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Thread: VCDS (VAG-COM) codes and programmable options for Golf Mk7

  1. #531
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    Hi Don, this did not come from factory. I have done this coding after so many hours reading your leuchte programming bible in the tweak thread. I am so thankful to your contribution. VCDS (VAG-COM) codes and programmable options for Golf Mk7
    2015 Limestone grey Golf 103TSI Highline with Luxury pack and Driver Assistance Pack II
    2012 Pantom Black Audi Q5 3.0 TDI with B&O sound system

  2. #532
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    Quote Originally Posted by MRG_AU View Post
    Hi Don, this did not come from factory. I have done this coding after so many hours reading your leuchte programming bible in the tweak thread. I am so thankful to your contribution. VCDS (VAG-COM) codes and programmable options for Golf Mk7
    MRG_AU: I've just re-formatted and updated my Leuchte programming paper. Hopefully it's easier to read now!
    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

  3. #533
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    Hi Guys, i'm new to this forum (and from the Netherlands) and i am searching for weeks now for the right coding, but i was not able to find it. Maybe someone here knows the coding or is willing to help me find it out?? The three things i would really like are;

    1] When the (OEM) alarm goes off, the blinkers & siren go on. But i also want my front (DRL) & tail light to go on. Is this possible?

    2] The (OEM) alarm goes off bij Siren, but is it also possible tot activate siren AND horn? I found some coding for that but that didn't work The code was :
    1) open 9 Cent. Elect.
    2) Adaptation
    3) Select channel (7)-Anti-theft device-Akustischer Alarm Signalhorn
    4) Set it to Active.

    3] Is it possible, when locking the car (by remote) de windows close automatically? Just by 1 push (and not holding the close button)?

    I know, it is al lot for a new member, but iff someone knows it, it must be here

    Hope reading from you guys!

  4. #534
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    Quote Originally Posted by jeffreyt View Post
    Hi Guys, i'm new to this forum (and from the Netherlands) and i am searching for weeks now for the right coding, but i was not able to find it. Maybe someone here knows the coding or is willing to help me find it out?? The three things i would really like are;

    1] When the (OEM) alarm goes off, the blinkers & siren go on. But i also want my front (DRL) & tail light to go on. Is this possible?

    2] The (OEM) alarm goes off bij Siren, but is it also possible tot activate siren AND horn? I found some coding for that but that didn't work The code was :
    1) open 9 Cent. Elect.
    2) Adaptation
    3) Select channel (7)-Anti-theft device-Akustischer Alarm Signalhorn
    4) Set it to Active.

    3] Is it possible, when locking the car (by remote) de windows close automatically? Just by 1 push (and not holding the close button)?

    I know, it is al lot for a new member, but iff someone knows it, it must be here

    Hope reading from you guys!
    Jeffery: Heelo en welkom op het forum!

    Not sure about any of the items that you have raised in your post (I hope that other, much more experienced folk here can help), but with regard to the DRL/rear tail lights, have you considered experimenting with the Aktive Blinkfunktion hat ein auf 1 gesetztes zugeordnetes Bit in pa_dynamisch_blinken setting in any spare alpha channels in the following Leuchte-sets?
    • Left DRL: Leuchte4TFL LB4
    • Right DRL: Leuchte5 TFL RB32
    • Left outer Tail-light: Leuchte20BR LA71
    • Right outer Tail-light:Leuchte21BR RC8

    In English, Google translates this setting to
    Active flashing function set to 1 bit associated in pa_ dynamic_flash
    . I've never played with this setting, but my understanding is that it operates in conjunction with whatever Dynamic Flash mode that is selected in the BCM. To establish the link between the car's anti-theft alarm (DWA) and a Dynamic Flash mode, you might need to first set the adaptation channel (7)-Dyn. turn signal modes-DWA_Alarm_Blinken to active in the BCM.

    As I have already said, my suggestions are untested (I don't have an anti-theft alarm on my mk7), so they are provided with all care, but with no implementation experience.

    Tot ziens en ik hoop dat iemand anders antwoord op uw andere vragen
    Last edited by DV52; 31-08-2015 at 05:59 PM.
    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

  5. #535
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    Hi Don, Thanks for your suggestion. I will check these settings and come back to you! And yes, hopefully some else knows the other tweaks or is also willing tot test your suggestion!

  6. #536
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    Hi Don,

    today i checked, but i was not sure about some things. Let me (try to) explain;

    I go to central electronics, security code 31347, adaption;

    1) set dynamic turn signal modes DWA alarm blinken to ACTIVE. (Is this te basic setting to connect the car lights to the Alarm?)
    2) set leuchte 4, 5, 20, 21 (dicribed above) to? Active?

    What do you exactly mean with: active flashing function set to 1 bit........ Is that a dropdown channel somewhere?

    Hopefully someone else here is also wiling to help find this out?

  7. #537
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    Quote Originally Posted by jeffreyt View Post
    Hi Don,

    today i checked, but i was not sure about some things. Let me (try to) explain;

    I go to central electronics, security code 31347, adaption;

    1) set dynamic turn signal modes DWA alarm blinken to ACTIVE. (Is this te basic setting to connect the car lights to the Alarm?)
    2) set leuchte 4, 5, 20, 21 (dicribed above) to? Active?

    What do you exactly mean with: active flashing function set to 1 bit........ Is that a dropdown channel somewhere?

    Hopefully someone else here is also willing to help find this out?
    Jeffery: Hi-good to hear from you again.
    As I said in my first reply, my suggestions are intended for you to experiment. They are entirely untested and just a guess really, based on my (very) limited knowledge of Leuchte programming - my apology for not providing a more reassuring response. But, I've noticed of late that there is a growing understanding of these mysterious Leuchte channel sets on this, and other forums and my fellow colleagues here might be able to provide additional help!

    Anyhow, whilst I certainly don't mean to offend, the nature of your questions suggests that it might be prudent for you to first read-up on how VW control the mk7's external lights. As an initial step in your "process of experimentation", may I (respectfully) invite you to first troll the web for "Leuchte channel" information. More and more data is appearing now on this topic and I suspect that a basic grounding in this aspect of the "dark-arts" of VW's programming language for the BCM on your car may be useful in answering your questions (again, no offense intended).

    As an initial step in your "journey of discovery" you might consider reading THIS. You will find the setting "active flashing set to bit 1..." in the table on page 10, ID #64.

    PS: If you PM your email details, we can talk further
    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

  8. #538
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    Security code 20103 doesn't work for my instrument cluster on my my16 any ideas of alternatives?

    Quote Originally Posted by DV52 View Post
    Dennis: Hello and thanks for the post (and, thanks also for the kind words).

    I'm always learning new stuff about the mk7 models - I wasn't aware that the 90TSI had the "X" settings that you describe in your post. Not sure why this happens (perhaps VW use a different type of photo-transistor in the 90TSI instrument cluster) but it just means that the response characteristics of the photo-transistor is different for the mid value light levels X3 & X4 in your car (I think).

    Here is the portion of the autoscan from my 103TSI showing the instrument cluster details. Are these the same as yours?
    Address 17: Instruments (J285) Labels: 5G0-920-XXX-17.clb
    Part No SW: 5G0 920 860 HW: 5G0 920 860
    Component: KOMBI 235 0555

    In any event, whilst I don't believe that the different settings are a problem, I have re-jigged the settings in my original table to reflect the dimming curve in your car. For reference, I have also included my original table (for other folk that might be reading this reply). Please use the settings appropriate for your car to ensure the tweak delivers the original VW factory response profile.

    Hmmm............. this is puzzling!! You appear to be using the correct arrangement of numbers. I mentioned in my paper that I also had occasional problems during my experimentation phase when changing settings in these adaptation channels. I found that the most important part of the tweak was ensuring that the security code is accepted (first time). If this didn't happen, I found that the rest of the tweak invariably went pear-shaped!
    1. Make sure that you are using the latest software
    2. IF the security code isn't accepted, wait a while before trying again (the cable will give you a message about how long to wait - can't remember the time)
    3. Try changing the X values in reverse order (i.e. start with X5 and work-down)


    PS: congratulations on the new car and welcome to the 2nd-best VW forum on the web (I haven't yet found the best VW forum)!
    Last edited by Bizmo; 05-09-2015 at 02:57 AM.

  9. #539
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bizmo View Post
    Security code 20103 doesn't work for my instrument cluster on my my16 any ideas of alternatives?
    Bizmo: Hi and welcome to the forum- how is your (late) summer way up there in the extreme north?

    I'm almost certain (can't be 100% sure of anything when it concerns any of VW's control modules) that 20103 is the correct security code- but yours is the first MY16 model that I've heard-of with this problem. As I said in my instructions, I also had the occasional difficulty getting the control module to accept this security code on my MY13 car when I was developing the tweak. But with perseverance, I eventually got access. Please be aware that the control module might lock-out for a period of time if an unsuccessful attempt is made.

    When I was experimenting with this tweak, I found that the best way of getting the module to accept the security code was to have the motor running before opening the control module and to be EXTREMELY careful in entering the number.

    I also found that if I made an error (and I did make many of these), it was prudent to just go-away and have a glass (or two) of scotch before trying again! Hmm.... maybe that's why I made so many errors!

    Anyhow, if you can't resolve the problem, please provide a copy of the portion of your auto-scan report for the instrument control module. This will allow those reading your post to see the hardware/software details of the device on your new car


    PS: Out of interest - which of the two dimming curves in my table above is used on a MY16 mk7? Or, does your car use an entirely different dimming curve? If so, I'd welcome details of the default settings for the five "X" values on your car
    Last edited by DV52; 05-09-2015 at 09:51 AM.
    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

  10. #540
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    Quote Originally Posted by DV52 View Post
    Bizmo: Hi and welcome to the forum- how is your (late) summer way up there in the extreme north?

    I'm almost certain (can't be 100% sure of anything when it concerns any of VW's control modules) that 20103 is the correct security code- but yours is the first MY16 model that I've heard-of with this problem. As I said in my instructions, I also had the occasional difficulty getting the control module to accept this security code on my MY13 car when I was developing the tweak. But with perseverance, I eventually got access. Please be aware that the control module might lock-out for a period of time if an unsuccessful attempt is made.

    When I was experimenting with this tweak, I found that the best way of getting the module to accept the security code was to have the motor running before opening the control module and to be EXTREMELY careful in entering the number.

    I also found that if I made an error (and I did make many of these), it was prudent to just go-away and have a glass (or two) of scotch before trying again! Hmm.... maybe that's why I made so many errors!

    Anyhow, if you can't resolve the problem, please provide a copy of the portion of your auto-scan report for the instrument control module. This will allow those reading your post to see the hardware/software details of the device on your new car


    PS: Out of interest - which of the two dimming curves in my table above is used on a MY16 mk7? Or, does your car use an entirely different dimming curve? If so, I'd welcome details of the default settings for the five "X" values on your car?
    Thanks for the reply, late summer is pretty good, still a bit warm and heading into autumn!

    tried this a number of ways including with the ignition on and off but no luck, this is the error I get....

    I have posted a full scan of the car below (in a second post!) and FYI the default settings for the dimming are the same as for your MY13 car
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails VCDS (VAG-COM) codes and programmable options for Golf Mk7-untitled-jpg  
    Last edited by Bizmo; 08-09-2015 at 03:47 AM.

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