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Thread: VCDS (VAG-COM) codes and programmable options for Golf Mk7

  1. #341
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Good point!

    Might just go vanilla
    CR Audi RS3
    PW Golf 7 GTI

  2. #342
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    Quote Originally Posted by TJG View Post
    Think this might be for US where they can use brake lights also as indicators. Looks like this might blink your brake/tail lights with your indicators. Not really sure though.
    TJG: The tweak instructions were originally developed by Jeremy Bale (handle "JBale") on VWVortex site in September last year. JBale has a NAR model mk7. Here's the link to JBale's post which contains a graphic together with a video of what the tweak - VAGCOM - What is this and how do I do it? (new to VW)
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  3. #343
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    Quote Originally Posted by TJG View Post
    Think this might be for US where they can use brake lights also as indicators. Looks like this might blink your brake/tail lights with your indicators. Not really sure though.
    TJG: The tweak instructions were originally developed by Jeremy Bale (handle "JBale") on VWVortex site in September last year. JBale has a NAR model mk7. Here's the link to JBale's post which contains a graphic together with a video of what the tweak does - VAGCOM - What is this and how do I do it? (new to VW)
    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

  4. #344
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    Quote Originally Posted by DV52 View Post
    TJG: The tweak instructions were originally developed by Jeremy Bale (handle "JBale") on VWVortex site in September last year. JBale has a NAR model mk7. Here's the link to JBale's post which contains a graphic together with a video of what the tweak does - VAGCOM - What is this and how do I do it? (new to VW)
    Thanks DV52

    Blinks brake/tail lights including inners with/as indicators for US.

    Would I be correct in assuming from the graphic that the US models do not actually have amber indicators integrated into their light clusters and they rely completely on the flashing of the brake/tail light ?

  5. #345
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    Quote Originally Posted by TJG View Post
    Thanks DV52

    Blinks brake/tail lights including inners with/as indicators for US.

    Would I be correct in assuming from the graphic that the US models do not actually have amber indicators integrated into their light clusters and they rely completely on the flashing of the brake/tail light ?

    TJG: Yes, that's my understanding although I have to say that I find the DOT rules in the US to be unfathomable (not that our own ADRs are any easier to read)!.

    I also understand that the NAR model mk7 also have "side marker" lights which also flash as a turn indicator (I think DOT allows these to be either synchronous, or asynchronous with the tail-light turn signal)
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  6. #346
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    Lock/unlock acknowledgement- without Alarm Siren

    Until now, it has been generally accepted that a mk7 Golf required an anti-theft siren to be installed to enable an acoustic acknowledgement when the car is opened/closed using the key-fob.

    Some, like me may have unsuccessfully attempted the VCDS tweak on the site entitled Activation of the horn acknowledgment at DWA + when locking and unlocking the vehicle. My understanding is that an alarm siren is needed to make this tweak work.

    The tweak above was one of the first that I tried when I got my cable and I have been searching for a way of using the car's horn as a substitute for the anti-theft siren since those early unsuccessful attempts. The task was not made any easier by the cryptic nomenclature in VW's descriptors for their adaptation channels and by the fact that the BCM is still mostly in German in Ross Tech's label file for this control module. Anyway, fortuitously in the intervening time VW released the mk7 in USA and after comparing the BCM admap on a few NAR model vehicles with my car, the answer to my search became abundantly clear!

    I acknowledge the contribution of my forum colleagues on VWVortex who generously sent me the admaps from their NAR cars for this tweak - and thank you also Mr VW America!

    The following instructions will allow your mk7 to sound a short "beep" whenever the car is locked and/or two short "beeps" when the car is unlocked (using the key-fob) without the need for an anti-theft siren. This VCDS tweak uses the car's native horn as the acoustic medium.

    I've tried this tweak and I can confirm that it works for my 103TSI.

    VCDS Tweak - Lock/Unlock acknowledgement without Anti-theft siren installed
    1. From the main screen select 09-Cent. Elect
    2. When the BMC screen opens, select Security Access-16
    3. Enter the magic number 31347
    4. When the main BCM screen returns, select Adaptation-10
    5. Change the settings in adaptation channels shown in theTables below to the "New Setting" (without exiting the Adaptation screen). Remember to press the Add Log button after each channel change to record the amendment made:

    In-car setup procedure

    After making the changes in the tables above:
    1. Press the CAR button on the RHS of the Discover-media head.
    2. Press set-up panel on the bottom RHS of the next screen
    3. Select Opening and Closing
    4. Ensure that the entry Acoustic confirmation (see below) is ticked
    5. Remove the tick in this panel to disable the acoustic feedback if needed at a later date


    EDIT: An interesting observation - when the car is locked and then unlocked using the key-fob, and left unlocked without physically opening any of the doors (or the hatch lid), the car will automatically re-lock after a period of time (about 2 minutes on my car). This is not a consequence of the VCDS tweak change above - it's part of VW's security system for the car. It probably occurred on my car in the past, however after implementing this tweak it's just that the "beep" sound from the car's horn now makes the automatic re-locking process more obvious.
    Last edited by DV52; 08-03-2015 at 08:55 AM.
    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

  7. #347
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    Nice one. Don't forget to update a Post #1 collection somewhere so that it doesn't remain buried here.
    The deadlocks were so loud on my car I wasn't particularly worried about not having a audible tone.

  8. #348
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan_R View Post
    Nice one. Don't forget to update a Post #1 collection somewhere so that it doesn't remain buried here.
    The deadlocks were so loud on my car I wasn't particularly worried about not having a audible tone.

    Ryan: thanks for the reminder - updated the reference thread.

    PS: yes, I agree, the tweak is not for all, but find it useful in a crowded car park. By repeatedly pressing the lock button on the key-fob, it acts like the "ping" in an echo sounder in a submarine- yeah a bit childish, but there's a bit of a child in all of us!
    Last edited by DV52; 01-03-2015 at 10:43 AM.
    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

  9. #349
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    At least it doesn't sound like a microwave oven

    *cough* Toyota Camry *cough*

  10. #350
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    VCDS - Auto Rain Closing just can't get it to work

    Hi Guys,

    I was just wondering if anyone has been able to get Auto Rain closing to work on their Mk7 yet?
    I've followed everyones instructions to the letter, yet I just can't get it to work..

    My VCDS information is as followed.

    Slave 2: Subsystem 2 - Part No SW: 5Q0 955 547 A HW: 5Q0 955 547 A Labels: 5Q0-955-547.CLB
    Component: RLHS 037 0059
    Serial number:
    Coding: 06A8DD
    For the information for my Rain/Light/Humidity Sensor.
    And my coding for that module is 06A8DD, my original coding for that module was 00A8DD.
    As far as I can tell my coding is correct, and my adaptation changes are all the same as posted >>here<<

    I am however getting a fault code which I'm not sure is completely with my module changes or the
    recent work with my windscreen getting replaced. The error codes are strange but considering they are saying
    they accorded when the car had
    1048574km on it?

    Are as follows,
    2 Faults Found:934148 - No Communications with Rain/Light Sensor
    U10F6 00 [008] - -
    Intermittent - Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
    Freeze Frame:
    Fault Status: 00000001
    Fault Priority: 2
    Fault Frequency: 1
    Reset counter: 144
    Mileage: 1048574 km
    Date: 2000.00.00
    Time: 00:00:00
    939524 - No Communications with Humidity Sensor
    U10F5 00 [008] - -
    Intermittent - Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
    Freeze Frame:
    Fault Status: 00000001
    Fault Priority: 2
    Fault Frequency: 1
    Reset counter: 144
    Mileage: 1048574 km
    Date: 2000.00.00
    Time: 00:00:00
    Any thoughts or ideas would be greatly helpful

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