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Thread: VCDS (VAG-COM) codes and programmable options for Golf Mk7

  1. #241
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    I agree, but it was a fun toy way back then

  2. #242
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Sydney, NSW
    Anyone in Sydney interested in loaning/hiring out the VCDS equipment needed to program a MY15 Golf? It arrives in a few weeks.


  3. #243
    Join Date
    May 2014
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    hello, guys
    who have MY2015 with CHPB (1.4 150HP) engine?

  4. #244
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    Hi all.

    I tried this mod on my golf 7 r the other day using the beta software and it did not work.

    What did happen was that the auto close and open function when you hold the remote buttons have also ceased to work. I have tried both activating and deactivating numerous settings using both the 12.12 and 14.8 rosstech vcds software, all to no avail.

    The menu functions are still there for both rain close and comfort close, but the selection of them makes no difference either.

    Functions I have turned on and of via vcdd are the global comfort control, the radio comfort control open and closing, the comfort control open and closing as well as the kessy open and closing - see DV52's spreadsheet if you want to know more.

    What is even more frustrating is that I currently have a reasonably technically savvy german speaker/reader in the house and he has been of no help either.

    If anyone has any ideas on how to reactivate the convenience opening and closing, please let me know. At this stage I do not think the ross tech software is sufficiently mature enough on this car to activate and deactivate all these functions, so I think a visit to the dealership may be in order...

    Quote Originally Posted by DV52 View Post
    It's fair to say that the Auto RainClose tweak has had a dubious infancy when applied to MQB platform vehicles like the mk7 Golf. My understanding from conversations on various forums is that problems were first encountered with this tweak because of the new sensor that was installed in these cars.

    In previous models, VW used a "RLS" (i.e. Rain Light Sensor) to control Auto RainClose. However, in many of the mk7 models, the sensor that was introduced was the "RLFS" (Rain Light Humidity Sensor, or in German, Regen, Licht, Feuchte Sensor). Some VCDS auto-scan listings now report this new sensor as its Anglicized name, "RLHS" and of late, the RLS seems to have re-appeared in some mk7 scan reports (particularly in NAR cars).

    As a result of early problems with the Auto RainClose tweak, the folk at Ross Tech (i.e. the inestimable Dana) modified the VCDS software so that it would communicate correctly with these new sensor units. The first SW version in which these changes appeared was Beta ver. 14.6.1. At the time of writing, Ross Tech has advised that their Beta software (i.e. currently Beta 14.8.1) is still the only version with the necessary smarts to talk to the sensors on mk7 vehicles. Doubtless, in the fullness of time (to quote Sir Humphrey Appleby), RT's non-beta software will be modified to accommodate these new sensors.

    The material in these instructions have been sourced from numerous forums and web sites. Particular acknowledgement is given to the findings of the folk on the VCDS thread on VWvortex. In addition, recognition must also be given to those talented and amazing VCDS gurus on the Ross Tech forum for unravelling the early problems with the RLFS. Thanks to you all for your valuable contributions.

    If others can add to the information in these tweak instructions, please do so. If you want to PM, I'll undertake to modify this post with any updates - or you can add your own separate post to this thread.

  5. #245
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    Quote Originally Posted by nut View Post
    Hi all.

    I tried this mod on my golf 7 r the other day using the beta software and it did not work.

    What did happen was that the auto close and open function when you hold the remote buttons have also ceased to work. I have tried both activating and deactivating numerous settings using both the 12.12 and 14.8 rosstech vcds software, all to no avail.

    The menu functions are still there for both rain close and comfort close, but the selection of them makes no difference either.

    Functions I have turned on and of via vcdd are the global comfort control, the radio comfort control open and closing, the comfort control open and closing as well as the kessy open and closing - see DV52's spreadsheet if you want to know more.

    What is even more frustrating is that I currently have a reasonably technically savvy german speaker/reader in the house and he has been of no help either.

    If anyone has any ideas on how to reactivate the convenience opening and closing, please let me know. At this stage I do not think the ross tech software is sufficiently mature enough on this car to activate and deactivate all these functions, so I think a visit to the dealership may be in order...

    Nut: Thanks for the feedback and I'm sorry to hear that you could not make the tweak work. Most of the folk that I know that have successfully implemented this tweak have NAR vehicles. There have also been reports of successful implementation on the Ross Tech forum. But I have to acknowledge that this is certainly one of the more complicated tweaks that I have seen.

    I assume that you have rolled-back the three adaptation channel settings and you have re-set the Coding changes on the RLFS back to its original hex value (i.e. 00A8DD).

    Your convenience opening problem is the first time that I have heard of this issue with this tweak. None of the folk that can't make the tweak work have reported this symptom. All these people have simply rolled-back the settings with no problems to any other function (as far as I know).

    You mentioned the following:-
    "Functions I have turned on and of via vcdd are the global comfort control, the radio comfort control open and closing, the comfort control open and closing as well as the kessy open and closing"

    These don't appear to be the three adaptation channels in my instructions. I assume that you tried these changes in an attempt to enable convenience opening/closing albeit, I'm not sure that they will be of use to you. But I do agree that the wording that VW uses to describe the adaptation channels in the BMC is pretty vague.

    May I suggest that you look at the settings in your Discover media screen. When you reset the "opening and closing" function to factory settings (part 3 of my instructions), the convenience opening option may have defaulted to "off". Please check the setting in the Discover media screen and make sure that it is enabled (ie. press CAR button, then press set-up panel, then press Opening and Closing, then make sure that the convenience opening panel isn't set to "off")

    Please don't take this the wrong way, but failing my suggestion above, have you checked the CodingLog.txt file in the directory Ross-Tech\VCDS-Beta\Debug on your laptop to see if the original changes and the subsequent rollback changes were correctly performed? Not sure if you are aware, but this text file keeps a complete record of the changes that you make when using the Beta software (there is a similar file for the non-beta version SW).

    If you want, I'm happy to look at this file for you if you post it somewhere (or PM). It may reveal a possible problem. Again, I'm not suggesting that there has been an error- but a review of this data could be useful if only to confirm that all the original changes and the subsequent changes to roll-back the settings (and the attempts to alter and then reset the adaptation channels for convenience opening/closing) were correctly made.
    Last edited by DV52; 24-09-2014 at 11:07 PM.
    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

  6. #246
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    Thanks DV52. I actually had a lot of the tweaks enable and then disabled the rain ones before re-enabling them again through the VCDS beta as I had noted the rain close in the coding section of the 12.12 version but had not been able to change it until your post suggested the 14.8 beta which did allow it. I followed you guidelines pretty closely and reset the functions to factory before re-enabling them also through the Discover media screen. Somewhere in all this, the ability for convenience opening has disappeared. That was when I reverted back to using the 12.12 VCDS version and started looking at other possible problems. I will look at the logs and see if I can find if I've done something I shouldn't have also.

    Another interesting thing is that the VCDS cable required a firmware update and I don't know if this this has messed around with the coding. Anyway, I've sent you a pm also.

    Hopefully I can get this to work again without going to VW....


  7. #247
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    Nut: I didn't ask in my previous reply, but I assume that you have done a subsequent auto-scan and that no errors were reported. Please confirm

    Also, just to be 100% clear. The convenience closing panel in the Discover media screen does now say something other than "off" - Yes?
    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

  8. #248
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    Sep 2014
    Just did another autoscan to check that i haven't missed anything - no errors reported.

    I'm sure all the Discover media screen said something other than off when I was testing earlier - I think it was "all windows". I even removed and then reinstalled that menu at some stage in my quest, however when I went down just now it was off. I can assure you that was not the case previously, and will check to see if it is on something else in the morning again...

    I also just got a low battery message (I must have been playing around too much, so the car is on charge now. I wonder if a lower battery charge may have something to do with the inability to convenience open and close??

    Quote Originally Posted by DV52 View Post
    Nut: I didn't ask in my previous reply, but I assume that you have done a subsequent auto-scan and that no errors were reported. Please confirm

    Also, just to be 100% clear. The convenience closing panel in the Discover media screen does now say something other than "off" - Yes?

  9. #249
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    Label File 5G0 035 045 VCDS


    I'm using VCDS 14.8.1 and I see that there is still the label file for the 5F unit: 5G0 035 045.
    Where can I download this file label or when it will be available for VCDS?

    Last edited by aqxavier; 25-09-2014 at 07:53 AM.

  10. #250
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    Quote Originally Posted by nut View Post
    Just did another autoscan to check that i haven't missed anything - no errors reported.

    I'm sure all the Discover media screen said something other than off when I was testing earlier - I think it was "all windows". I even removed and then reinstalled that menu at some stage in my quest, however when I went down just now it was off. I can assure you that was not the case previously, and will check to see if it is on something else in the morning again...

    I also just got a low battery message (I must have been playing around too much, so the car is on charge now. I wonder if a lower battery charge may have something to do with the inability to convenience open and close??

    Nut: I just looked at your Change-Log file: The data indicates that some odd changes have occurred that haven't been restored to their original values!! You might want to start your investigation by looking at these first off.
    I'll email back a "sanitised" version of your change log that hopefully will be more user-friendly, together with a few suggestions
    Last edited by DV52; 25-09-2014 at 11:14 AM.
    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

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