Originally Posted by

thanks for the reply! see image^
so upon braking the red led at the indicator does light up, but otherwise it doesn't.
fonsii: OK, that's much clearer - thanks for the claification. I don't have LED tail-lights on my mk7, so I'm not accross the detail for the one LED segment at the intersection of the two clusters. What I do know however is that it's not possible to access this segment on its own from outside the housing. Each of the clutters (as a complete unit) has a single wire that is brought out of the housing and that is terminated at the connector.
So, one of two options is possible with your problem (I think): Either the effect that you observe is normal (I don't know), or there is a fault in the intersecting LED at the point that you identified - in which case it's either a chuck-out job, or a warranty matter)
Perhaps someone else here who has a mk7 with LED tails can comment?
Last edited by DV52; 28-09-2016 at 04:50 PM.
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