DV52 if you held training classes I would say pay to go to this! I love waiting for your responses because I learn each time you post.
Your lighting guide is only for standard halogen lights, do you have a configuration of a Bi-Xenon set-up?
Agentthumb: OK, that's an interesting way to think about how the Heckdeckel function works! But alas it doesn't quite operate that way.
As I said in my diatribe above each Leuchte sub-set works in the following order:
- First, you need set-up how the light will function. For this purpose you must use the two alpha channels which are the first two channels in each "bank". I hadn't mentioned this before, but the permissible settings for the alpha channels are listed in my paper (i.e. see Table 5). As far as I'm aware, there are 66 different settings from which to choose but some (many) of these settings are purpose specific. Alas, you won't find "Heckdeckel" in any of these 66 permissible settings!
- Once you have determined what function(s) the light will support, you then need to decide what light intensity those functions will have. This is determined by the setting in the "Dimmwert" channel. The value that you put in this channel will apply to both functions that you set in the two alpha channels.
- Having determined what functions the light will perform and having set the illumination value, the last adaptation channel in the Leuchte sub-set becomes the "doing" command. The only place where the behaviour of the hatch lid is contemplated in a Leuchte set is in the "doing" command in the adaptation channel starting with parenthesis (7).
So in terms of your question, look at the first Leuchte sub-set in my first table above (which I call Bank 1) and you will see that the programming reads like this:
- The light that this Leuchte sub-set is concerned-with is the one connected to PIN4 of the B socket on the BCM and it is on the Left side of the car
- The light connected to the wire above will act (amongst other functions) as a Daytime Running Light (alpha channel B is "not active")
- When this light acts as a DRL, it will be fully illuminated (i.e. Dimmwert AB =100)
- The illumination level will apply "always". That is, the illumination level will not alter regardless of whether the Hatch lid is open, or closed
So what I hope that I have explained above is that you can't set the command Heckdeckel in an alpha channel. The only place where you can set the behaviour of the hatch lid is in the "doing" command in adaptation channel (7) and this setting only applies to the functions that you programmed for alpha channels A and B.
As I said, this is pretty arcane stuff - but if you take your time to think about what I have said, it should make sense! PM if you want to ask any further questions, so we don't bore the rest of the folks reading this thread
Last edited by DV52; 25-03-2015 at 11:36 PM.
Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.
DV52 if you held training classes I would say pay to go to this! I love waiting for your responses because I learn each time you post.
Your lighting guide is only for standard halogen lights, do you have a configuration of a Bi-Xenon set-up?
GolfVII: thanks for your kind words! I have been asked to run a beginner's class for VCDS cable users (those who have just purchased a cable, or those that are considering buying a cable). Still thinking about it- the logistics are difficult!
I'm not sure that I understand your comment about my "lighting guide". Which guide do you mean? The table that I posted earlier for the DRLs is from my own (halogen) car. But I have lots of examples of the same Leuchte channels for HID vehicles in my database (cars from Australia, Ireland, Japan, USA). My introduction paper on Leuchte programming is more generic (at least this is how I intended to write it)!
Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.
Hi all, and again to DV52!
Quick question ... I have just installed OEM Golf R taillights in my Mk7 GTI and noticed that when the rear lights are on they're incredibly bright! So much so that when the brake peddle is depressed the intensity of them doesn't actually look that much brighter ...
My question is this: is there a function to change the percentage or "dim" the rear lights so they're not as bright? (But also [and obviously] not too dim).
Thanks in advance.
MkVII | GTI | Tornado Red | DSG |Bi-Xenon | Panoramic Roof | Vienna Leather | Driver Assist
My last post was an example of not reading what I'm posting. I was referring to the "introduction paper on Leuchte programming" when I said "lighting guide".
I'm currently gathering all the parts to retrofit Bi-Xenons (with washers etc.) on my car and I'm pretty sure a few other people around my be doing the same thing. Understanding how a standard Bi-Xenon setup works will greatly help when I get around to fitting mine. Hence why I was wondering if you had a write up like the halogen setup in your Leuchte programming paper. I have a feeling there is a few companies that already know how code VCDS and correctly wire up retro fitted OEM Bi-Xenons at a price but I'm one for FSF and GPL, I have released mods for a video game in the past for the community to learn and improve from with no restrictions and I see what you are doing here as somewhat the same.
If someone does not beat me to it I was going to document the process and VCDS changes then upload these details once successful. I hope that makes my pre coffee morning ramblings make sense
BTW I think I understand VCDS reasonably well but like everything there is still more to learn and I would defiantly give up a weekend to attend even a beginner's class for VCDS. Thinking about it, the logistics would be difficult because you would need a car to tweak and change in front of everyone and a place to host it so everyone can watch.
Downside to current model cars is there is no Gregory's workshop manual out yet like I had for my Dato 1600 and Morris Mini Wagon so your posts are like extracts from these book but for our Golfs.
I also have the the auto rain close working now, after I read the all the information correctly and no nag-screen any more.![]()
Thanks again Don. PMed you with a follow up question
Thanks again for your patience.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Golf MK7 103TSI Highline Wagon | Limestone Grey | DAP2
Golf MK7 110TDI Highline Hatchback | Tungsten Silver | DAP
GolfVII: OK, thanks for clarifying the "lighting guide" reference! My introduction paper was intended to be generic (i.e. both incandescent and LED), but I must admit that I kind-of tended to favour incandescent fittings because these are on my car and my interest was pulled in this direction - sorry!
Your Bi-Xenon project sounds very interesting! The best way that I can help with this is to refer you to my spreadsheet which contains a database of the adaptation channels for the BCM from a wide variety of mk7 Golfs. You will find a link to my spreadsheet on mk7 VCDS reference page,
The current spreadsheet version that I have posted contains 13 x mk7 models from Australia, Ireland, Japan and North America. Most of the cars on my spreadsheet have Xenon fittings, so it should be a rich reference source for examples of how VW configures their Leuchte channels for these types of lights. You will find the shutter settings at ID #1650 -1687 and the low beam and high beam settings are further down the page. It's easy to identify those vehicles with Xenon fittings, because of the setting in the Lastyp channel. If you have any questions, then please ask
I also have a good database of other stuff that might be useful for your project (i.e. wiring diagrams, repair information etc) - again just ask
Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.
Hi all, and again to DV52!
Quick question ... I have just installed OEM Golf R taillights in my Mk7 GTI and noticed that when the rear lights are on they're incredibly bright! So much so that when the brake peddle is depressed the intensity of them doesn't actually look that much brighter ...
My question is this: is there a function to change the percentage or "dim" the rear lights so they're not as bright? (But also [and obviously] not too dim).
Thanks in advance.
MkVII | GTI | Tornado Red | DSG |Bi-Xenon | Panoramic Roof | Vienna Leather | Driver Assist
Jazrod: Hi again and well done on your tail light installation.
Not sure what Leutche programming you did as part of the project and I don't have in my database a listing of the BCM admaps for a Aussie GTI, but I did manage to find one for an NAR GTI (which I hope is similar).
So, I've posted below the two Leuchte channel-sets for the tail light assembly on the right side of the car for an Aussie Golf R and for the NAR GTI. In this case, I have shown the inner and outer lights on the assembly. The same configuration will apply on the left side of the car and the pertinent adaptation channels will have the following descriptors:
- Left side outer light = Leuchte23SL HLC10
- Left side inner light = Leuchte20BR LA71
To help with your understanding of the table (and others who might be interested) , I've used the same format in the table as in my reply to agentthumb's DRL question
Two immediate observations are clear from a comparison of the two model cars:
First, it's obvious that the illumination level for the parking light function on the outer tail light on the Golf R is much lower than in the GTI. As shown in (10)-Leuchte21BR RC8-Dimmwert CD 21, the Golf R has an illumination level of 10, whereas the GTI has a value of 28. This difference confirms your observations as per your post. Have a look at the setting in this adaptation channel on your car
But second, what's also clear is that the Golf R uses the inner tail light as a Brake light in addition to a parking light whereas the GTI doesn't have this extra feature. The inner tail light on a Golf R is also involved in the turn signal activity as shown in Bank 3. Not sure how your inner tail light is configured, but it might also be worth looking at how this Leuchte channel-set is programmed in your car. If you don't want to reconfigure the inner light, then I suggest that you at least alter the setting in (6)-Leuchte24SL HRA65-Dimmwert AB 24 to 10 to balance the two parking lights. Good luck and please provide feedback on your changes - so we can all learn from your efforts
PS: Given the sudden interest in things Leuchte-like, I've updated my paper. I've been amassing additional information that I've just been keeping in different places. Decided to add the Leuchte stuff to my paper- hope it makes sense to all
Last edited by DV52; 27-03-2015 at 09:14 PM.
Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.
@ MRG_AU and @DV52, I tested out my theory today and it worked!
I set Channel C of the rear left indicator to activate when boot open, and set the intensity to 50.
And it worked! When I opened the tail gate, the left indicator came on
So this means, for safety reasons, you can program the two outer rear brake lights to come on to say 50%-100% intensity whenever the tailgate is open, regardless of the time of day. Improving visibility of the car![]()
Golf MK7 103TSI Highline Wagon | Limestone Grey | DAP2
Golf MK7 110TDI Highline Hatchback | Tungsten Silver | DAP