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Thread: VCDS (VAG-COM) codes and programmable options for Golf Mk7

  1. #191
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    Just wanted to say that the reference thread is awesome. Good work,


    MY14 Golf Wagon Highline 1.4L TSI 103, Limestone Grey Metallic, Roof, Leather, DAC.

  2. #192
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    Quote Originally Posted by lambertia View Post

    Just wanted to say that the reference thread is awesome. Good work,

    Greg: Thanks for the kind words, but the real credit goes to Adam_D -it was his suggestion.
    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

  3. #193
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    hi mate, can you explain the brake light and number plate light mod. i vaguely saw something about the tail lights in mk7 R that could be programmed in vcds however haven't been able to find it since.

    Quote Originally Posted by Blabba View Post
    Now that i finally have my R, am wanting to make some changes given that the dealership wouldn't do it upon delivery.
    Namely the traffic one. Cant believe the dealership wouldn't do this.

    Also the brake lights and number plate lights.

    Anyone in Melbourne (pref Eastern Suburbs) able to assist??
    Sure I rustle up some beers etc for the effort.

    Thanks heaps in advance.



  4. #194
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    Quote Originally Posted by lambertia View Post

    Just wanted to say that the reference thread is awesome. Good work
    ^ This. More people need to click the star button beneath his posts to give him extra rep points! The forum software won't allow me to give him any more.
    2008 MkV Volkswagen Golf R32 DSG
    2005 MkV Volkswagen Golf 2.0 FSI Auto
    Sold: 2015 8V Audi S3 Sedan Manual
    Sold: 2010 MkVI Volkswagen Golf GTI DSG

  5. #195
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    Newcastle, NSW
    Hi all, just picked up my new GTI PP and I've been reading on here about people activating the Traffic Alert system. Has anyone got any feedback on what its actually like? Does it only work in the capital cities? Is it worth finding someone to activate it for me?
    My dealer told me that VW are 'trailing it' in Sydney, however I find this hard to believe as I have a family member with a Holden Thunder ute that's 3-4 years old and has traffic monitoring as standard, and it works fine.
    Seems pretty stupid that they put a button for it in the media system however don't allow you to use it

  6. #196
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    I read somewhere (in this forum) that all traffic info comes from one source SUNA - and car companies (or nav units) pay SUNA a licence fee - VW have not paid up so traffic is disabled. If you have the laptop/cable/skills and enable it, then you will get the traffic info. Also some Golfs have slipped thru with it enabled but no-one seems to be sure how/why.
    MY14 Golf Comfortline 1.4L TSI | Limestone Grey Metallic | Satnav option

  7. #197
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    Adaptation Control Map - Golf mkVII 103TSI

    The following link contains a spreadsheet listing the complete set of Adaptation Control Maps for a Golf mkVII 103TSI (Highline). The spreadsheet can be downloaded if required.

    This information is provided as reference material and as a facility to record VCDS tweak changes
    For those who may not be aware of these reports, an Adaptation Control Map lists all the possible adaptation channels for a control module (i.e the name of the channel and its "Stored value").
    The spreadsheet can be used as a "base-line" of the default values for each Adaptation channel in the vehicle. Suitable notations can be made in the cells adjacent to the relevant Adaptation channel when these values change (i.e. as a result of a VCDS tweak).
    PM me if you want a copy of the origial Excel version (i.e. .xlsx file)
    Last edited by DV52; 10-07-2014 at 08:44 PM.
    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

  8. #198
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    Quote Originally Posted by booba View Post
    hi mate, can you explain the brake light and number plate light mod. i vaguely saw something about the tail lights in mk7 R that could be programmed in vcds however haven't been able to find it since.
    With the brake light mod, it changes the rear brake lights that when the brake pedal is depressed it also uses the boot lights, not ply the rear quarter lights. By default, these boot lights are only static parking lights. Not sure why this is not turned on, but i can confirm that with them turn on it looks better, but by god are they bright.

    The Rear number plate LED lights are installed on my car by default, not sure if this is the norm with everyone, so no mod or adjustment was made. The only other things I have done are to replace the globes in the vanity mirrors for both driver and passenger, and also in the boot to be LED globes, not the standard halogens.
    This has dramatically increased the brightness internally, and a bit in the boot. But I would recommend to VW that they install two lights in the boot as even with the LED in the boot that is significantly brighter, its not enough light. It really needs a second globe on the other side.



  9. #199
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    Hi all,

    I recently bought an OEM Steering Wheel with paddle shift to replace my existing steering wheel which didn't have paddles.
    It's for a 90TSI Comfortline DSG MK7

    My mechanic installed the steering wheel quite easily and the paddles work even without programming.
    However, the EPC light is up and there are a few faults that he could not clear because we don't know the VCDS codes.

    The faults are: STOP/START system error, and Cruise Control error.

    I am hoping the VCDS experts in this thread can shed some light on what codes we need to change..

    So in summary, currently the new steering wheel (with paddle shifts) is working.
    But Stop/Start system and cruise control system are not working.


  10. #200
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    Quote Originally Posted by slashj View Post
    Hi all,

    I recently bought an OEM Steering Wheel with paddle shift to replace my existing steering wheel which didn't have paddles.
    It's for a 90TSI Comfortline DSG MK7

    My mechanic installed the steering wheel quite easily and the paddles work even without programming.
    However, the EPC light is up and there are a few faults that he could not clear because we don't know the VCDS codes.

    The faults are: STOP/START system error, and Cruise Control error.

    I am hoping the VCDS experts in this thread can shed some light on what codes we need to change..

    So in summary, currently the new steering wheel (with paddle shifts) is working.
    But Stop/Start system and cruise control system are not working.

    slashj :Sounds like an interesting project that has (mostly) gone well for you. Well done!

    I'm by no means an expert on VCDS stuff but there are lots of folk here wth awsome expertise on these cables. That said, it might help in understanding more about your problem if you post an autoscan report for your car so that all can see the exact nature of the error codes.

    I'm not sure if you have done something like this before, but posting autoscan reports on forums can tend to be a bit ugly for the reader because they usually take-up alot of screen space. A good way of limiting the visual impact of autoscan reports is to enclose the actual text in what's called the "Code" command.

    This is done by: first pressing the # symbol at the top RH side of the dialogue window. You should then see the Code commands appear. Paste the report text just before the word "[/Code]" and preview the results

    Good luck!
    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

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