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Thread: VCDS (VAG-COM) codes and programmable options for Golf Mk7

  1. #451
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    Seattle, WA USA

    Don, your reasoning on why the lights work like this is correct. My owners manual states it's to remind the driver to turn on the lights because you are only rubbing DRLs and no tail lights, so logic says if you can't see your dash, drivers behind you can't see you because you have no lights on (or something to that effect). Makes sense, but annoying and having tinted windows doesn't help either. I played around with this tweak this morning and it works well. Only issue I had was how bright the infotainment screen became. The gauges worked perfect, but I need to find a way to separate the infotainment screen from this mod...hmmmm

    Current: 2017 GTI S, 6 spd man; 2017 Jetta SE TSI, 5 spd man
    Previous: 2015 Golf S TDI, 6 spd man; 2015 Jetta SE TDI, 6 spd man; 12 Jetta 2.5L, 04 Jetta 2.0L, 02 Golf 2.0L, 98 Jetta 2.0L, 98 Golf 2.0L, 98 Cabrio 2.0L, 95 Golf 2.0L, 87 golf GTI 16 valve 1.8L, 86 Cabriolet 1.6L, 80 Audi 4000 1.6L, 76 Audi Fox 1.6L, 76 VW Beetle 1.6L, 74 Audi Fox 1.5L, 69 VW Beetle 1.5L

  2. #452
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    Quote Originally Posted by badufay View Post
    Don, your reasoning on why the lights work like this is correct. My owners manual states it's to remind the driver to turn on the lights because you are only rubbing DRLs and no tail lights, so logic says if you can't see your dash, drivers behind you can't see you because you have no lights on (or something to that effect). Makes sense, but annoying and having tinted windows doesn't help either. I played around with this tweak this morning and it works well. Only issue I had was how bright the infotainment screen became. The gauges worked perfect, but I need to find a way to separate the infotainment screen from this mod...hmmmm

    I have the advantage of installing this tweak some time ago and confronting this same problem. It is possible to reduce the daylight intensity for the infotainment screen by reducing the Hex value for "X5", but this has the consequential impact of also reducing the instrument panel illumination This solution is antithetical to the whole point of the tweak.

    Anyhow, when you give this problem some thought, I'm sure that you will come-up with the same solution as did I. Simply press the MENU button on the bottom RHS of the discover media/pro escutcheon plate and using the RH dial, or your finger, scroll to the SETUP icon - which looks like a very impractical gear-cog (on those cars that have the steering wheel on the correct side, SETUP is on the extreme RHS of the list of options). Then press the SCREEN panel and in the next screen click the panel that says Brightness and select medium, or low. Exit all the screens and problem solved!

    PS: given that we have both encountered this problem from two ends of the known world, I will add a note to my tweak instructions
    Last edited by DV52; 14-06-2015 at 06:21 PM.
    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

  3. #453
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    Seattle, WA USA
    Thanks Don, I was thinking the same thing and found low to look best. I ran out of time yesterday so didn't get everything set up quite yet. Hopefully today I'll have some free time to play with this some more.

    Current: 2017 GTI S, 6 spd man; 2017 Jetta SE TSI, 5 spd man
    Previous: 2015 Golf S TDI, 6 spd man; 2015 Jetta SE TDI, 6 spd man; 12 Jetta 2.5L, 04 Jetta 2.0L, 02 Golf 2.0L, 98 Jetta 2.0L, 98 Golf 2.0L, 98 Cabrio 2.0L, 95 Golf 2.0L, 87 golf GTI 16 valve 1.8L, 86 Cabriolet 1.6L, 80 Audi 4000 1.6L, 76 Audi Fox 1.6L, 76 VW Beetle 1.6L, 74 Audi Fox 1.5L, 69 VW Beetle 1.5L

  4. #454
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    Incandescent Tail lights - Add brake function to "inner" lights

    The operation of the incandescent taillights on a mk7 is fairly austere (IMO)! Particularly the "inner" lights that are fitted to each side of the hatch door. As stock, these lights do nothing more than function as parking lights and in this mode, they are programmed to illuminate to 28% of full intensity. The "outer" lights work a bit harder in that they function as brake lights, general parking lights, and as one-sided parkers- when the indicator stalk is activated and the car is locked.

    Fact is that any of the tail lights (and all exterior lights on a mk7) can be programmed to function in a variety of ways because of the manner in which VW has implemented the Body Control Module (BCM) on MQB platform vehicles. However, the ardour of those interested in creating these tweaks is limited by the boundaries set by the Australian Design Rules (ADRs) which specifies how cars must be lit (amongst other things).

    I developed the tweak below to make the inner lights on my incandescent tail light assemblies work harder. In essence, the tweak adds the "brake" function to these two lights so that both the outer and inner tail lights (on both sides) will illuminate together when the pedal is pressed - as well as the high level brake light (see my animation below). I argue that this makes my vehicle more "visible" to the cars behind when I'm braking.

    The stock "parker" function of the inner lights is unaffected by this tweak, and I have placed the new function in the Leuchte cannel-set so that the brake lights always have priority over the parker function. I assume that the tweak complies with the ADRs, but I advise that those seeking to implement these instructions should satisfy themselves in this regard.

    VCDS Tweak - Add "brake" function to "inner" tail lights

    1. Select 09 - Central Electr control module
    2. Select Security Access - 16 from the "Open Controller" screen
    3. Enter the magic number 31347 and return to the "Open Controller" screen
    4. Select Adaptation - 10 from the "Open Controller" screen
    5. From the pull-down button change the adaptation channels shown in the table below to the New Settings as indicated:

    1. The adaptation channels settings on (9) and (11) for the left and right side lights do not need to be changed. I have included these in the table to complete the alpha-channel sub-set entries
    2. Do not implement these instructions if the Old Setting values are not the same as shown in the table
    Last edited by DV52; 07-09-2015 at 06:21 PM.
    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

  5. #455
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    As you appear to be quite knowledgeable on the Golf 7 lighting, do you know if it is possible to operate the hazard lights when reverse is selected.

    I always select the hazards when reversing so to have it operate automatically would be an advantage.


  6. #456
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Really? Is that in a particular location with say a lot of pedestrians, or do you just like everyone to think you've broken down each time you reverse, haha.

  7. #457
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    Quote Originally Posted by bloggo View Post
    As you appear to be quite knowledgeable on the Golf 7 lighting, do you know if it is possible to operate the hazard lights when reverse is selected.

    I always select the hazards when reversing so to have it operate automatically would be an advantage.

    Bill; hello and thanks for the kind words. I'm guessing that the hazard lights are for safety reasons (for pedestrians - as Ryan has suggested above). Not an entirely intuitive facility on my first read, but having thought about it - what an excellent question to ask!

    In a previous life (as a much younger but misguided engineer) I recall that large construction vehicles often had this facility-together with the annoying "sonalert" siren when reversing. The blinking lights were a very useful facility for those of us who couldn't hear the warning alert because of the noisey work environment - and because of the mandatory ear-muffs that we were forced to wear!

    But alas, I'm not sure that the mk7 can do what you want (I would be delighted to be proven wrong)! The mk7's "Leuchte programming" function is a fairly powerful tool and it can alter the way that any of the car's 35 x exterior lamps operate. But it does have its limitations! What is possible with Leuchte programming (albeit I haven't tested-it) is to make the two rear turn indicator lights illuminate when backing (but not blink on-off).

    I will have a closer look in the BCM for an another way of doing this, but unless I can find an adaptation channel with this specific facility, I'm not confident of a solution. If I find something, I'll PM
    Last edited by DV52; 01-05-2015 at 09:56 AM.
    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

  8. #458
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    When I lived in Singapore, every one did the blinking when they want to park/reverse/stop and it's become a habit for me if I park in shopping malls and around city to do the same. This is a really useful feature IMO

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    GTI PP Mk7
    My grandma used to say...

  9. #459
    Join Date
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    Birmingham UK
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    Hello Don,
    My sole purpose is to add extra safety for pedestrians and other traffic, which I have missed or they have approached too quickly. Even though I have all the aids for reversing there is still the chance that something or someone suddenly appears; the hazards flashing is just another way to be noticed and I have done this for many years.

    Why I thought it may be possible is because the hazards can operate in the event of a collision, but if not it is still a finger job!

    I must say that your write-ups are brilliant on VCDS tweaks and would put some teachers to shame.

    Thanks anyway for your efforts

  10. #460
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    Golf mk7 - Control Module Security Codes

    As a forum community exercise, it would be advantageous for both our fellow colleagues and for ourselves to create as fulsome a list as possible of the security codes for the control modules in the mk7. If you are like me, you would doubtless have some of these security codes recorded somewhere for the VCDS tweaks that you have tried.

    Below is a list of the security codes that I have obtained from various sources (not sure where, now). I'd welcome other's views as to the veracity (or, otherwise) of the numbers in my table.

    If you can add to my list, then I urge you to do so (as a resource for other VWW members and for those that visit this site from time-to-time). I will undertake to consolidate replies into a single list (with appropriate attributions and comments from those that respond).

    Please contribute to this list, if you can.

    Thanks in advance

    Golf mk7 Control Modules - VCDS Security Codes
    Control Module Security Code Contributor Comments
    01 -Engine 27971
    02-Auto Trans
    2b-Steer. Col. Lock 20103
    03- ABS Brakes 25004


    zloybob and
    acr2001 (RT forum)



    Dana (RT)
    Brake booster adaptation only

    11966 was able to deactivate hydraulic brake assist -Yomny (Golfmk7 forum)

    XDS changes

    24990 - for All Adaptation channels
    straight ahead brake stabilization
    25757 -brake stabilization

    for Adaptation/Basic Setting

    brake disk drying
    3C-Lane Change 20103 LIJetta_18
    05 - ACC/Start Auth. 20103
    08-Auto HVAC 20103
    09-Cent. Elect. 31347
    10-Park/Steer Assist 71679
    13- Auto Dist. Reg (ACC) 14117 Morde
    14- Susp. Elect. 20103 NEtech
    16-Steering wheel
    17-Instruments 20103


    djduese (RT forum)
    Not applicable to MY16 models
    Accepted on MY16, but no access to adaptation channels
    for post MY16 control modules
    18-Aux Heat 20103
    19-CAN Gateway 20103
    32-Differential Locks
    42-Door Elect, Driver 20103
    44-Steering Assist 19249
    52-Door Elect, Pass. 20103
    55-Headlight Range 20103
    5F-Information Electr. 20103
    A5-Frt Sens. Drv. Assist 20103
    A9-Struct. Borne Sound
    6D 12345 Morde
    75-Telematics 20103 Chillout
    Last edited by DV52; 13-06-2019 at 10:01 AM.
    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

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