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Thread: VCDS (VAG-COM) codes and programmable options for Golf Mk7

  1. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by wasabiz View Post
    Man, I want to buy a VCDS cable but I'm not sure if the price of $300 is justified just for tweaking these stuff..
    There's a thread in the VCDS section with ppl who can lend a hand
    MY16 Octavia RS 162 Race Blue Combi

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  2. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by wasabiz View Post
    Man, I want to buy a VCDS cable but I'm not sure if the price of $300 is justified just for tweaking these stuff..
    I'm happy to help if you are in melboure.

  3. #63
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    I will for sure be taking you up on that offer alanzidane. Only issue I have right now is that I don't have a car
    Should be arriving in a few weeks. Must get the traffic thing working and the brake lights. Kinda strange they don't have the full brake lights operational by default.



  4. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by veew View Post
    So did the TMC tweak work for you Don?
    Andrew: My apology for not getting back to you sooner. Yes, the magic number ("1024") worked OK on my my13 Golf - thanks again alanzidane. As others have already said, it takes a while for the initial traffic report lists to be downloaded into the vehicle. But after this time, the updating process is quite fast. I now have all the buttons working on my Discover Media head (including the "voice" button).

    If you are intending to do the tweak yourself and if you are not familiar with the process for getting to alanzidane's screen shot, I posted a series of instructions on this procedure about 6 weeks ago in the following thread (I assume that alanzidane is GekoZAO's friend in that post - Hi to you both!).

    Mk7 Golf TSI & TDI - Observations and Questions

    I updated my post yesterday to include reference to alanzidane's information - hope this was OK, alanzidane)

    Also, I needed to click the "yes" tab when asked about initiating a new controller (the message came-up for me just after I clicked the "Do it!" tab in alanzidane's screen shot).

    Failing all this, I'm more than happy to do the tweak for you if you can get to my place (PM me)
    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

  5. #65
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    Found the coding for the LED tail/brake lights on GolfGTI UK ( - An independent forum for Volkswagen Golf GTI enthusiasts.)

    "STG09 (Central Electronics)> Access Authorisation: 31347 > Adaptation Channels> Channel (8 )-Leuchte27 NSL RC6-Lichtfunktion C27" > "Brake light on" set (default: nicht aktiv)

    STG09 (Central Electronics)> Access Authorisation: 31347 > Adaptation Channels > Channel (10)-Leuchte27 NSL RC6-Dimming CD27" > on 100 Set(default: 0)"

    Applied and working -I think the way VW should have done it
    Thanks Alanzidane - Didn't know this was possible until I saw your post - Awesome Work

  6. #66
    Quote Originally Posted by DV52 View Post
    I now have all the buttons working on my Discover Media head (including the "voice" button).
    What function does the voice button do now? And were there steps to enable it?
    2014 - Mk 7 Golf R in Silver | 2011 - Polo TDI in Yellow | 1981 - Lincoln Town Car in 80s beige

  7. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by armthehomeless View Post
    What function does the voice button do now? And were there steps to enable it?
    armthehomless (now there's an interesting idea!): The "Voice" button allows the driver to navigate through most of the functions in the Discover Media facility using the spoken word. My understanding is that it uses the car's internal microphone that normally links to the mobile phone.

    I have to admit that at first I thought that control of the Discover Media unit by voice was a bit of a wank, but after now using the facility for some time, I'm quite impressed by the whole thing. It means that I don't have to take my eyes off the road to change from Radio-to-Media, for example. That said, there is a certain amount of discipline that is required of the driver to successfully use the voice command facility. Most importantly, the driver has to learn the set commands and she has to articulate the words clearly to ensure correct operation.

    Apparently, voice control was included (as an option, I understand) in the mk6 Golf. A few of the more knowledgable mk6 guys on VWW confirmed that the peculiar Aussie accent played havoc with voice control on that model. Pretty much the same applies for the mk7, hence the need for fully articulated and clear language in saying the commands.

    I posted a few screen shots of how the voice command works on the following post-they may be of interest:
    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

  8. #68
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    OMG that is awesome! I'm glad to hear that both TP and Voice Control now works, woohoooo!

    Wait, DV52, you had voice control working before the last few days. I thought getting TP worked magically activated voice control as well. Did you track what changes occurred when your dealer installed the voice control update last year?
    Last edited by veew; 01-05-2014 at 07:22 PM.

  9. #69
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    Wait, so we can activate voice control via VCDS now?
    Mk 7 GTI PP

  10. #70
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    DV52 had it done by his dealer. I asked my dealer who told me VWA state it is not a feature available for the Australian market. Mixed messages, I'll only get it if I can get it for free which isn't the case according to what I was told by Customer Care ~ $400.

    If it is able to be activated by VCDS then I'll def get it done that way.

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