05-Acc/StartAuth. As I said, I don't have this module so I'm not sure whether there is a label file yet to enable you to see what the Byte/Bit coding values do for this module. But it may be worth looking through the screen-shots for the long coding helper (if the module has a label file)

    As a further suggestion, I do have an admap for the KESSY control module in my database and the only adaptation channel that even remotely refer's to the car's lighting is:
    (1)-DeveloperCoding: Search lights-ZAT active during clamp 58xt on - default setting is activated

    Not sure if you are aware of DIN 72552 but it defines a list of numbers that relate to the various electrical functions in a car. The designation
    58 in in the range of numbers that refer to lighting although I can not find the meaning of "xt" or "ZAT".

    If you were sufficiently annoyed by the current behaviour of the interior light on your car, you could have a play with this channel. Please be aware that I have never accessed this control module and any changes to this adaptation channel is totally untested (it's a long-shot suggestion, I agree). I understand that the security access code for this module is 20103

    Good luck

    PS: to help others with this problem (and me), please provide feedback of any observations
    Last edited by DV52; 23-03-2016 at 11:10 AM.
    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

  4. #784
    Thanks Don, I will try to play around with that. Hopefully I can figure it out. If there is anything success, I will let you know.
    Thanks again.

    Golf GTI MK7

  5. #785
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    Not sure if your keyless Golf GTI My16 is at all similar to my USA keyless Golf R My16. So forgive me if all the information that I am forwarding here either does not apply to your car or is information that you already know or have tried.

    I assume that your “complaint” is that when you open a door, the interior lights do not come on.

    In my car at what I call the roof center console, toward its front, there are four push button switches flanked by the driver’s side and passenger’s side LED lamps. These switches are sometimes hard to see and/or understand. Be sure that all four switches are pushed in. If you are not sure what the switch position is, press it. Using a flashlight if necessary, you will see that the switch either sits closer or farther from the roof. By pushed in, I mean that the switch should be closer to the roof or, if you will, more flush to the surface of the console. If this makes no sense just push all four so they have the same orientation. And then after checking out the interior lights, push all four again to the opposite orientation and check the interior lights again.

    If no luck, I suppose a fuse could be out or both bulbs burned out, but I would not expect this on a newer car.

    Let me know if you are at all successful.

    Happy lighting.

    Wes Jan

  6. #786
    Hi Wes,

    Thanks for your reply. I appreciate your effort.
    The complaint is about when I press ignition off, the interior light doesn't turn on directly.
    This is quite annoying, because we need to open the door in order to get the light on.
    What am I hoping, we can tweak the vcds as long as engine shutdown by pressing the engine start button, the interior light turns on.

    Anyway, thank you very much Wes Jan.

    Golf GTI MK7

  7. #787
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    ODBII Tweak: DV52-Tails (for incandescent taillight assemblies)

    I recently purchased an OBDEleven device which I used to develop this tweak because of its ability to make multiple adaptation channels on a single screen

    This tweak makes optimal use of the 4 x Banks in the taillight Leuchte-set and it combines the operation of both the outer and inner taillights for incandescent fittings. It's also possible to modify the tweak to cater for LED fittings, but I've not developed the instructions for this use as yet.

    When the tweak is implemented, the outer taillights work in conjunction with the existing orange turn-signals in a counter blinking manner. As well, the outer taillights retain their original functions.

    I've designed the Leuchte settings in the tweak so that when the blinkers and Brake/Parking light operate together, the blinkers take priority (and over-ride the Brake/Parking lights). To ensure that the correct signal is provided at the rear of the car, I added a Brake light function to the inner taillight to compensate for the loss of the outer Brake Light while the turn-signal function is active. This inner taillight also provides a parking light function. When the turn signal isn't used, the outer taillight functions as a Brake, Parking light and single sided Parker in the normal manner.

    The operation of the taillights before and after the tweak is shown in the animated gifs below

    Lastly, I've also included into the tweak a function that switches-on the outer taillights whenever the rear hatch is opened (as a safety feature)

    ODBII Tweak Instructions: DV52-Tails (for incandescent taillight assemblies)

    1. Select 09 - Central Electr control module
    2. Select Security Access - 16 from the "Open Controller" screen
    3. Enter the magic number 31347 and return to the "Open Controller" screen
    4. Select Adaptation - 10 from the "Open Controller" screen
    5. From the pull-down button check that the default settings for the adaptation channels shown in the table below are as indicated in the Original RoW setting column
    6. Only if the default settings are confirmed (in step 5 above), change the four Leuchte channels depicted in the table below to the values in the New RoW Setting column.

    Suggestion: use the new "search" facility on the RT software to find the correct channels

    • This is one of the more complex tweaks because it uses the "Hellphase/Dunkelphase" command in an unusual fashion. In total there are 16 x adaptation channel changes required to implement this tweak.
    • BE CAREFUL SELECTING EACH OF THE ADAPATION CHANNELS AND THE NEW SETTINGS, and double-check that the correct changes are to be made before pressing the Doit! button - please!.
    • If the tweak goes pear-shape, remember that the Codinglog.txt file (which is located in the Ross Tech/Debug subdirectory) is your best friend!!
    • I make no judgement about the compliance (or otherwise) of the lighting arrangement in this tweak with the Australian Design Rules. Anyone contemplating the implementation of this tweak should satisfy themselves in this regard before proceeding

    Last edited by DV52; 25-01-2020 at 03:13 PM.
    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

  8. #788
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    Quote Originally Posted by elastica_junky View Post
    Hi Wes,

    Thanks for your reply. I appreciate your effort.
    The complaint is about when I press ignition off, the interior light doesn't turn on directly.
    This is quite annoying, because we need to open the door in order to get the light on.
    What am I hoping, we can tweak the vcds as long as engine shutdown by pressing the engine start button, the interior light turns on.

    Anyway, thank you very much Wes Jan.

    Golf GTI MK7


    Sorry to not have understood your issue with the cabin lights and thus to have burdened you with all that extraneous information.

    And you are absolutely right. The cabin lights do not automatically turn on when the ignition is turned off.

    My recall is that others have also voiced this “complaint”. And as far as I know, there hasn’t been any workable solution, except to open a door or manually turn on the lights. (With the latter one has to remember to turn off the lights, as well.)

    Wish I could be more helpful here.

    Wes Jan

  9. #789
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Car feels more 'complete' now...

    • Traffic enabled
    • Indicator tap upped to 4 flashes
    • Lock/unlock Chirp enabled & configurable in MIB II

    Thanks to VW Central.
    MY16 MK7 Golf GTI
    - Manual - Sunroof - Folding Mirrors - Lock/Unlock Chirp - 4x Indicator Flash - Traffic - MK7.5 LED Tail Lights with Sweeping Indicators - Dynablink Sweeping mirror LEDs - White LED's on rear rego plate -

  10. #790
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Why do i get this when trying to change the soundaktor?

    VCDS (VAG-COM) codes and programmable options for Golf Mk7-sbs3-jpg

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