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Thread: VCDS (VAG-COM) codes and programmable options for Golf Mk7

  1. #211
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    Handbrake enabled DRLs

    It's all in the name! is for me when it comes to the Daytime Running Lights (DRLs). And the operative word for this neat little safety feature must surely be the term "Running". So here's my question:- why have the DRLs switched on when the car isn't "Running" (i.e. the car isn't actually moving)? Well it appears that the good Burghers in Germany have also considered this question and they have included a facility in the mk7 that allows the Handbrake to speak to the DRLs. What a clever lot they are in Germany!!

    Turn-off DRLs when Handbrake is engaged
    The instructions below describe how to implement a VCDS tweak that automatically turns-off the DRLs when the handbrake is engaged and then switches the DRLs back-on again when the Handbrake is disengaged. Grateful acknowledgement to the site for the original material.
    Before proceeding, please consider any implications from this tweak on the Australian Design Rules and its application to vehicles fitted with DRLs.

    1. Select 09 - Cent Elect. module control
    VCDS (VAG-COM) codes and programmable options for Golf Mk7-zqzumze-png
    2. Select Security Access-16
    VCDS (VAG-COM) codes and programmable options for Golf Mk7-yuvr3bl-png
    3. Enter the magic access code. Click Do it! tab
    VCDS (VAG-COM) codes and programmable options for Golf Mk7-h578a16-png
    4. Select Adaptation - 10.
    5. From the pull-down channel, select (5)-Daytime running lights- Tagfshrlicht-Tagfahrlicht Dauerfahrlicht bei Handbremse abschalten (it's about 10% down the channel list)
    VCDS (VAG-COM) codes and programmable options for Golf Mk7-uw5atvl-png
    6. In the New Value box, select active
    VCDS (VAG-COM) codes and programmable options for Golf Mk7-zr5wj3v-png
    7. Click Do it! tab. Click Add to log to save a copy of the change and click Go Back tab
    8. Exit from software
    9. Test the facility by engaging and disengaging the handbrake (notice how the status of the handbrake modulates the operation of the DRLs)
    Last edited by DV52; 17-08-2014 at 06:48 PM.
    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

  2. #212
    Join Date
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    Campbelltown, NSW
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    Quote Originally Posted by DV52 View Post
    It's all in the name! is for me when it comes to the Daytime Running Lights (DRLs). And the operative word for this neat little safety feature must surely be the term "Running". So here's my question:- why have the DRLs switched on when the car isn't "Running" (i.e. the car isn't actually moving)? Well it appears that the good Burghers in Germany have also considered this question and they have included a facility in the mk7 that allows the Handbrake to speak to the DRLs. What a clever lot they are in Germany!!

    Turn-off DRLs when Handbrake is engaged
    The instructions below describe how to implement a VCDS tweak that automatically turns-off the DRLs when the handbrake is engaged and then switches the DRLs back-on again when the Handbrake is disengaged. Grateful acknowledgement to the site for the original material.
    Before proceeding, please consider any implications from this tweak on the Australian Design Rules and its application to vehicles fitted with DRLs.

    1. Select 09 - Cent Elect. module control
    VCDS (VAG-COM) codes and programmable options for Golf Mk7-zqzumze-png
    2. Select Security Access-16
    VCDS (VAG-COM) codes and programmable options for Golf Mk7-yuvr3bl-png
    3. Enter the magic access code. Click Do it! tab
    VCDS (VAG-COM) codes and programmable options for Golf Mk7-h578a16-png
    4. Select Adaptation - 10.
    5. From the pull-down channel, select (5)-Daytime running lights- Tagfshrlicht-Tagfahrlicht Dauerfahrlicht bei Handbremse abschalten (it's about 10% down the channel list)
    VCDS (VAG-COM) codes and programmable options for Golf Mk7-uw5atvl-png
    6. In the New Value box, select active
    VCDS (VAG-COM) codes and programmable options for Golf Mk7-zr5wj3v-png
    7. Click Do it! tab. Click Add to log to save a copy of the change and click Go Back tab
    8. Exit from software
    9. Test the facility by engaging and disengaging the handbrake (notice how the status of the handbrake modulates the operation of the DRLs)
    My sister's Mazda 3 SP25 does this ... was so confused when she was sitting in the driveway and they weren't on! Lol. I like the feature, though.
    Last edited by Jazrod; 17-08-2014 at 07:26 PM. Reason: didn't quote properly ...

  3. #213
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    I had a quick search but couldn't find it here. Has anyone looked into optioning the blind spot monitoring? I think it may be called "side assist" or "side view" surly the highline has all items required to make it work, I would imagine the little led on the side mirrors could be used as the warning indicator.

  4. #214
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    Sep 2013
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andy2176 View Post
    I had a quick search but couldn't find it here. Has anyone looked into optioning the blind spot monitoring? I think it may be called "side assist" or "side view" surly the highline has all items required to make it work, I would imagine the little led on the side mirrors could be used as the warning indicator.
    Andy: not sure that I have understood your question, but the mk7 Golf does have an option called "lane assist" . The advertising material from VW talks about lane-assist in terms of BSM. Is this what you are after? If so, the option requires that a forward view camera is installed (it's part of the rear-view mirror assembly, camera sits under the mirror-looking forward). This is not standard equipment in a Highline.
    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

  5. #215
    Join Date
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    Hi all,
    A while back I posted a problem trying to upgrade my normal MK7 Multifunction steering wheel to one that has tiptronic paddles. it's for a Golf 90TSI DSG comfort line.
    I've tried Ross tech but they haven't been very helpful. I am hoping i have better luck here.

    I recently purchased a new VW OEM MFSW that has tiptronic paddles to replace my standard MSFW.
    My mechanic installed the new MFSW and it seemed to work ok - i can shift gears with the MFSW paddles, and the other buttons seem to work ok.

    However, there are 3 errors
    1) EPC light on
    2) Auto Stop/Start malfunction
    3) Cruise control malfunction

    Below are the scan results, any help will be much appreciated!


    VCDS -- Windows Based VAG/VAS Emulator
    VCDS Version:
    Data version: 20140212
    Dealer/Shop Name: Beyond Limit Autos
    VIN:   License Plate: 
    Chassis Type: AU (5Q0)
    Scan: 01 02 03 08 09 10 15 16 17 19 42 44 52 5F
    01-Engine -- Status: Malfunction 0010
    02-Auto Trans -- Status: OK 0000
    03-ABS Brakes -- Status: OK 0000
    08-Auto HVAC -- Status: Malfunction 0010
    09-Cent. Elect. -- Status: Malfunction 0010
    10-Park/Steer Assist -- Status: OK 0000
    15-Airbags -- Status: OK 0000
    16-Steering wheel -- Status: OK 0000
    17-Instruments -- Status: OK 0000
    19-CAN Gateway -- Status: OK 0000
    42-Door Elect, Driver -- Status: OK 0000
    44-Steering Assist -- Status: OK 0000
    52-Door Elect, Pass. -- Status: OK 0000
    5F-Information Electr. -- Status: OK 0000
    Address 01: Engine (J623-CXSA)       Labels: 04E-907-309-V1.clb
       Part No SW: 04E 906 016 DF    HW: 04E 907 309 A
       Component: 1.4l R4 TSI   H08 5673  
       Revision: WAH08---    
       Coding: 01250032242405082000
       Shop #: WSC 01357 011 00200
       ASAM Dataset: EV_ECM14TFS01104E906016DF 002002
       ROD: EV_ECM14TFS01104E906016DF_VW37.rod
       VCID: 69D2115F88230A562C9-803C
    1 Fault Found:
    17149 - Check Coding of ECUs on Powertrain Data Bus 
              P1647 00 [175] - -
              MIL ON - Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
                 Freeze Frame:
                        Fault Status: 00000001
                        Fault Priority: 2
                        Fault Frequency: 14
                        Mileage: 2130 km
                        Date: 2014.07.14
                        Time: 12:16:54
    Readiness: 0000 0001
    Address 02: Auto Trans (J743)       Labels: 0CW-927-769.clb
       Part No SW: 0CW 300 046 A    HW: 0AM 927 769 K
       Component: GSG DQ200-MQB H43 5113  
       Revision: 00043014    Serial number: CU501311195247
       Coding: 0014
       Shop #: WSC 01357 011 00200
       ASAM Dataset: EV_TCMDQ200021 001001
       ROD: EV_TCMDQ200021_AU37.rod
       VCID: 3874841B830963DE637-806D
    No fault code found.
    Address 08: Auto HVAC (J255)       Labels: 5G0-907-044.clb
       Part No SW: 5G0 907 044 T    HW: 5G0 907 044 T
       Component: Climatronic   H02 0805  
       Revision: 00001K06    
       Coding: 00120004200100001005000012101800
       Shop #: WSC 01357 011 00200
       ASAM Dataset: EV_ACClimaBHBVW37X 003018
       ROD: EV_ACClimaBHBVW37X_SE37.rod
       VCID: 3874841B830963DE637-806D
       Fresh Air Blower Front: 
       Refrigerant Pressure And Temperature Sender: 
       Air quality sensor: 
    1 Fault Found:
    590081 - Control Circuit for A/C Compressor 
              B10A9 11 [008] - Short to Ground
              Intermittent - Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
                 Freeze Frame:
                        Fault Status: 00000001
                        Fault Priority: 2
                        Fault Frequency: 1
                        Reset counter: 220
                        Mileage: 2024 km
                        Date: 2014.07.11
                        Time: 15:27:49
    Address 09: Cent. Elect. (J519)       Labels: None
       Part No SW: 5Q0 937 084 AB    HW: 5Q0 937 084 AB
       Component: BCM MQBAB B   H16 0124  
       Serial number: 00011334600061
       Coding: 03001842C24102F34BE44000000403081000000000000000000000000000
       Shop #: WSC 01357 011 00200
       ASAM Dataset: EV_BCMCONTI 012001
       ROD: EV_BCMBOSCH_SE37.rod
       VCID: 78F4441BC389A3DEA37-802D
       Subsystem 1 - Part No SW: 5G2 955 119 A    HW: 5G2 955 119 A
       Component: WWS    131207  042 0551 
       Serial number:         131210032723
       Coding: 0E4DDD
       Subsystem 2 - Part No SW: 5Q0 955 547     HW: 5Q0 955 547   Labels: 5Q0-955-547.CLB
       Component: RLFS  024 0042 
       Serial number: Y13M12D17H11M42S21S9
       Coding: 00A8DD
    1 Fault Found:
    395273 - Control Circuit for Signal Horn 
              B1344 14 [008] - Open or Short to Ground
              Intermittent - Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
                 Freeze Frame:
                        Fault Status: 00000001
                        Fault Priority: 2
                        Fault Frequency: 1
                        Reset counter: 229
                        Mileage: 2129 km
                        Date: 2014.07.14
                        Time: 11:52:59
    Address 10: Park/Steer Assist (J791)       Labels: 5Q0-919-294.clb
       Part No SW: 5Q0 919 294 F    HW: 5Q0 919 294 A
       Component: PARKHILFE 8K  H03 0142  
       Revision: --------    Serial number: 39331335202967
       Coding: 0031151011
       Shop #: WSC 01357 011 00200
       ASAM Dataset: EV_EPHVA18AU3700000 002024
       ROD: EV_EPHVA18AU3700000_VW37.rod
       VCID: 3E789203A12D5DEEA9B-806B
    No fault code found.
    Address 16: Steering wheel (J524)       Labels: 5Q0-953-549.clb
       Part No SW: 5Q0 953 521 P    HW: 5Q0 953 569 A
       Component: Lenks.Modul   075 0135  
       Revision: FF027027    Serial number: 20131207500154
       Coding: 0410
       Shop #: WSC 01357 011 00200
       ASAM Dataset: EV_SMLSVALEOMQB 001015
       ROD: N/A
       VCID: 3F86EF07A62754E6A2D-806A
    No ASAM data for: "EV_SMLSVALEOMQB" (VW37) 
    No fault code found.
    Address 17: Instruments (J285)       Labels: 5G0-920-XXX-17.clb
       Part No SW: 5G0 920 861     HW: 5G0 920 861 
       Component: KOMBI         252 2210  
       Coding: 27A419082380000800082A00040000
       Shop #: WSC 01357 011 00200
       ASAM Dataset: EV_DashBoardVDDMQBAB 008031
       ROD: EV_DashBoardVDDMQBAB_AU37.rod
       VCID: E6C89A63193DA52E81B-80B3
    No fault code found.
    Address 19: CAN Gateway (J533)       Labels: None
       Part No SW: 5Q0 907 530 P    HW: 5Q0 907 530 E
       Component: GW MQB Mid    124 1164  
       Revision: --------    Serial number: 0001355699
       Coding: 030100342B085700EF0002481C0F00010001000000000000000000000000
       Shop #: WSC 01357 011 00200
       ASAM Dataset: EV_GatewLear 010015
       ROD: EV_GatewLear_AU37.rod
       VCID: 3E789203A12D5DEEA9B-806B
       Multifunction unit control module: 
       Subsystem 2 - Part No SW: 5G0 959 442 K    HW: 5G0 959 442 K
       Component: E221__MFL-DC1  H14 0035 
       Serial number: 27130001231250063315
       Coding: 2DFFFF
       Battery Monitoring Control Module: 
       Subsystem 3 - Part No SW: 5Q0 915 181 E    HW: 5Q0 915 181 E
       Component: J367-BDMHella  H03 8043 
       Serial number: 2415092103          
    No fault code found.
    Address 42: Door Elect, Driver (J386)       Labels: None
       Part No SW: 5Q0 959 393 B    HW: 5Q0 959 393 B
       Component: TSG FS        020 0025  
       Serial number: 03121302090098
       Coding: 003003208001040000000000
       Shop #: WSC 01357 011 00200
       ASAM Dataset: EV_DCUDriveSideEWMINKLO 006003
       ROD: EV_DCUDriveSideEWMAXKLO.rod
       VCID: 3E789203A12D5DEEA9B-806B
       Subsystem 1 - Part No SW: 5Q0 959 812 A    HW: 5Q0 959 812 A
       Component: FOND_FHSG_DRV  005 0005 
       Serial number: 00000000000001343624
       Coding: 1D0000
    No fault code found.
    Address 44: Steering Assist (J500)       Labels: 5Q0-909-144.clb
       Part No SW: 5Q0 909 144 P    HW: 5Q0 909 144 P
       Component: EPS_MQB_ZFLS  122 1043  
       Coding: 0103
       Shop #: WSC 01357 011 00200
       ASAM Dataset: EV_SteerAssisMQB 010031
       ROD: EV_SteerAssisMQB.rod
       VCID: 4182E9FFD0D32216D49-8014
    No fault code found.
    Address 5F: Information Electr. (J794)       Labels: None
       Part No SW: 5G0 035 824 A    HW: 5G0 035 824 A
       Component: MU-S--ER      040 0421  
       Serial number: V1E01412131694
       Coding: 02730000FF00000011510001000900001F0100960100010001
       Shop #: WSC 01357 011 00200
       ASAM Dataset: EV_MUStd4CPASE 002039
       ROD: EV_MUStd4CPASE_SE37.rod
       VCID: 234E43772A8F1006A65-8076
       Media Player Position 1: 
       Subsystem 1 - Part No SW: 5G0 919 605     HW: 5G0 919 605 
       Component: ABT_Std_Radio  H51 0022 
       Serial number: VWZ8Z9NJ702UNM      
    No fault code found.
    End   ---------------------------------------------------------------------

  6. #216
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Newcastle, NSW
    I posted this in the ECU section but didn't get any help, hopefully I can here;
    I'm looking for someone in the Newcastle/Sydney area with a VCDS cable. I have a GTI PP and want to activate the Traffic alert system.
    Any help appreciated. Happy to compensate people for their time.

  7. #217
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    Quote Originally Posted by turtle View Post
    I posted this in the ECU section but didn't get any help, hopefully I can here;
    I'm looking for someone in the Newcastle/Sydney area with a VCDS cable. I have a GTI PP and want to activate the Traffic alert system.
    Any help appreciated. Happy to compensate people for their time.
    When did you get yours? Surprised it isn't on by default! Mine works (first batch of cars in VIC).
    Mk 7 GTI PP

  8. #218
    Join Date
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    Newcastle, NSW
    Quote Originally Posted by n0d3 View Post
    When did you get yours? Surprised it isn't on by default! Mine works (first batch of cars in VIC).
    Well to be honest, it might actually be activated and I just don't know. I don't live in a capital city (Newcastle) and I believe that traffic alerts only work in capital cities, so I've never had a chance to try it, I'm just assuming it doens't going off what other people on here have said and what the dealer told me.
    It has been deactivated in the setting menu, however its easy to go in and tick the boxes (enable RDS, enable Traffic Alerts).

  9. #219
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    Quote Originally Posted by turtle View Post
    Well to be honest, it might actually be activated and I just don't know. I don't live in a capital city (Newcastle) and I believe that traffic alerts only work in capital cities, so I've never had a chance to try it, I'm just assuming it doens't going off what other people on here have said and what the dealer told me.
    It has been deactivated in the setting menu, however its easy to go in and tick the boxes (enable RDS, enable Traffic Alerts).
    turtle: are you really sure that you don't have TMC activated? What year was your car built? Have you tried enabling "TP" and "RDS" on the radio menu and then waiting a little while to see if the list appears when you press the "TRAFFIC" button (you should also get triangles on the navigation screen)? And yes, you have to be in one of the Australian Capital cities for it to work.
    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

  10. #220
    Join Date
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    Newcastle, NSW

    Quote Originally Posted by DV52 View Post
    turtle: are you really sure that you don't have TMC activated? What year was your car built? Have you tried enabling "TP" and "RDS" on the radio menu and then waiting a little while to see if the list appears when you press the "TRAFFIC" button (you should also get triangles on the navigation screen)? And yes, you have to be in one of the Australian Capital cities for it to work.
    Because I don't live in a capital city, and haven't driven in one with the car yet, maybe it does work and I just don't know it yet. I know how to enable 'TP' and 'RDS'. I'll try it next time I travel to Sydney. My car is a MY14
    Thanks for the input guys. Appreciate the help

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