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Thread: VCDS (VAG-COM) codes and programmable options for Golf Mk7

  1. #691
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    Thought I'd add that when I lock the car (with the key or door), the lights do turn off. They just can't turn off while driving.

  2. #692
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    Hey Don,

    I'm after some advice regarding your tweak for instrument cluster lighting.

    I am finding that with window tinting on a overcast Brisbane day, the instrument cluster often dims to a point where it's almost impossible to read. I have the head lights set to come on "Early" which reduces the duration of unreadability.

    I have applied your recommended values for daylight or "X" and found the situation to be a bit better. However, it looks like I would have to tweak the value of X5 further so the cluster stays lit up until the headlights come on, and leave the "Y" values as factory to maintain the dark-out reminder to turn on headlights if I ever have it in the off position.

    If my understanding is correct from reading your documentation, I need to decrease the decimal value of X5 from 100 to something even lower.

    Alternatively, I could half the decimal value of X2 and X3, and this should keep the clusters lit up for a bit longer until the dark-out kicks in.

    Is this right?

    Also sanity check: X curve = parking lights off, Y curve = parking lights on?

    Any help you can offer here would be greatly appreciated
    Last edited by agentthumb; 03-02-2016 at 03:04 PM.
    Golf MK7 103TSI Highline Wagon | Limestone Grey | DAP2
    Golf MK7 110TDI Highline Hatchback | Tungsten Silver | DAP

  3. #693
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScozR View Post
    This morning, the oil temp gauge in the MFD reached 56 C (short commute today) but the oil temp gauge in the Offroad Monitor still showed three dashed lines. I found that a bit odd.
    My oil temperature begins to register at 50°C. The number in the cluster has matched the Offroad gauge every time I've noticed it.

  4. #694
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    VCDS (VAG-COM) codes and programmable options for Golf Mk7

    Answered my own question. Halving the X5 value in Don's spreadsheet has done the trick, so it would appear. Time will tell.

    Also Don, not sure if you are aware, but I think the photo transistor is actually on the side with the Tacho, not in the middle under the MFD as per your literature. I have attached a photo, it's the round thing next to the high beam indicator.

    It is the only area that responded to my focused spot light.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Last edited by agentthumb; 03-02-2016 at 07:51 PM.
    Golf MK7 103TSI Highline Wagon | Limestone Grey | DAP2
    Golf MK7 110TDI Highline Hatchback | Tungsten Silver | DAP

  5. #695
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    Quote Originally Posted by agentthumb View Post
    Answered my own question. Halving the X5 value in Don's spreadsheet has done the trick, so it would appear. Time will tell.

    Also Don, not sure if you are aware, but I think the photo transistor is actually on the side with the Tacho, not in the middle under the MFD as per your literature. I have attached a photo, it's the round thing next to the high beam indicator.

    It is the only area that responded to my focused spot light.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Agentthumb: Sorry that I couldn't get to you sooner, but I'm glad that you sorted-out your problem.

    Had I responded sooner, I would have suggested that you download my macro spread-sheet and try different lighting curves HERE.

    The X5 value is certainly the fixing-point for the greatest daylight illumination, but you might find that the cluster illumination needs a tweak at lower ambient light levels. It's a bit of a compromise really between increasing the illumination on the cluster and not having the other phototransistor controlled items too bright. You could of course also tweak these other curves, if you have the interest.

    But if you are happy with my tweak curve, then there's nothing more to do (mercifully)
    PS Thanks for the location of the phototransistor - I think you are correct - that looks like the spot
    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

  6. #696
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    Quote Originally Posted by DV52 View Post
    Agentthumb: Sorry that I couldn't get to you sooner, but I';m glad that you sorted-out your problem.

    Had I responded sooner, I would have suggested that you download my macro spread-sheet and try different lighting curves HERE.

    The X5 value is certainly the fixing-point for the greatest daylight illumination, but you might find that the cluster illumination needs a tweak at lower ambient light levels. It's a bit of a compromise really between increasing the illumination on the cluster and not having the other phototransistor controlled items too bright. You could of course also tweak these other curves, if you have the interest.

    But if you are happy with my tweak curve, then there's nothing more to do (mercifully)
    PS Thanks for the location of the phototransistor - I think you are correct - that looks like the spot
    Ahh I wasn't clear, I did use your excel doc, and halved the X5 value in the red field from your suggested value. (I was already running your suggested value prior to tonight's tweak)

    Thanks again!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Golf MK7 103TSI Highline Wagon | Limestone Grey | DAP2
    Golf MK7 110TDI Highline Hatchback | Tungsten Silver | DAP

  7. #697
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chillout View Post
    Enable WLAN on Discover Pro MIB1
    Warning: you will not have data access if you don't have premium telephony, so there will be NO online services. This WILL lead to an error in Phone menu when selecting "Premium phone". It will do no damage, but as with all VCDS changes: use your brain.

    Module 5F
    Login 20103
    Long Coding:
    Byte 15, bit 4 = 1 (Phone NAD)
    Byte 24, bit 3 = 1 (WLAN Module)
    WLAN: On
    (7)-Vehicle configuration-WIFI_Hotspot: On
    (17)-Vehicle configuration-UPnP: On (Will enable DLNA)

    After you've set this, RESET the device by holding Power for ~15 seconds.
    You can now find the WLAN settings in the device settings menu.
    If not, that's bad luck. The MIB1 is a mysterious device... it could be that you need to set "LTE Module" to on...

    That's all.
    Feel free to experiment with this. Be careful though.
    Please post your findings here!
    Some stats

    My Discover Pro FW 192 - WLAN enabled 1.5 years ago
    My Discover Pro updated to 388 - WLAN doesnt show in Menu, but show as inactive in Media Source...
    Columbus SW 390 (same as Discover Pro SW 38 - WLAN activated successfully
    any ideas why dont work with 388 DP?))))

  8. #698
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    Quote Originally Posted by zloybob View Post
    Some stats

    My Discover Pro FW 192 - WLAN enabled 1.5 years ago
    My Discover Pro updated to 388 - WLAN doesnt show in Menu, but show as inactive in Media Source...
    Columbus SW 390 (same as Discover Pro SW 38 - WLAN activated successfully
    any ideas why dont work with 388 DP?))))
    I have 0388 myself and it works.
    However, you should look at these things in a seperate way:
    - WLAN Hotspot
    - WLAN Media Source.

    WLAN Media source is only available when you have a DLNA server running on your WLAN network. Otherwise, there would be no source.
    You might need to re-enable WLAN again after updating. Updating sometimes resets some settings to what VW wants them to be.

  9. #699
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chillout View Post
    I have 0388 myself and it works.
    However, you should look at these things in a seperate way:
    - WLAN Hotspot
    - WLAN Media Source.

    WLAN Media source is only available when you have a DLNA server running on your WLAN network. Otherwise, there would be no source.
    You might need to re-enable WLAN again after updating. Updating sometimes resets some settings to what VW wants them to be.
    I spent yesterday around 4 hours to attempt to activate the WLAN. And I tried all combinations =)

  10. #700
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    Including a reset?

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