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Thread: VCDS (VAG-COM) codes and programmable options for Golf Mk7

  1. #601
    bobcrusader Guest

    Solved it by going into Advanced and enabling it. The VCDS software must have upset it somehow. All working again, including TP.

  2. #602
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    VCDS Tweak: Counter blinking DRLs on turn signal - Halogen Headlignts

    As factory fitted, the Halogen DRLs on our Australian mk7s have what is popularly known as "DRL wink". That is, the DRL turns-off on the side of the car where the turn signal is indicating. The VCDS tweak below modifies the behaviour of the DRL so that it counter blinks (instead of "DRL wink") with the turn signal - see the GIFs below. The other functions of the DRL are not modified by this tweak (i.e. the parking light function and the single sided parker function remain unchanged). This tweak is designed solely for incandescent headlight assemblies.

    I have implemented this tweak on my 103TSI and I can vouch that it works. Please note that I make no judgement regarding the compliance of the "Counter blinking DRL" with the Australian Design Rules. Those intending to implement this tweak should satisfy themselves in this regard.

    VCDS Tweak Instructions: Counter Blinking DRLs - Halogen Headlights
    1. Select 09 - Central Electr control module
    2. Select Security Access - 16 from the "Open Controller" screen
    3. Enter the magic number 31347 and return to the "Open Controller" screen
    4. Select Adaptation - 10 from the "Open Controller" screen
    5. From the pull-down button check that the default settings for the adaptation channels shown in the table below are as indicated in the Old setting column
    6. Change the two Leuchte channels depicted in the table below to the values in the New Settings column


    1. TIP: use the "search" facility on the latest RT software to find the two channels listed below as follows:
      • Enter LB4 into the search box to find the Left Hand DRL channel
      • Enter RB32 into the search box to find the Right Hand DRL channel

    2. Only 2 x adaptation channels need to be changed - I've shown the complete Leuchte-set in the table above for completeness.
    3. Do not proceed with this tweak if the remaining channels are not as shown in the "old setting" column
    4. If you want the DRLs to blink in unison with the turn signal, , change the setting (instead of the "New Setting" above):
      • ( 8 )-Leuchte4TFL LB4-Lichtfunktion C 4 to Blinken links Dunkelphase
      • ( 8 )-Leuchte5 TFL RB32-Lichtfunktion C 5 to Blinken rechts Dunkelphase

    Last edited by DV52; 29-11-2015 at 01:29 AM.
    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

  3. #603
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    VCDS (VAG-COM) codes and programmable options for Golf Mk7

    Hi Don, nice write up. I played with 2SL and 3SL last week with my outer U LED DRL's and successfully made them wink default was always on. Looks nice after modification.

    One thing I noticed recently:
    why would the inner dot DRL won't glow when light switch is set to (o) position? However outer U glows in every position?
    Both 4TFL and 5 TFL A channel is DRL and AB is 127 and always.
    Only other channel is CD for general and parking and they are also set to 127 maximum.
    This dot LED works in all other positions except zero position and also it won't come on during daytime when the switch position is on Auto.

    Another observation:
    Start-Stop, has anyone tried the 19-Can gateway adaptation, deactivate start stop function value "stop prohibition, no start request"?
    I did it today at 9pm and have driven to shops and friends house at least up to 10 stop cycles and in normal mode. Start stop always stayed deactivated.
    No confidence yet because sometimes this system doesn't stop unless hard press break etc etc. although I did tried all things known to me to make it stop but it did not stop.VCDS (VAG-COM) codes and programmable options for Golf Mk7
    I will report tmrw evening to see if it really works. Then may be we have alternative method without altering the voltage or temperature.

    Last edited by MRG_AU; 29-11-2015 at 11:39 PM.
    2015 Limestone grey Golf 103TSI Highline with Luxury pack and Driver Assistance Pack II
    2012 Pantom Black Audi Q5 3.0 TDI with B&O sound system

  4. #604
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    Start stop still active VCDS (VAG-COM) codes and programmable options for Golf Mk7reverted to voltage methodVCDS (VAG-COM) codes and programmable options for Golf Mk7

    2015 Limestone grey Golf 103TSI Highline with Luxury pack and Driver Assistance Pack II
    2012 Pantom Black Audi Q5 3.0 TDI with B&O sound system

  5. #605
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    Quote Originally Posted by MRG_AU View Post
    I played with 2SL and 3SL last week with my outer U LED DRL's and successfully made them wink default was always on. Looks nice after modification.

    Quote Originally Posted by MRG_AU View Post
    One thing I noticed recently:
    why would the inner dot DRL won't glow when light switch is set to (o) position? However outer U glows in every position?
    Both 4TFL and 5 TFL A channel is DRL and AB is 127 and always.
    Only other channel is CD for general and parking and they are also set to 127 maximum.
    This dot LED works in all other positions except zero position and also it won't come on during daytime when the switch position is on Auto.
    I'm not sure but the answer will lie in the admap for the BCM on your car. If you scrutinise the settings in 35 x Leuchte-sets for the word "daytime running lights" you will identify the pertinent channels. I've not had access to your type of headlight assemblies - I had understood (incorrectly as it would appear) that only one of "angel-eyes" operated on the standard fittings that weren't in the golf R .

    Quote Originally Posted by MRG_AU View Post
    Another observation:
    Start-Stop, has anyone tried the 19-Can gateway adaptation, deactivate start stop function value "stop prohibition, no start request"?
    I did it today at 9pm and have driven to shops and friends house at least up to 10 stop cycles and in normal mode. Start stop always stayed deactivated.
    No confidence yet because sometimes this system doesn't stop unless hard press break etc etc. although I did tried all things known to me to make it stop but it did not stop.VCDS (VAG-COM) codes and programmable options for Golf Mk7
    I will report tmrw evening to see if it really works. Then may be we have alternative method without altering the voltage or temperature.

    Start Stop has been one of my obsessions since I first got my mk7 - I hate it with a vengeance! After much reading and looking at the references to SS in the various control modules, I'm convinced that there is no way to really disable this terrible facility. The problem is that SS is so integrally mesh into the DNA of the car that there doesn't appear to be an easy method to disable it! The VCDS tweak (either Voltage, or Temperature method) really only tricks the car by using one of SS's limiting controls. The problem with the tweak is that it leaves the tell-tale symbol (letter A with a slash) on the dash whenever the car comes to a halt.

    When last I had the car serviced, I had a hard time convincing the mechanic that saw the tell-tale message that there wasn't a fault with the car. He even discussed the problem with the muppet-boffins at HQ and he booked my car for a further investigation which I won't meet (he still doesn't believe that it's possible to defeat SS).

    Much better method of dealing with SS (IMO) is the Automatic SS kill switch that I recently designed -my irrational abhorrence of SS was so great, that I had to do something! The good thing about the kill switch is that it uses the car's own disabling facility - it's the only "chink" in the design of SS that I could find. I've been using the kill switch for about two months now (so has matteus) and it has worked every time that I switch the ignition-on. Definitely a better solution - I think
    Last edited by DV52; 01-12-2015 at 07:43 AM.
    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

  6. #606
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    Good morning,
    I found the way to make the dot LED DRL to work along with U LED DRL in all light switch positions finally. extra affect Instrument cluster illuminated all the time with stock phototransistor X1..X5 values.

    1. Select 09 - Central Electr control module
    2. Select Security Access - 16 from the "Open Controller" screen
    3. Enter the magic number 31347 and return to the "Open Controller" screen
    4. Select Adaptation - 10 from the "Open Controller" screen
    5. From the pull-down button Select (6)-Daytime running lights-Tagfahrlicht-Dauerfahrlicht aktiviert zusaetzlich Standlicht, is not active by default, make this active. (Google translation result is Daytime running light daytime running lights additionally activated parking light)

    More observation:

    • Instrument Cluster Illumination, I have not yet checked whether the intensity of illumination changes based on the light with this Mod. (ICI coming on is no magic here, I believe it will be illuminated if light switch is moved to parking lights day or night. since the parking lights are forced to run along with DRL's cluster stays on). Don's work on this as per Post#446 is exquisite. This mod keeps the Dot LED on in all light switch positions.
    • I checked deactivate start stop function value and it showed mode not active. But I am 100% sure I saved the value “stop prohibition, no start request”. So when I saved and tested it without restarting the car it worked. But when I switch off the car overnight and started in the morning it has gone back to mode not started, maybe or maybe I did not save it properly (no way), that is why start stop started working again. At least this is my belief so I have reverted back minimum voltage stock value for start stop and set the deactivate start stop back to “stop prohibition, no start request” for further observation.


    I am not sure if this Dot LED is capable of running all the time. Do they have enough cooling heat sinks? Could someone kindly advise on this matter, please.
    Last edited by MRG_AU; 01-12-2015 at 09:52 AM.
    2015 Limestone grey Golf 103TSI Highline with Luxury pack and Driver Assistance Pack II
    2012 Pantom Black Audi Q5 3.0 TDI with B&O sound system

  7. #607
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    ^^^ Nice find!!!

    Tweak added to the VCDS reference thread (under "Lighting" and "Instruments")

    EDIT: I would be very surprised if there are heating consequences with illuminating the "Dot" as a DRL. The overheating problem generally results from increased I^2R losses for incandescent lamps. This occurs only where the lamp base is not rated for increased usage - like the turn indicator fitting which is designed for a lamp which has a "50% duty-cycle" (i.e. the lamp flashes on/off for the same period). The Dot is an LED which is way more efficient than an incandescent lamp! Plus, the Dot is rated for full operation on the other rotary switch positions - so operating as a DRL on the 0 switch position should make no difference to it's ability to withstand the resultant heating from full-time operation
    Last edited by DV52; 01-12-2015 at 09:23 AM.
    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

  8. #608
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    Sorry Don, I copied your steps and modified my post to make it more clearer as you have referenced this in the Tweeks thread. Once again I cannot stop thanking you Don (The Lighting Guru).
    2015 Limestone grey Golf 103TSI Highline with Luxury pack and Driver Assistance Pack II
    2012 Pantom Black Audi Q5 3.0 TDI with B&O sound system

  9. #609
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    Quote Originally Posted by MRG_AU View Post
    Sorry Don, I copied your steps and modified my post to make it more clearer as you have referenced this in the Tweeks thread. Once again I cannot stop thanking you Don (The Lighting Guru).
    MRG_AU: No problems - I'm delighted and honoured to have played an infinitesimally minuscule part in your tweak instructions.

    On a related but different matter, may I ask a favour-please? Can you do something similar to your post #603 (regarding 2SL and 3SL). I'm of the view that there are not enough Leuchte tweaks here about HIDs and LED based tail lights. Alas, I have neither so, I fnd it difficult to contribute for these fittings. You on the other hand present as a colleague with the skills, the interest and the owner of said fittings!
    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

  10. #610
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    VCDS Tweak Instructions: Winking U DRL(Outer LED Light) - Xenon Headlights

    The default U LED DRLs on my 2015 MK7 Golf are always on. During night time, the DRL light intensity dims down by 80%. The VCDS tweak below modifies the default behaviour of the DRL so that it winks on the side of the car where the turn signal is indicating with the turn signal. During Day time the Wink is significantly visible. Night time functioning of the DRL are slightly modified by this tweak (i.e. Taillight; Position light; boundary light function), original dimming value is slightly increased from 26 to 35 to get the winking functionality visible, however the night winking visibility is not as significant as daytime.

    I have implemented this tweak on my car and it works. Please note that I make no judgement regarding the compliance of the "DRL winking" with the Australian Design Rules. Those intending to implement this tweak should satisfy themselves in this regard. Most cars these days including my own Audi Q5 do this by default from factory. So I presume it is totally safe.

    VCDS Tweak Instructions: Winking U DRL (Outer LED Light) - Xenon Headlights

    1. Select 09 - Central Electr control module
    2. Select Security Access - 16 from the "Open Controller" screen
    3. Enter the magic number 31347 and return to the "Open Controller" screen
    4. Select Adaptation - 10 from the "Open Controller" screen
    5. From the pull-down button check that the current settings for all the adaptation channels shown in the picture below are as indicated in the Factory setting column
    6. Change only the Leuchte channels as per the picture below to the values in the New Setting column


    • TIP: use the "search" facility on the latest RT software to find the two channels listed below as follows:
      • Enter 2sl into the search box to find the Left Hand DRL channel
      • Enter 3sl into the search box to find the Right Hand DRL channel (watch out, it will return 23sl too)

    • Only adaptation channels that are shown in the new setting column need to be changed. I've shown the complete Leuchte-set in the table above for completeness.
    • Do not proceed with this tweak if the remaining channels are not as shown in the "Factory setting" column
    • Priority of Leuchte channels is to be considered if you making different changes, please follow Dons material regarding Leuchte programming in Tweeks thread(I refer that to myself as the bible of leuchte programming)
    • Blinken rechts aktiv (beide Phasen) and Blinken links aktiv (beide Phasen) should be in a higher channel than general lights/parking lights and usual DRL channels
    • Do not use value 0 in any dimmwert for 2sl and 3sl channels, it will throw error.

    I tried Don, basically copied your post#446 to make this one.
    Last edited by MRG_AU; 02-12-2015 at 08:33 AM.

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