the instructions below will illuminate the instrument cluster with the light switch in the off position.
The underlying mechanism for this tweak is the mysterious (to me, at least) set of adaptation channels that contain the words
dimming_characteristic_curve_adjustment. There are 80 such adaptation channels in the instrument control module allbeit this tweak only deals with 10 of these channels.
Not much is known about these adaptation channels and my understanding of their operation is rudimentary. However, i have been able to develop the vcds tweak below, which i have implemented in my own 103tsi and i can vouch that it works!
This tweak will alter the way that the internal photo-transistor in the instrument cluster reacts to the illumination levels in the cabin. In essence, the tweak establishes a new daylight and a separate new night-time response-curve that results in the instrument panel lighting-up during sunshine and (differently) during darkness conditions. The new illumination levels are independent of the position of the rotary light switch.
For those wanting to create their own instrument cluster illumination curves, i have written a short paper on how i developed the settings for these instructions - which can be down-loaded
here. Also included in my paper is a link to a related spreadsheet that i also created to calculate the required settings for the "x" and "y" values in the adaptation channels listed below.
Finally, if you do make any discoveries on this topic, please share your findings!
instrument cluster illumination - instructions
- have the engine running and start the ross tech software (i found this to be necessary to successfully change the adaptation channel settings)
- select 17 - instrument control module
- select security access - 16 from the "open controller" screen
- enter the magic number 20103 and return to the "open controller" screen
- select adaptation - 10 from the "open controller" screen
- from the pull-down button change the 10 x adaptation channels shown in the table below to the new settings as indicated:

note1: When entering the new hexadecimal values, take care to use the exact structure shown in the table (i.e. Enter all leading zeros and enter a space as shown - it is not necessary to use capital letters for the alpha characters)
note2: If the lighting-effect that results from implementing the changes shown in the table above are not to your liking, revert all settings to their default value (as shown in the table), or use my paper and the related spreadsheet to create your own illumination curves.