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Thread: VCDS (VAG-COM) codes and programmable options for Golf Mk7

  1. #951
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    Rear Turn Signal lamps: Pace Car operation with Hazard warning lights (LED tails)

    I recently received a communiqué from a forum colleague (thanks anonymous) enquiring about the instructions for the tweak above and including the video below:

    The video shows how the normal operation of the inner turn-signal lamps on the LED tails of a mk7 (which blink in unison with the outer turn-signal lamps) change to provide a "Pace-car" effect whenever the Hazard warning light switch is activated. Also shown on the video is the accompaniment of third brake light in Hazard warning-light dance.

    Anonymous also provided a link to a German language webpage for the tweak - I acknowledge the work of the original author: "Golfi 30" on site. Anyway, after some thinking, translation and minor modifications, we finally developed a set of instructions that could be understood in our "Aussie" vernacular!!

    I don't have LED tails on my car, but anonymous has implemented these instructions and he reports that the tweak works as shown in the video (thanks again Kim).

    Rear Turn Signal lamps: Pace Car operation with Hazard warning lights (LED tails)- Instructions

    1. Select 09 - Central Electr control module
    2. Select Security Access - 16 from the "Open Controller" screen
    3. Enter the magic number 31347 and return to the "Open Controller" screen
    4. Select Adaptation - 10 from the "Open Controller" screen
    5. From the pull-down button check that the default settings for the adaptation channels shown in the table below are as indcated in the Existing Setting column
    6. Change the adaptation channels depicted in the table below to the values in the New Setting column (tip: use the "Search" box to locate the channels)

    1. The table above provides a second option: Acknowledgement with Central Locking - change these settings if you want the "Pace-Car" effect with Lock/Unlock
    2. If the 3rd Brake light does not operate as per the video and you want this to happen, refer to my previous instructions HERE .
    3. Take care in the selection of channels and the settings (particularly when picking the correct "rechts/links" Leuchte commands) - please.............and double-check that the changes are correct before you press the Doit! tab
    4. If problems are encountered, remember the AdpLog.CSV file that resides in the Ross-Tech directory on the laptop that you used to make changes -this file will be your best friend if the tweak goes "pear shape"!!!
    5. I make no judgement, or statement regarding the compliance of this tweak with the Australian Design Rules. Those intending to implement these instructions should satisfy themselves in this regard - prior to proceeding.

    Last edited by DV52; 06-01-2017 at 09:00 AM.
    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

  2. #952
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    I'm not all too familiar here, so can anyone point what page is about increasing the brightness of the LED tails for brake? Since I retrofitted it from the normal halogen tails, I understand the LEDs can be made brighter with VCDS? Currently the brake lights are half decent in my opinion during the day, at night it's ok.

  3. #953
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    Quote Originally Posted by BlitzAce View Post
    I'm not all too familiar here, so can anyone point what page is about increasing the brightness of the LED tails for brake? Since I retrofitted it from the normal halogen tails, I understand the LEDs can be made brighter with VCDS? Currently the brake lights are half decent in my opinion during the day, at night it's ok.

    BlitzAce: Hello. First-off I must say that there are a multitude of different retrofitted LED lamps/fittings on the market and each has their own unique characteristics. Plus, each individual person's perception of lighting is also equally unique! This said, I'm surprised at your observations - still, I guess that anything is possible where retrofitted LEDS are concerned!!

    So the two particular "Leuchte-sets" that manage the outside brake lights on the tails are:

    • Left-side lamp: Leuchte20BR LA71
    • Right-side lamp:Leuchte21BR RC8

    Within each of these Leuchte-sets, the adaption channel that tells the Body Control Module (BCM-or what VCDS calls "Central Elec.") is the one with the term "Lasttyp" in its title. Becasue your car was factory fitted with incandescent lamps, I suspect that the current settings for the brake-lights are as follows:

    • ENG116956-ENG116252-Leuchte20BR LA71-Lasttyp 20 >13 - Bremsleuchten
    • ENG116957-ENG116271-Leuchte21BR RC8-Lasttyp 21 >13 - Bremsleuchten

    Since you have retrofitted LEDs in place of the old incandescent lamps, it might be more prudent to change the settings for the channels above to an LED type (perhaps something like 34 - LED Bremsleuchten)

    It might also be worth checking the "dimming level" of the Leuchte-sets that supply your new LEDs. These are controlled by the following two adaption channels
    • ENG116956-ENG116257-Leuchte20BR LA71-Dimmwert AB 20
    • ENG116957-ENG116276-Leuchte21BR RC8-Dimmwert AB 21

    Again because your car was factory fitted with incandescent lamps, I suspect that the setting for these channels on your car is 100. This is also the setting that VW has on their factory fitted LED tails. It is possible to increase this number to 127 (only if the "lasttyp" channel has an LED value), however problems often result if a value higher than 100 is used on the Brake function, and my observation (from viewing the PWM wave-form from the Leuchte-channel on an oscilloscope) is that full voltage is provided at 100

    Last edited by DV52; 16-10-2016 at 02:31 PM.
    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

  4. #954
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    Just played around with my vcds cable I got from keepleft today and enabled traffic and auto close on rain sensor - tried passenger mirror dip in reverse but it was already there - mirror switch has to be selecting left mirror for it to work 😳

  5. #955
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    Cool, I've got the obdeleven on its way so hope I can do the rain sensor too. Yes it's got to be in the left position. I want to also make the coming home lights automatic without having to flick the full beam. From seeing pictures of various vcds I think there is options for the lights to come on when the ignition is switched off or the drivers door opens??? Some advice might be helpful.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2015 Golf R. Lapiz Blue.

  6. #956
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    Aug 2016
    Hi guys,

    I have tried to change this setting via VCDS but get stucked after i have clicked "Coding - 07".

    Can't seem to find any option on the screen to show "climatronic" as per the screen shot.

    Am i missing something here?

    Could someone pls help me out here?

    Thanks in advance!



    Quote Originally Posted by readerr0r View Post

  7. #957
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    ^^^^^^^^^^^ what version VCDS software are you using? Post-up a copy of your autosan report so we can see the equipment type in your car (and more importantly, the "label" file version that your software is using).

    When you paste the auto scan report, type ["code"], then paste auto scan report, then type ["/code"] - without typing " . If you do this correctly, you should see something like this:

     This is Ronald's autoscan report
    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

  8. #958
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    OBDeleven Auto Rain Close

    Hey folks, just wondering if anyone has done the auto close with rain with their OBDeleven? In the link below I can do srasge 2 and 3 but can't work out how to do stage 1. The option appears on the screen and the box is checked but no joy. I've also read that I might be one of the unlucky ones where it just don't work but as I say I can't work out how to do stasger 1 with the OBDeleven, or do I need VCDs?

    VCDS (VAG-COM) codes and programmable options for Golf Mk7

    Sent from my Tab2A7-20F using Tapatalk
    2015 Golf R. Lapiz Blue.

  9. #959
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reedy View Post
    Hey folks, just wondering if anyone has done the auto close with rain with their OBDeleven? In the link below I can do srasge 2 and 3 but can't work out how to do stage 1. The option appears on the screen and the box is checked but no joy. I've also read that I might be one of the unlucky ones where it just don't work but as I say I can't work out how to do stasger 1 with the OBDeleven, or do I need VCDs?

    VCDS (VAG-COM) codes and programmable options for Golf Mk7

    Sent from my Tab2A7-20F using Tapatalk
    Reedy: Yes, you are correct - OBD11 handles what VCDS calls "slave modules" a little differently! OBD11 hides these modules under the "Subsystems" tab

    Hopefully the diagrammatic instructions below are self explanatory. The second screen shot caters for the 3 x sensors that I have seen reported on mk7s: RLHS, RHFS, or RLS - not sure which is installed on your car.

    However, my suspicion is that neither VCDS, or OD11 (or VCP, for that matter) are any better than the other at making this notoriously difficult tweak work - nevertheless, good luck!!


    Last edited by DV52; 28-10-2016 at 03:50 PM.
    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

  10. #960
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    Thank you mate, much appreciated but still no joy. I must be one of the unlucky ones. I had the RLS when I opened up for coding.

    Funny thing is the comfort indicaters have been strange, I changed it from 3 blinks to 4 it didn't work so I put in 5, that didn't work straight away something happened over night and this morning I've got 5 blinks. I changed that to 4 and nothing, still got 5 even though it says 4 when I hook up the obd11.

    Not to worry I, still like the device and love the car.

    Cheers mate.

    Sent from my Tab2A7-20F using Tapatalk
    2015 Golf R. Lapiz Blue.

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