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Thread: VCDS (VAG-COM) codes and programmable options for Golf Mk7

  1. #401
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    VCDS (VAG-COM) codes and programmable options for Golf Mk7

    I wonder why disable stop start coding - voltage method did not work on mine. Value 12 is not accepted. Says out of range. Should I be entering 12.0? I understand your instructions as temperature method is for MY13. Voltage method from MY14. I have not tried the temp method.

    I want start/stop enabled but I want to know which method applicable if I want to disable it later.VCDS (VAG-COM) codes and programmable options for Golf Mk7 thanks once again for sharing your knowledge @DV52

    2015 Limestone grey Golf 103TSI Highline with Luxury pack and Driver Assistance Pack II
    2012 Pantom Black Audi Q5 3.0 TDI with B&O sound system

  2. #402
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    Quote Originally Posted by MRG_AU View Post
    I wonder why disable stop start coding - voltage method did not work on mine. Value 12 is not accepted. Says out of range. Should I be entering 12.0? I understand your instructions as temperature method is for MY13. Voltage method from MY14. I have not tried the temp method.

    I want start/stop enabled but I want to know which method applicable if I want to disable it later.VCDS (VAG-COM) codes and programmable options for Golf Mk7 thanks once again for sharing your knowledge @DV52

    MRG: Hi again. Not sure about why you can't enter 12, but as indicated in my notes, I understand that any value higher than 10 (volts) will be sufficient to disable Stop/Start. I have a my13 model so, I don't have access to this channel on my car. But, what I would try (if I did have access) is to work back from 12 and keep entering progressively lower values until the channel accepts one. Please let me know what happens and I will add your feedback to the tweak instructions. Just revert back to your original value if you want to keep SS operational
    Thanks again
    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

  3. #403
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    Yes, I will try again tonight. Last night I tried 12 and 11 no luck. I did not try decimal values like 12.0 n 11.0. Thanks again.
    2015 Limestone grey Golf 103TSI Highline with Luxury pack and Driver Assistance Pack II
    2012 Pantom Black Audi Q5 3.0 TDI with B&O sound system

  4. #404
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    Hi Don,
    I don't know why S/S didn't work before, could be due to loss of connection with the controller. But it worked now. However I entered 12.0. Your BCM compare and lighting explanation document is extremely helpful. I have also did the following
    Increase DRL intensity
    Make DRL wink on signal like my Q5
    High beams and fogs flash
    Display driving mode on start up
    Coming home lights

    Thanks again DV52 for excellent write ups especially BCM compare n lighting channel set n subsets explanation.

    2015 Limestone grey Golf 103TSI Highline with Luxury pack and Driver Assistance Pack II
    2012 Pantom Black Audi Q5 3.0 TDI with B&O sound system

  5. #405
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    Quote Originally Posted by MRG_AU View Post
    No idea what this XDS mod would result in 103tsi highline drive. Just changed to see what happens.
    Hey MRG_AU, I've given this some thought, and I'm sure you are aware of the risks but just thought I'd sound them out loud and see what others think.

    I'd be very careful tweaking the electronic driving dynamics of the car. Given that the results of the XDS tweaks are not documented at all, this could be a potentially dangerous modification.

    We know XDS modulates the inside front wheels during cornering under power to stop wheel spin, essentially acting like a locked / limited slip differential. We also know that a locked differential will have significant impact on the ability of the car to change direction (turn steering wheel, car goes straight etc).

    Adding on to this, VW's warranty specifically excludes coverage on claim events that may have resulted from changes to the cars electronic control units.

    Given the results of the XDS mod is not documented, I'd not want to be the first guy to swerve on a freeway to avoid an obstacle only to find out XDS now kicks in "strongly" and simulates a locked front diff, resulting in me careering straight into the obstacle etc. (Obviously an extreme case, but with the results of the tweaks unclear, this might not be too crazy)

    Just my thoughts

    PS. I had a look through DV52's instructions on light programming, but couldn't quite put 2 and 2 together. Can you share how you increased the DRL intensity please?
    Last edited by agentthumb; 25-03-2015 at 10:02 AM.
    Golf MK7 103TSI Highline Wagon | Limestone Grey | DAP2
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  6. #406
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    VCDS (VAG-COM) codes and programmable options for Golf Mk7

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts agentthumb, i agree that without properly knowing what happens if we do a change with VCDS could be very dangerous.

    My wife drives the golf and she complained she did not like XDL in strong mode. steering felt a bit hard however it gets in n out of corners nicely. But she preferred standard. I reverted it back to standard last night.
    I believe changing how external lights operate at least to the extent I have changed should not make any difference to the warranty. Because I do not think they would result in any issues. Am I wrong!
    Last edited by MRG_AU; 25-03-2015 at 11:17 AM.
    2015 Limestone grey Golf 103TSI Highline with Luxury pack and Driver Assistance Pack II
    2012 Pantom Black Audi Q5 3.0 TDI with B&O sound system

  7. #407
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    No worries I agree, changing lighting configurations etc should be mostly harmless. (unless of course you are taking components outside of their design specifications)

    I've done a whole heap of changes to the TDI, rain closing, extra options on the car menu, brake lights and fog lights linked to high beam etc.

    Can you share how you increased the intensity of your DRL?
    Golf MK7 103TSI Highline Wagon | Limestone Grey | DAP2
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  8. #408
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    Quote Originally Posted by agentthumb View Post
    PS. I had a look through DV52's instructions on light programming, but couldn't quite put 2 and 2 together. Can you share how you increased the DRL intensity please?
    Agenttumb: Hi - and I'm sorry that you found my paper difficult to read! But Leuchte programming is alas a bit arcane and there's not much stuff that has been released by VW on the topic.

    As to your question about DRLs, I hope that I'm not stealing MRG_AU's thunder, but here's how the DRLs are configured on my 103TSI (I hope that they are the same on your car).

    Before I start my explanation in earnest, have a look at the numbering for the two DRL lamps. You can see that the Left DRL is numbered LB4 and the right DRL is numbered RB32. This means :

    1. LB4 indicates that the lamp is on the Left side of the car and the wire to this lamp is terminated on PIN 4 on the B socket on the Body Control Module (the BCM on a mk7 has 3x connection sockets: A, B and C)
    2. BB32 indicates that the lamp is on the Right side of the car and the wire to this lamp is terminated on PIN32 on the B socket on the Body Control Module

    In explanation of the table I've coloured the cells for the adaptation channels by function. As I explained in my paper, each individual light on a mk7 is controlled by what I call a Leuchte-set. A Leuchte-set consists of a 19 x adaptation channels, which are made up of the following groups:
    1. 3 x adaptation channels which set-up the lamp. The settings in these channels define the type of lamp in socket and the locations (in Hex) for storing fault monitoring values.
    2. 16 x adaptation channels which are arranged into 4 Banks with each bank consisting of 4 x channels. I call a bank of these channels, a Leuchte sub-set

    Hopefully, this structure is evident in my colouring of the table above (for each of the left/right DRL).

    So, getting back to your question, let's look at how a Leuchte sub-set works:

    Each Leuchte sub-set is constructed exactly the same (well... almost) as follows:
    1. A Leuchte sub-set starts with what I have termed two alpha channels. The alphas are A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H. Each alpha channel can be programmed to perform a separate function
    2. The third channel in a the Leuchte sub-set is the "Dimmwert" channel. This channel determines the light intensity of the function in the two alpha channels.
    3. The fourth channel in the Leuchte sub-set is the "Dimming Direction" channel. This channel determines the direction of the illumination intensity (i.e.. whether the intensity value is maximum, or minimum).
    4. There is an exception to the Dimming Direction function for the alpha channels "A" and "B" (i.e. the first Leuchte sub-set). For the first Leuchte sub-set, the last channel has the descriptor HD which stands for "Heckdeckel" in German, or Hatch lid in English. This channel determines how the light will behave when the boot is open and the values are normally "always", or "only_if_closed" (which is self explanatory)

    So, for the purposes of your question, I've notated on the RHS of the table, the function performed by each of the Leuchte sub-set. Also, I've highlighted the adaptation channels that determine light intensity ( bolded italics, coloured blue). Hopefully, my explanation and the highlighted rows will enable you to make whatever modifications you want.

    Please note that for incandescent lamps the maximum intensity is 100 whereas for LED lamps, the maximum intensity generally is 127 (albeit there are some exceptions when using 127) .

    A word of warning however - be careful when increasing light intensity for lamps that aren't intended for full-time use. As an example, the effective maximum illumination of the turn signals is 50% because of the normal on/off duty cycle. Some forum colleagues (elsewhere) have changed the function of the turn signal to one involving full time illumination (like a brake light) thereby increasing the duty cycle of the fitting beyond 50%. In some cases this has resulted in the lamp holder on the turn signals melting. This shouldn't be a problem for the DRL, but I make this point in case you want to increase the intensity of other lamps on your car.

    Good luck and if I've confused you more - my apology again!
    Last edited by DV52; 25-03-2015 at 04:50 PM.
    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

  9. #409
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    Hey DV52 (Don), thank you so much for explaining the programming in detail. I think I've got most of it now. And I certainly know how to adjust the intensity for different functions. Just one more question if you don't mind:

    Theoretically, If I was to turn the DRL on say for when the boot is open (just an example to test my understanding), I could program Channel G to "Heckdeckel offen" (Trunk lid open), set Dimmwert to 100 and direction to "maximise", and this would cause the DRL to turn on whenever the boot lid is opened?
    Golf MK7 103TSI Highline Wagon | Limestone Grey | DAP2
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  10. #410
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    Thank you DV52 (don) once again for explaining so nicely.
    Hi Agentthumb. HD channel is only associated to A and B I.e HD AB which is the last channel of the first sub set of the 4 different four channel sub sets. So I don't think you can program channel G to channel HD AB in MK7 Golf. Please care to correct me if I am wrong.

    LED max intensity is 127 and halogen is 100.

    I did increase Leuchte 2SL VLB10 CD2 and 3SL VRB21 CD3 from dimmwert 26 to 100. I did notice difference in white light from the front . These are 4 LED light (not the U DRL, it's the dot) in Last night My reference point is only reflection of light. Now I got a big mirror in garage to see the effects of changes in Leuchte coding.
    But as Don said we should be careful when we increasing intensity of lights. But I am confident increase this light to 100 should not be a problem because these light channel AB2 and AB3 are 100 when HD AB is always.

    I want to change all back lights to LED's like those CREE and projected especially for reverse lights. Really wanted to know if anyone has done this for MK7 GOLF.

    2015 Limestone grey Golf 103TSI Highline with Luxury pack and Driver Assistance Pack II
    2012 Pantom Black Audi Q5 3.0 TDI with B&O sound system

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