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Thread: VCDS (VAG-COM) codes and programmable options for Golf Mk7

  1. #281
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    Quote Originally Posted by DV52 View Post
    jonoz: I'm pretty certain that no-one has found a way of doing it. The fact remains that the RT software (I haven't yet looked at the latest SW ver 14.10) still hasn't developed a label file for address 5F- information Electr. There are no adaptation channels in the car (there are over 3,000 of these in a mk7) that I can find that control this function - so the only hope remains a Coding-string tweak in 5F. But I would be delighted to be proven wrong, if anyone can provide information to the contrary!
    Annoying thing is it only sometimes appears when starting the car!

  2. #282
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    Quote Originally Posted by jonoz View Post
    Annoying thing is it only sometimes appears when starting the car!
    Jonoz:Yes I believe that the SATNAV disclaimer screen (otherwise affectionately known as the "nag screen") is programmed to appear randomly at start-up. It certainly appears that way - unless someone here knows the actual protocol.

    The irony (I think) is that the inherent safety message in the screen is totally at odds with the driver's need to take his/her attention off the road to read and to acknowledge the message! Yes, I know that the driver is meant to do this before the car is in motion, but how many of us actually have the patience to wait for the SATNAV to synchronise with the satellites then wait further for the screen to come up? Invariably, despite all our good intentions, this all happens when the car is in motion - hence the irony!!
    Last edited by DV52; 03-11-2014 at 04:20 PM.
    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

  3. #283
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    Hi DV52,

    I have been trying to do the "flash foglights wth high beam" tweak and it doesn't seem to be working. I get to the table part and the existing value isn't at 100, it's at 0. At adaption channel 9 is there something in particular I should be selecting?
    I have a Mk7 GTI with the LED fogs.

    Also - I am curious if there is a tweak that puts the foglights on WITH the high beams on, as apposed to when they're just flashed.


  4. #284
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jazrod View Post
    Hi DV52,

    I have been trying to do the "flash foglights wth high beam" tweak and it doesn't seem to be working. I get to the table part and the existing value isn't at 100, it's at 0. At adaption channel 9 is there something in particular I should be selecting?
    I have a Mk7 GTI with the LED fogs.

    Also - I am curious if there is a tweak that puts the foglights on WITH the high beams on, as apposed to when they're just flashed.

    Jazrod: Hi.

    My apology, but I'm not sure that I understand what your saying. Are you asserting that your existing (9)-Leuchte12NL LB45-Lichtfunktion D 12 channel has a current value of "0" ( instead of "not active"), or are you saying that (10)-Leuchte12NL LB45-Dimmwert CD 12 has a value of "0". If you are referring to channel (10), then this is the value that it is meant to have (before you change it to 127 - because you have LED Fogs).

    You haven't said what model car that you have, but I have included below a table of the default values for 4 x Golf mk7 vehicles. As you can see they all have the same default values, so I'm confident that my table is correct. Plus I have actually implemented this tweak my self on the 103TSI - so I know that the table is correct!

    VCDS (VAG-COM) codes and programmable options for Golf Mk7-wcxfo6c-png

    Don't take this the wrong way, but it's very easy to confuse these channels because they all look alike and because there are 655 Leutche channels in a mk7. As I say in my tweak instructions, "Leutche" programming is very easy to get wrong (again, I'm not insinuating that you have made an error).

    Are you able to post a screen shot of the problem channels so I (and others) can have a look at them. If you are not able to do this, can you accurately copy the channel names and their default settings on a post here? My other suggestion is that you post up your CodingLog.txt file on a third party site and copy the link here. It will tell me what changes that you have tried to make - even if they were unsuccessful.

    As for your other question (about Fogs and high beam activated together), the answer is that I can make some suggestions for you to try- if you want. But I think that we need to solve your "flasher" problem first.
    Last edited by DV52; 03-11-2014 at 11:14 PM.
    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

  5. #285
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    Quote Originally Posted by DV52 View Post
    Jazrod: Hi.

    My apology, but I'm not sure that I understand what your saying. Are you asserting that your existing (9)-Leuchte12NL LB45-Lichtfunktion D 12 channel has a current value of "0" ( instead of "not active"), or are you saying that (10)-Leuchte12NL LB45-Dimmwert CD 12 has a value of "0". If you are referring to channel (10), then this is the value that it is meant to have (before you change it to 127 - because you have LED Fogs).

    You haven't said what model car that you have, but I have included below a table of the default values for 4 x Golf mk7 vehicles. As you can see they all have the same default values, so I'm confident that my table is correct. Plus I have actually implemented this tweak my self on the 103TSI - so I know that the table is correct!

    VCDS (VAG-COM) codes and programmable options for Golf Mk7-wcxfo6c-png

    Don't take this the wrong way, but it's very easy to confuse these channels because they all look alike and because there are 655 Leutche channels in a mk7. As I say in my tweak instructions, "Leutche" programming is very easy to get wrong (again, I'm not insinuating that you have made an error).

    Are you able to post a screen shot of the problem channels so I (and others) can have a look at them. If you are not able to do this, can you accurately copy the channel names and their default settings on a post here? My other suggestion is that you post up your CodingLog.txt file on a third party site and copy the link here. It will tell me what changes that you have tried to make - even if they were unsuccessful.

    As for your other question (about Fogs and high beam activated together), the answer is that I can make some suggestions for you to try- if you want. But I think that we need to solve your "flasher" problem first.

    Hi Don,

    As mentioned in my original query I have a MKVII Golf GTI, with LED foglights.

    To my understanding there are 3 channels for this function to work, two of which need changing (channels [9] and [10]). I am 100% certain I have selected the right ones, as I checked them several times before proceeding (I am very particular with this, lol).

    The issue I am having is that when changing channel (9) from "not active" to the new value, several dozen options become available and I do not know which one to select. Some include; "aktiv 100%", "right side high beam" and "left side high beam" - I tried it with all aforementioned options and it still did not work.In case you were wondering, I already had changed channel (10)'s value from 0 to 127.

    I am very open to suggestions about having the fogs come on with my high beam (in addition to the "flick" scenario we are resolving now). Thank you for that.

    Unfortunately I can't post screenshots just now, as I am using my Dad's work laptop for all of my VCDS purposes (and I have no access to it at present).

    Thanks again!

    MkVII | GTI | Tornado Red | DSG |Bi-Xenon | Panoramic Roof | Vienna Leather | Driver Assist

  6. #286
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    Whilst it might be possible to have the fogs come on with high beam, in many areas it's illegal (for reasons which should be obvious) to use fog lights unless there's actual fog.

    Last time I looked it applied here in VIC, and probably where you are as well, and in fog the last thing you'd want would be your high beams.

    Having said that, I often encounter vehicles with fogs turned on in clear weather around the suburbs, either as their only light or plus low beams and, having a slowly developing cataract in one eye, it causes quite a bit of discomfort (as also do poorly aligned HID's.)

  7. #287
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jazrod View Post
    Hi Don,

    The issue I am having is that when changing channel (9) from "not active" to the new value, several dozen options become available and I do not know which one to select. Some include; "aktiv 100%", "right side high beam" and "left side high beam" - I tried it with all aforementioned options and it still did not work.In case you were wondering, I already had changed channel (10)'s value from 0 to 127.

    Jazrod: OK now I'm starting to understand the issue - sorry for being so obtuse!

    Yes, you are correct, you will be bombarded with a great many options for channel (9). If you have patience when looking at these options though, you will find in the long list an option that says Lichthupe generell which means in English "headlight flasher generally". Select this option for both right and left fog lights.
    PS: without knowing it, you have inadvertently found the answer to your other question - but let's leave this till later!!
    Last edited by DV52; 04-11-2014 at 09:32 PM.
    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

  8. #288
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    Quote Originally Posted by DV52 View Post
    Jazrod: OK now I'm starting to understand the issue - sorry for being so obtuse!

    Yes, you are correct, you will be bombarded with a great many options for channel (9). If you have patience when looking at these options though, you will find in the long list an option that says Lichthupe generell which means in English "headlight flasher generally". Select this option for both right and left fog lights.
    PS: without knowing it, you have inadvertently found the answer to your other question - but let's leave this till later!!

    Hi Don,

    Thanks! I got it to work. I unfortunately don't sprekken ze dutch, so I'm not too sure haha.

    What are the next steps in getting them to come on with the general high beam?
    MkVII | GTI | Tornado Red | DSG |Bi-Xenon | Panoramic Roof | Vienna Leather | Driver Assist

  9. #289
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jazrod View Post
    Hi Don,

    Thanks! I got it to work. I unfortunately don't sprechen Deutsch, so I'm not too sure haha.
    Jazrod: well done!! I don't "sprechen Deutsch" either, but I sure wish that I did when it comes to reading adapation channels on MQB platform vehicles!

    Quote Originally Posted by Jazrod View Post
    What are the next steps in getting them to come on with the general high beam?
    OK, I've arranged the next part so that it shares the same "command" channels as the "flasher" tweak. So, you have already done the hard-work because you have already changed the "command" channels in your "flasher" exercise. There are only two more channels to change for the fog-lights to turn-on with the high-beams during normal operation.

    Change the two adaptation channels in the table below to the settings in the "New Value" column:

    Fog Light Adaptation Channel Old Value New Value
    Left (8 )-Leuchte12NL LB45-Lichtfunktion C 12 not active "left high beam"
    Right (8 )-Leuchte13NL RB5-Lichtfunktion C 13 not active "right high beam"

    I have tried this additional change on my 103TSI Golf and I can vouch that it works! Let me know if you have any more problems with this tweak.

    PS: I have modified my original tweak instructions to include this additional functionality - thanks for the suggestion
    Last edited by DV52; 06-11-2014 at 09:14 AM.
    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

  10. #290
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    Quote Originally Posted by Idle View Post

    Whilst it might be possible to have the fogs come on with high beam, in many areas it's illegal (for reasons which should be obvious) to use fog lights unless there's actual fog.

    Last time I looked it applied here in VIC, and probably where you are as well, and in fog the last thing you'd want would be your high beams.

    Having said that, I often encounter vehicles with fogs turned on in clear weather around the suburbs, either as their only light or plus low beams and, having a slowly developing cataract in one eye, it causes quite a bit of discomfort (as also do poorly aligned HID's.)
    Idle: Thanks for the feedback. I will add a warning on my tweak instructions.
    Sorry to hear about the cataract and I hope that it doesn't cause you too much discomfort. Are you sure that fog lights exasserbate your condition? My understanding is that fog-lights aim their beams low to the ground (the objective being to get under the fog, rather than shining light into the fog). That's why it's beneficial during a fog to turn off the normal driving lights and to use only fog lights.
    Last edited by DV52; 05-11-2014 at 07:23 PM.
    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

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