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Thread: VCDS (VAG-COM) codes and programmable options for Golf Mk7

  1. #271
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    Quote Originally Posted by avdo_ View Post
    Hey Miro,

    prefer not to cut anything. Should be easy (once I know how) to reverse the code if I decide to put the car back to stock
    I am more then happy for you to come and install the bbk for me. And KW DDC if you like.
    You only cutting the wires from the old pads not the car wiring.

    Of course I can do it for you.

  2. #272
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    Quote Originally Posted by Transporter View Post
    You only cutting the wires from the old pads not the car wiring.

    Yeah I know, but if I want to revert back to standard then I have to go and buy new standard pads again. The currents ones haven't done more then 1500kms

  3. #273
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    VCDS Tweak - Fog Lights operated with High Beam Lights

    Those that haven't yet looked at the Body Control Module on a mk7 Golf might be surprised to learn that the 09-Cent. Elect. module devotes a total of 665 separate adaptation channels entirely to the management of the car's exterior lighting. Fact is that control of the exterior lights on MQB platform vehicles is comparatively sophisticated and each of the car's exterior lights can be separately programmed in a variety of ways. This makes it possible to customise the behaviour of these lights to suit each owner's personal taste. There is a growing understanding in the world outside VW generally, and in non-German speaking countries in particular of what I'm calling "Leutche" programming. With this new-found knowledge a new flurry of lighting tweaks will doubtless appear in the near future.

    A simple example of this is the following tweak which enables fog-lights to be operated together with high-beam lights.
    The cable user can choose either, or both of the following options:
    Option 1: fog-lights are turned-on with high-beam lights when the left-hand stalk behind the steering wheel is pushed towards the windscreen (and the rotary light switch is in "Auto", or "On" position)- i.e. the normal high-beam switch on/off process
    Option 2: fog-lights are "flashed" together with high-beam lights when the left-hand stalk behind the steering wheel is momentarily pulled towards the driver .

    I developed this tweak by modifying a set of instructions that I first found on a German MotorBlog site (thanks TBAx) and following a suggestion that was made on this forum (thanks jazrod). I've tested this tweak (both options) on my own 103TSI mk7 Golf, so I can vouch that it works!

    A word of warning for those that wish to implement this tweak. "Idle" (a forum colleague) has correctly advised that in some areas it may be a legal offence to operate fog lights when there is no actual fog. Consideration should be given to this matter before proceeding.

    VCDS Tweak - Fog-lights operated with high-beam lights

    1. From the main screen select 09-Cent. Elect
    2. When the BMC screen opens, select Security Access-16
    3. Enter the magic number 31347
    4. When the main BCM screen returns, select Adaptation-10
    5. Change the settings in adaptation channels shown in the two Tables below to the "New Value":

    Left Fog-Light

    Adaptation Channel Old Value New Value Choose either, or both Options
    (8 )-Leuchte12NL LB45-Lichtfunktion C 12 not active Left high beam Change to implement Option 1 above
    (9)-Leuchte12NL LB45-Lichtfunktion D 12 not active Lichthupe generell Change to implement Option 2 above
    (10)-Leuchte12NL LB45-Dimmwert CD 12 0 100
    (11)-Leuchte12NL LB45-Dimming Direction CD 12 maximize maximize

    Right Fog-Light

    Adaptation Channel Old Value New Value Choose either, or both Options
    (8 )-Leuchte13NL RB5-Lichtfunktion C 13 not active Right high beam Change to implement Option 1 above
    (9)-Leuchte13NL RB5-Lichtfunktion D 13 not active Lichthupe generell Change to implement Option 2 above
    (10)-Leuchte13NL RB5-Dimmwert CD 13 0 100
    (11)-Leuchte13NL RB5-Dimming Direction CD 13 maximize maximize

    Note 1: The channels in the Tables above are about 70% down the list of channels on the VCDS adaptation screen
    Note 2: Select the adaptation channels carefully as other channels have similar descriptions
    Note 3: If the adaptation channels in the car do not have the "Old Value" indicated in the tables do not proceed with this tweak
    Note 4: If LED fog-lights are installed, change adaptation channel (10) on both left and right fog-lights to 127 (instead of "100")
    Note 5: Adaptation channels (11) (i.e. last row in the two Tables) should not need to be changed, but the settings should be checked
    Last edited by DV52; 27-01-2015 at 03:22 PM.
    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

  4. #274
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    Quote Originally Posted by DV52 View Post
    andrew7: Are the instructions for the VCDS tweak as follows?:
    To Mute Soundakator

    1. A9 Structure Borne Sound
    2. Adaptation 10
    3. At Channel drop down choose "Volume of structure borne noiseactuator" (only choice)
    4. Enter a value in the proper box (0% = mute)
    This is probably a dumb question, but once I enter the new % number,,,say 60% in my case, do I then just close the window, or do I need to click on "add to log" ?
    Sold - CW Mk6 MY12 GTI 5 Door DSG, Sunroof, Leather, RNS510, MDI, Tints, Lakin plate holders, BT & RVC, projected 'GTI' door lights

    Current - Lapiz blue mk7 Golf R DSG fully optioned.

  5. #275
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    Quote Originally Posted by jacs View Post
    This is probably a dumb question, but once I enter the new % number,,,say 60% in my case, do I then just close the window, or do I need to click on "add to log" ?
    jacs: I know it's a cliche but there really are no dumb questions when learning VCDS stuff, only dumb answers! When you have entered the number that you want into the new value box and you have clicked "Do it!, you can either exit the screen, or you can click the "add to log" option. Personally, I always do the latter and then I exit the window.

    What happens when you select "add to log" is that a text file is created in the Ross Tech\Logs sub directory (i.e. the same directory that holds the auto-scan logs). The new file will contain a short notation of the details of the change that you just made. Together with the CodingLog.txt file (another great tool for trouble-shooting tweak problems), the new file will be very handy should you need to reference the tweak change at a later time.

    After you click "add to log" you will be presented with the same set of dialogue windows that appear when you do an auto-scan. You are given the opportunity to name the text file and to enter details such as VIN & license plate number. I tend to ignore these fields but to enter wording that is evocative of the nature of the tweak ( i.e. Sounakator Vol to 60%). Hope this helps!
    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

  6. #276
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    Thanks DV52....its the 1st tweak I'll make when car arrives in4 weeks all being well. ...much appreciated
    Sold - CW Mk6 MY12 GTI 5 Door DSG, Sunroof, Leather, RNS510, MDI, Tints, Lakin plate holders, BT & RVC, projected 'GTI' door lights

    Current - Lapiz blue mk7 Golf R DSG fully optioned.

  7. #277
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    Apologies if I have missed it but can we disable this warning?

    VCDS (VAG-COM) codes and programmable options for Golf Mk7-3oo5mgll-jpg

  8. #278
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    Quote Originally Posted by veew View Post
    OMG that is awesome! I'm glad to hear that both TP and Voice Control now works, woohoooo!
    OK I understand why VW Australia would want Voice Control disabled down here but don't know why they don't want us to have TP .... this I do not understand

  9. #279
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    Quote Originally Posted by Moonee View Post
    OK I understand why VW Australia would want Voice Control disabled down here but don't know why they don't want us to have TP .... this I do not understand
    Moonee: I learned long ago that tyring to understand the marketing practices of VW Australia is the "delicious futility of an impossible task"!! What seems to have happened is that the early model mk7s (my13 and a few my14) had the function disabled. For some reason there was a change of heart in the offices of VWA and later models started to have the function enabled.
    But the VCDS tweak is real easy, so it's not hard to implement (once the "hacker" community learned how to do it).
    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

  10. #280
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    Quote Originally Posted by jonoz View Post
    Apologies if I have missed it but can we disable this warning?
    jonoz: I'm pretty certain that no-one has found a way of doing it. The fact remains that the RT software (I haven't yet looked at the latest SW ver 14.10) still hasn't developed a label file for address 5F- information Electr. There are no adaptation channels in the car (there are over 3,000 of these in a mk7) that I can find that control this function - so the only hope remains a Coding-string tweak in 5F. But I would be delighted to be proven wrong, if anyone can provide information to the contrary!
    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

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