I rely on the digital Speedo on my Golf a-lot when driving. But, when I use the MFD for other purposes (like navigation, say), the digital speed is lost. Well here is an interesting VCDS tweak that reinstates the digital Speedo in these instances (albeit the replacement Speedo is displayed on the discover media screen rather than on the MFD). Even if you have no interest in this function at the moment, I reckon that it's a good facility to have enabled (in the background) in case the need arises later. I've implemented this tweak on my car and I can vouch that it works. Acknowledgement to the stemei.de site for the original material.
Edit: Before proceeding, I should make it clear that once the tweak is implemented, the Driving-School mode screen will become the default page whenever the "CAR" button is pressed (thanks Jonoz), This notwithstanding, the tweak does NOT affect access to any other pages or screens. (simply press the <, or > symbols on the screen, or press the "view" panel at the bottom LHS)
1. Select 5F- Information Electr.
2. Select 10- Adaptation
3. From the pull down channel list. select (11)- Vehicle function list CAN-Driving_school (it's about 40% down the channel list)

4 In the
New value box, select
Available option. Click
Do It! tab. Click
Add to log to record a copy of the change report.

5. Click
Yes in the
VCDS:Re-Code Invalid dialogue box
6 From the pull down channel list. select
(171)- Vehicle menu operation-menu_ display_ driving_ school (it's about 75% down the channel list)

7. In the
New value box, select
activated option. Click
Do It! tab. Click
Add to log to record a copy of the change report.
8. From the pull down channel list. select
(173)- Vehicle menu operation-menu _display _driving _school _over _threshold _high (it's about 75% down the channel list)

9. In the
New value box, select
activated option. Click
Do It! tab. Click
Add to log to record a copy of the change report.
10. Click
Go Back and exit from the VCDS software.
Using DSM in the car
Driving School Mode can be accessed as follows:
- Press the "CAR" button on the RHS of the Discover media head
- then press the word "view" on the bottom LHS of the entry screen (you can just see "view" in the pic below).
- then select "driving data" option from the list
- then repeatedly press either the "<", or">" symbols until the "Driving school mode" screen appears.
I've included a screen-shot from my car below:

As can be seen, the Driving-school-mode screen displays the car's prevailing speed (duplicate of the speedometer) and the operation of the turn indicators. Also shown here is accumulated information since DSM was selected (i.e. a learning-to-drive pupil's distance travelled, elapsed time, average speed and average fuel efficiency). From my preliminary observations, it appears that these historic values reset every time that the engine is switched off)