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Thread: VCDS (VAG-COM) codes and programmable options for Golf Mk7

  1. #461
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    03 - 25004 for Brake Booster adaptation
    if u need more logins for 03 block, tell me what u want change in adaptations, coz for each option own login
    sry for bad english xD

  2. #462
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    Quote Originally Posted by zloybob View Post
    03 - 25004 for Brake Booster adaptation
    if u need more logins for 03 block, tell me what u want change in adaptations, coz for each option own login
    sry for bad english xD
    Zloybob: Thanks for the reply -very good information as usual. I'm not trying to change a particular adaptation channel, I'm just trying to put together a complete list of security codes as a reference source of any one that visits here.

    PS: no need to apologise for your English -it's much better than my Russian!
    Last edited by DV52; 17-05-2015 at 10:35 AM.
    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

  3. #463
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    zloybob - thanks for this! if I may, what's the security option for:

    Hydraulic Brake Assistant
    Hydraulic Brake Booster

    i'm trying to sort out which of the ABS options affect pedal feel, at my own (grave personal?) risk - thanks in advance!


  4. #464
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    interesting conundrum, hoping for some insights

    i have a ’15 GTI SE and have installed a P3Cars gauge, wired into the autodim switch and set up to dim when the headlights come on. as an aside, it took me a while to figure out the right wire coming off the headlight switch harness to wire up for the autodim to work - on my North American 15 GTI this is the solid gray wire.

    all was working as expected and designed UNTIL i decided to change the daytime running lights behaviour via VCDS…and herein lies my question.

    9 - Central Electronics > (6)-Daytime running lights-Tagfahrlicht-Dauerfahrlicht aktiviert zusaetzlich Standlicht > set to ACTIVE turns on the parking lights in the rear when the DRL’s are on. this works as advertised, but also dims the P3Cars gauge. arg!

    It appears that the following options might have something to do with this:

    17 - Instruments > (1)-Illumination_algorithm-Scale_switching_algorithm > parking_light seems MAY be contributory to controlling dash instrument lighting. changes to this have no affect on dash instrument lighting regardless of parking light illumination. options here are "not intalled, parking_lights, lds, and not active". as stated, it doesn't appear to affect dimming state, though, and i can find zero documentation on-line - any ideas what "lds" might be? am i barking up the wrong proverbial here?

    is there a way (without regrouping all the parking lights into a different lighting group, say "10 allgemeine Scheinwerfer" (general headlights) wherever they’re found, which may or may not have the desired effect?) to run the rear parking lights WITHOUT dimming the instruments and hence the gauge?

    what i'm after is a way to run the rear halogen tails' parking lights with daylight running lights in auto WITHOUT dimming the dash? while your insights into the instrument lights are fantastic, i don't think a change here to the dimming profile or affecting VCDS coding changes to the photosensor are the answer, it's more a no/no-go for the dash lights with the parking lights - they seem linked.

    i hope i'm making sense.

    the resources here are INVALUABLE, i’ve read all your papers Don, googled, poured over the VCDS output form my car, had a German friend translate, tried everything i could think of (so yes, n00b did search!), but it’s not jumping out at me immediately, so i figured id’ ask if you had any insight here.

    thanks much in advance,

    Last edited by greatoz; 21-05-2015 at 02:21 PM.

  5. #465
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    greatoz: First, many thanks for your kind and generous words - I consider much of the stuff in my papers to be fairly arcane, so I'm pleased to hear that they have been of use!

    OK, now to the content of your post: I'm have not used the daytime running light tweak that you have implemented (I believe that it's called the "Scandinavian" arrangement), but I have spent time trying to understand how the rotary light switch (Euro-switch) on a mk7 works.

    Here's a copy of how I believe that the euro-switch on a mk7 is wired:

    The tricky bit about a euro-switch (IMO) is the fog-light. There is only one wire on the device to initiate both the front and rear fog lights! When I pulled my switch apart, I found that there was an imbedded IC (integrated circuit) connected to PIN 5. This IC was clearly the "smarts" that the BCM needs to determine which set of fogs to illuminate. When I put a CRO (Cathode Ray Oscilloscope) onto PIN 5, I found that there was a form of PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) happening! Not sure why this level of complication is necessary when a simple second wire would have sufficed - go figure!!

    Anyhow, this is all an aside to confirming that the solid grey wire from pin 10 of the euro-switch is indeed the trigger wire to illuminate your new gauge when the instrument cluster is lit-up.

    As for your observation that the Scandinavian arrangement dims the gauge lighting, there's not much that I can add - sorry. BUT you might want to consider the following two suggestions:

    Suggestion 1. This is a long-shot, but recently I wrote-up tweak instructions that illuminated the instrument cluster during daylight hours. You could try implementing my tweak (click HERE) in the hope that it consequentially modulates the signal trace on PIN 10 on the euro-switch. I've implemented this tweak and it has had the affect of intensifying the illumination of other devices in the cabin during daylight hours (like the infotainment screen). If you look at the direction of the internal diode in picture above, it suggests that the BCM sends a voltage signal to the lamps within the euro-switch (i.e. the BCM provides the forward bias for the diode). Again, a long shot and I'm not sure if this option will work - but it might be worth a try!

    Suggestion 2. if suggestion 1 doesn't work, a more plausible alternative solution is to turn-off the Scandinavian light tweak that you have implemented and to have the tail-lights perform the same function via "Leuchte programming". Now, I've not made the changes that I'm about to suggest, but you will doubtless be aware that it's possible to program any of the external lights on a mk7 using this process.

    As you know, our cars down here don't have the steering wheel on the wrong side and our tail-lights here have separate lamps for the turn indicators (albeit, our ADRs are no better than your DOT rules). But, my assumption is that the parking light function (and therefore the lamps that will perform the rear DRLs function) on your car are the two inner tail-lights. If so, then the Leuchte channel sets of interest will be:
    • Leuchte23SL HLC10 - Left tail-light (inner)
    • Leuchte24SL HRA65 - Right tail-light (inner)

    Fortunately, I have a 15 GTI SE 6MT model (NAR) in my database and the default settings for the two Leuchte channel sets that I have listed are:

    If your car has the same default settings, then I suggest that you delete the Scandinavian setting and that you make the changes that I have shown in the table. To explain my notation for the "Dimmwert" channel, I'm not sure how bright you want the rear DRL function. If you want them to be fully illuminated, then use 100, else reduce this value as desired.

    Please note that both these suggestions are untested
    Good luck

    PS: If the default settings on your tail-lights are not as I have listed in the table (or if you want to use the outer pair), please provide a listing of the values in your car for the Leuchte Channel sets ( the outer tail-lights are: Leuchte20BR LA71 - left, and Leuchte21BR RC8 - right). I will work-out a new set of tweak instructions
    Last edited by DV52; 21-05-2015 at 05:14 PM.
    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

  6. #466
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    Don -

    thanks much for the immediate and hyper-detailed response - you have grasped what i struggled to express and we're on the same page with regards to goals. this is the "Scandinavian" setting. drivers in America, especially California, are complete lackwits and anything to facilitate being seen is, IMO, better. i also tweaked the brakes to flash in panic braking, and while i haven't had a chance to test it, i hope it'll save me getting rear ended. i need to get a GoPro feed into my laptop and test, or put the wife behind the wheel, tell her to hammer it and do her best to lock 'em up at 100Kph.

    anyhow. you categorize your documentation as arcane - perhaps so, but if one were to adopt an earlier definition of arcane then the weapons-grade wizard knowledge is very helpful indeed! the OCD-level of reverse engineering going on here is the reason i registered for this forum, i'm glad to have your enthusiasm as a resource. i also poke and prod and pull apart until i get it to the lowest levels.

    also thanks for the harness diagram, and unsurprised about pin5 PWM on your scope. perhaps VAG did this so that they can use the MQB platform with different IC's in light switches for different markets versus a harness change. an IC IC change in a switch with a mix/match/swap to meet demand strategy may be cheaper than different harnesses for different markets? chips are cheap, cheap as chips, i dunno, struggling for an analogy here. just my $0.02...

    before i get accused of being touchy-feely or appearing sycophantic, your suggestions make sense. i've got my own database (well, excel really) and have posted one of my tails for your review.

    that said, i've already re-coded my tails, implementing a modification of your settings detailed in VCDS (VAG-COM) codes and programmable options for Golf Mk7. my tweak has all four lights blinking on turn signaling but they don't go completely out on the dark phase of a turn signal blink, they stay on for the cycle at 28 versus 0.

    here's ONE light with obvious data points - stock, current, your suggestion and my response.

    of note is that all four rear tails are set the same way.

    the column to the far right is a proposed mod to your suggestions, as they're promulgated they'd step on my current settings.

    i THINK that each light has 4 possible operational phases, and they are activated in descending order, AB first, then CD, EF and finally GH. if i change the GH link function from not active to daytime running lights, it may produce the desired effect. please feel free to correct any misconceptions. am i correct in my understanding of the way the functions link, cascade and drive groups of lights?

    if my thinkig is correct, then lights that function together (the halogen tails and the third brake light) can be coded with the same link functions to work concurrently.

    in other words, if i make this change:

    then the third tail would light up as a parking light with my current settings. if this is correct it facilitates my own understanding of how all these lights interoperate AND makes future tweaking less of a brain strain for me...

    again, hope this makes sense, and i appreciate your time and efforts!

    if this doesn't work as hoped, then i'm going to dig into your instrument cluster dimming curves. that's a WHOLE lotta squeeze for only a little juice - hoping this route works!


    Last edited by greatoz; 22-05-2015 at 05:05 PM.

  7. #467
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    great0z: New information:

    1. Your tails have been modified!
    2. Your inner tail lights use a similar set-up as suggested by JBale (of VWVortex fame)
    3. The priority sequence of what I have called the "Alpha-pairs" in my paper needs further explanation (I think)

    Response as follows:
    Point (1) - Doesn't matter, but my previous suggestions don't apply!

    Point (2) - I have to admit that I have never really understood the basis for JBale's tweak (no offense intended to Jeremy- he is a quite brilliant and very knowledgeable guy). The problem I have with the set-up is to do with the way that the AB alpha-pair is programmed. Your set-up assigns both the brake-light and the indicator function to the same alpha-pair. Here's my dilemma with this set-up; how does the car decide when resolving the conflict where both the brake and the indicator functions are energised at the same time? You might be aware that your compatriots with NAR models that have tried this configuration have complained of a delay in the operation of the inner tails compared with the outer lights. My personal hypothesis (which is totally speculative and entirely unproven) is that it's this intra-alpha pair conflict that causes this delay. But, clearly your set-up does work, so my concern is just of academic interest, rather than being a practical issue. Incidentally, if you have any information regarding tie-breaking rules for Leuchte channels within an alpha-pair, I'm all ears!!

    Point (3) - I'm not sure how to say this tactfully, so I won't try! The work that I have done on Leuchte programming suggests that the priority sequence for the alpha-pairs is: Priority = GH> EF>CD>AB (i.e. the highest priority alpha-pair is GH and the lowest priority is AB). Based on my observation of how alpha-pairs interact and looking at your table, the priority of the three functions on your inner tails are: Parkers-first, followed by indicators and brake light (same priority) - but I don't think that this is what you wanted! In fact, I suspect that the order of functions in your set-up might help explain why your blinkers don't completely extinguish but instead, take-on the illumination level of the parkers (i.e. the parkers have the higher priority),

    Finally, now that I know how your inner tail lights have been programmed, let me invite you to think about how you want the DRLs to integrate into the Indicator-Brake-Parker functions. By definition, the DRLs are (normally) fully illuminated whenever the rotary light switch is in the off position. This means (I think) that the inner tail lights (when used as DRLs) will be fully illuminated during daylight hours. More importantly, this also means that there will be no difference in the illumination of the inner tails when the brake lights are energised (during daylight hours) - is this what you want? Also, the placement of the DRL function in the priority order of the alpha-pairs will be important, else this function will override/conflict-with the indicators. For this reason, I think that it might be prudent to place the Brake and DRL functions into the same alpha pair (this is also handy because they also share the same illumination level) and to give this pair a lower priority to the indicator function. I also believe that the Parkers should have the lowest priority.

    So, based on these accumulated suggestions, my proposal for the four lighting functions for the inner tails on you car is:
    Alpha pair AB - Parker set to 28% illumination
    Alpha pair CD -Brake and DRLs set to 100% illumination (only noticeable difference between functions during night time when light switch NOT in off position)
    Alpha pair EF- Dunkelphase
    Alpha pair GH- Indicator (Hellphase)

    PS: because of the same priority matters as discussed above you might want to also consider swapping the brake and parker functions in your 3rd brake-light table. Suggested pairings:
    Alpha pair AB - Parker set to 28% illumination
    Alpha pair CD, or EF, or GH - Brake set to 100 % illumination
    Last edited by DV52; 24-05-2015 at 09:51 AM.
    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

  8. #468
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    Quote Originally Posted by greatoz View Post
    zloybob - thanks for this! if I may, what's the security option for:

    Hydraulic Brake Assistant
    Hydraulic Brake Booster

    i'm trying to sort out which of the ABS options affect pedal feel, at my own (grave personal?) risk - thanks in advance!

    try one of these

  9. #469
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    Quote Originally Posted by zloybob View Post
    try one of these
    Zloybob:I know that your reply was intended for greatoz, but the additional information is greatly appreciated for my reference list. Many thanks for your generosity!
    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

  10. #470
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    Hello, is possible coding checkbox(X) for "Switch off screen (after 10 seconds)"?? I mean that permanent tick this check box... thanks

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