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Thread: VCDS (VAG-COM) codes and programmable options for Golf Mk7

  1. #641
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    Chillout: I've been following your progress on the "other" forum with interest (academic only - as I don't have a Discover Pro). I assume that you intend to use a mobile telephone paired via the Bluetooth (rSAP, HFP or A2DP) to the telephone module that is installed inside the Discover Pro (J794) to access GSM and UMTS networks? As for the problem of enabling WLAN - do you have the adaptation channel "WLAN" on your unit and is its setting "ON"?
    If you need an adaptation channel map of Discover Pro with WLAN facility, just ask - I was able to source an Admap from a Japanese mk7 (didn't have the TV fitted). It has the adaptation channel called "WLAN" with the setting "ON"
    PS: just out of interest which Byte/Bit enables Phone NAD in long coding for module 5F?
    Last edited by DV52; 05-01-2016 at 01:56 PM.
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  2. #642
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    Hi DV52,

    Let's cut your post into pieces :
    I assume that you intend to use a mobile telephone paired via the Bluetooth (rSAP, HFP or A2DP) to the telephone module that is installed inside the Discover Pro (J794) to access GSM and UMTS networks?
    Nope, my Discover Pro has no telephone module installed, so I will never be able to truly use rSAP, since the modem itself is missing. Hopefully it can use the phone's internet connection by using bluetooth tethering.
    I currently have 2 goals:
    - Shell access to the Discover Pro so I can access system files/settings (for this, I need it to be a network device, which it is currently. )
    - Turn it into a WLAN Client, so it can go online, despite it not being a Premium-unit with rSAP and/or SIM installed

    As for the problem of enabling WLAN - do you have the adaptation channel "WLAN" on your unit and is its setting "ON"?
    Yes, it was "ON" by default. Switching it off will be my next try.. it might enable me to turn it into a WLAN client (device can be a hotspot ór a client... but not both at the same time).

    Adaption channel information is Always welcome

    PS: just out of interest which Byte/Bit enables Phone NAD in long coding for module 5F?
    uhmmm, dumbass me... I didn't write it down yesterday, and I'm at work at the moment. I'll post here again as soon as I know what it is. Might be a good addition to the VCDS Howto topic, because this setting enabled WLAN Hotspot in the device.

  3. #643
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chillout View Post
    Nope, my Discover Pro has no telephone module installed

    Quote Originally Posted by Chillout View Post
    Adaption channel information is Always welcome
    Admap_5F Japan

    Quote Originally Posted by Chillout View Post
    I'll post here again as soon as I know what it is. Might be a good addition to the VCDS Howto topic, because this setting enabled WLAN Hotspot in the device.
    Thanks in advance
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  4. #644
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    Quote Originally Posted by DV52 View Post

    And that information is incorrect... the wlan functionality is on the same chip as the bluetooth chip.
    The module marked in your drawing is merely a phone-module.
    VCDS (VAG-COM) codes and programmable options for Golf Mk7-audi_mib_high_-8v0035021_-_mib_processing_unit-_infotainment_-isi-_-_disassembly_view_1-jpg

  5. #645
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chillout View Post
    And that information is incorrect... the wlan functionality is on the same chip as the bluetooth chip.
    The module marked in your drawing is merely a phone-module.
    Chillout: thanks for the clarification. I've clearly got it wrong - not unusual for me!

    I did check a number of VW's documents before posting and they all said (or at least, strongly intimated) that WiFi capabilities for the Discover Pro were integrated into the telephony module (cellular Interface module #266.1 in your drawing). But I don't doubt your advice as I know that you have been closely looking at the unit.
    Cheers and keep up the good work

    PS: If you get the chance, have a look at the following VW documents that show something like this:

    SSP # 546 -The Passat 2015, Page 15
    SSP # 521 The Golf GTI GTD 2013, Page 41
    SSP # 519 The infotainment System in the Golf 2013 Part II, Page 15
    Last edited by DV52; 05-01-2016 at 06:37 PM.
    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

  6. #646
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    thanks, I will certainly do that

    While taking the Discover Pro apart a few weeks ago, I googled a lot of the chips I found on the boards. One of them turned out to be a WLAN/Bluetooth controller. After doing some research yesterday, I found a Discover Pro manual that said:

    Internet access via
    With this method, the internet connection is
    provided not by the infotainment system
    itself but, for example, by a WLAN hotspot
    linked to your mobile phone. Your phone in
    this case functions as a modem and the
    infotainment system is the “client”. **

    So it should be possible to put it in "client" mode in some way... Although my DP isn't showing any hotspot searching stuff yet.

    Now that I think of it... I can totally imagine Volkswagen would misinform us about the exact internals of the device. The Premium device is quite a lot more expensive, while the only difference would be this GSM/LTE module and the sim-slot. Telling the customers they need to pay $500 for just this would be insane, but I guess it would be justified if they told them: hey but you'll get all kinds of cool stuff like WLAN hotspot! They did this before, selling a "light & sight package" for €250, which wasn't anything more than a different coding of the control modules (enabling CH/LH, comfort blink, etc). Marketing&sales..
    Last edited by Chillout; 05-01-2016 at 07:19 PM.

  7. #647
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    Hey Don, do you know if it's possible to change the activation speed of Emergency Stop Signal?

    I believe it currently activates at 90km/h +

    I would like to set it lower if possible?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Golf MK7 103TSI Highline Wagon | Limestone Grey | DAP2
    Golf MK7 110TDI Highline Hatchback | Tungsten Silver | DAP

  8. #648
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    Quote Originally Posted by agentthumb View Post
    Hey Don, do you know if it's possible to change the activation speed of Emergency Stop Signal?

    I believe it currently activates at 90km/h +

    I would like to set it lower if possible?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Agentthumb: I'm not sure if the activation speed of the accelerometer for the Emergency stop signal can be changed- Happy to be proven wrong! I think the adaptation channel for this function is:

    (1)-Assistance light functions-Notbremsanzeige NBA : translation (1) -Assistance light Functions- emergency braking indicator NBA
    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

  9. #649
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    Quote Originally Posted by DV52 View Post
    Agentthumb: I'm not sure if the activation speed of the accelerometer for the Emergency stop signal can be changed- Happy to be proven wrong! I think the adaptation channel for this function is:

    (1)-Assistance light functions-Notbremsanzeige NBA : translation (1) -Assistance light Functions- emergency braking indicator NBA
    Thanks Don. Looks like you can only toggle it on and off. Weird how VW has calibrated their system to activate only at such high speeds. Volvo, BMW and Mercedes all have theirs coming on at minimum speed between 30-60 km/h
    Golf MK7 103TSI Highline Wagon | Limestone Grey | DAP2
    Golf MK7 110TDI Highline Hatchback | Tungsten Silver | DAP

  10. #650



    Very Very Thanks @Chillout

    Enabled WLAN access point

    But it leaves an error!

    Example App DNL UPnP Apple:

    Example App DNL UPnP Android:

    Regards and Good Day!
    Last edited by XaGiCo; 09-01-2016 at 09:06 AM.

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