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Thread: VCDS (VAG-COM) codes and programmable options for Golf Mk7

  1. #1871
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    I wan't to change if it's possible. I now thar are pointing to sky, but i want to coding if its possible.

  2. #1872
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    @suavebygtr: Hola (that's the only Spanish that I know )

    I don't judge (this is not a safety matter - so it's entirely your business why you want to illuminate the sky) - the answer to your question lies in "Leuchte-programming"! But before I tell you "how" - this is "why":

    Forgive me if you already know this stuff, but on MQB based platform cars like those that are the subject of this thread (and like your car) - the 35 x exterior lights are operated by a thing that I call a Leuchte-set.

    A Leuchte-set is a group of 19 x adaptation channels in the module @ address hex09 (which VCDS calls "BCM" and OBD11 calls "central electrics") that start with the term "Leuchte". Each individual exterior lamp has its own Leuchte-set and each Leuchte-set controls a single pin on the hex09 module.

    For the purpose of your question, each Leuchte-set has a channel called "Lichtansteuerung HD". "HD" is German short-hand for "HeckDeckel". In English, Lichtansteuerung HeckDeckel means "light control rear hatch". This channel can have one of only 2 x values - being either always, or only_if_closed. I assume that you can guess how the state of the boot lid affects the light illumination based on these values (most Leuchte-sets for the lamps on the boot-lid have the factory value "only_if_closed")

    So - that's the answer to your question - simply change the setting to "always" on the channel above for each lamp that you want illuminated when the boot-lid is open.

    Now, as for identifying the name of the Leuchte-set, I'm guessing how the Leuchte-sets are allocated to lamps on your EU model Golf (Aussie Golf mk7s are RoW model). Nevertheless, I suggest that you try these:
    • Leuchte23SL HLC10 - Parking light, rear left inside (rear lights)
    • Leuchte24SL HRA65 - Parking light, rear right inside (rear lights)
    • Leuchte26NSL LA72 - Fog Light, rear left inside (rear lights)
    • Leuchte28RFL LC11 - Reversing light, rear left inside (rear lights)
    • Leuchte29RFL RA64 - Reversing light, rear right inside (rear lights)

    Last edited by DV52; 09-11-2022 at 10:21 AM.
    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

  3. #1873
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    THANKS a lot! i try and say you

  4. #1874
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    Inner LIghts

    I'm Hoping Don can provide a solution for my rear inner lights to Work as Brake Lights.
    Iv tried a few coding combos but not able to code the inner hatch lights to work as brake lights.
    They currently work as park lights only. ANything I do just meses up the current setup I have already with outer lights.

    VCDS (VAG-COM) codes and programmable options for Golf Mk7-1-jpg

    PArk LIght
    VCDS (VAG-COM) codes and programmable options for Golf Mk7-2-park-light-jpg

    Brake Light
    VCDS (VAG-COM) codes and programmable options for Golf Mk7-4-brake-only-jpg

    Park and brake together

    VCDS (VAG-COM) codes and programmable options for Golf Mk7-3-park_brak-jpg

    I have used the following coding instructions already...
    Red = coding changes made
    Green = My default coding not as per chart default coding.
    VCDS (VAG-COM) codes and programmable options for Golf Mk7-coding-jpg
    Last edited by ArdiL; 12-01-2023 at 07:04 PM.

  5. #1875
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    I suspect that I'm not understanding your question (entirely my fault - English is my second language ). Those changes in your table are correct for illuminating the 2 x "inner" Parking Lights - except I would suggest
    • Lasttyp > 34 - LED Bremsleuchten

    hmm..... maybe my confusion is about Leuchte27NSL RC6? Is this Leuchte-set active on these tail lights? If so, maybe try THIS. I wrote this tweak instruction many years ago - with the wisdom of age, I would probably also suggest the change above to Lasttyp 27.

    Last edited by DV52; 13-01-2023 at 09:23 AM.
    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

  6. #1876
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    Thanks for your reply Don,
    I tend to confuse when I add too much info, my bad.
    Car is 05/2017 Highline with (Rline, infotainment & Driver assist)
    You have suggested -
    • Lasttyp > 34 - LED Bremsleuchten

    However that is already the current setting.

    The current settings in my car are the New Settings Column on the right.

    As you know the tail lights (dimmwert cd 23/24 are set to 30) are dimmed slightly when used as park lights therefore when brake pressed they can easily be noticed. (If I understand the coding correctly)

    - My question is how to do the same for the inner tail lights?
    (I want them to dim as park lights and increase when brake pressed.)

    As I understand from your reply and coding instructions the inner tail lights are coded using Leuchte27NSL RC6?
    VCDS (VAG-COM) codes and programmable options for Golf Mk7

    Update: On your diagram I noticed that the turn signal is on the inner lights however my turn signal is on the outer light, ?

    I have played with these settings before and didnt get anywhere, maybe even mesed up the settings.
    I'll try again using these settings. ANything I need to do to test ?

    Update 2:
    Leuchte27NSL RC6 seems to be not active, I have still tried to code using instructions but nothing happns.

    Last edited by ArdiL; 13-01-2023 at 11:55 AM.

  7. #1877
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    @ArdiL: Ain't "my bad"- more information is never bad!!

    I kinda suspected that Leuchte27NSL RC6 wasn't active on this car because I couldn't see how your tails equated to the fitting in the pic on my link! If a Leuchte-set is factory disabled, then making any changes "does nothing" because there isn't a wire terminated on the module pin that is controlled by this Leuchte-set.

    OK - how to proceed? Maybe a better basis for a way forward with this problem is to try a totally different approach? Let's forget entirely about Leuchte programming and instead use the infallible principle of common sense!!

    Here's my thinking; if I understand your wants correctly, you want inner tail lights to operate like the outer brake lights. If I'm correct, then it logically follows that a workable solution should be to copy the values of the Leuchte-sets for the brake lights onto the inner tail lights. I'm not sure how the Leuchte-sets for the brake lights are programmed on this car -maybe the values are different to those in your table!

    Now, there are a couple of general considerations when applying this copy-and-paste solution:
    1. The "seed" Leuchte-set should be applied to the same car-side as the "recipient" Leuchte-set
    2. The settings for the 2 x fault monitoring channels in the "recipient" Leuchte-set should NOT be altered. So, the following channels should remain unchanged:
      1. Lampendefektbitposition
      2. Fehlerort mittleres Byte DTC-DFCC

    So, the mapping pairs for this solution are:
    • Left car-side: Leuchte20BR LA71 -> Leuchte23SL HLC10
    • Right car-side: Leuchte21BR RC8 -> Leuchte24SL HRA65


    PS: If my suggestion isn't appropriate (maybe it results in the same Leutch-set values as in your table) then please provide more words about what happens when your table values are used
    Last edited by DV52; 14-01-2023 at 09:11 AM.
    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

  8. #1878
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    Hey Don thanks for the information.
    Your correct about Leuchte27NSL RC6 - not doing anything. (I didnt get anywhere with this set)

    Moving onto what should NOT be changed.
    thanks for this valuable information. Sometimes its good to know WHAT NOT TO DO.
    I will leave those values as default.

    You have suggested the following

    So, the mapping pairs for this solution are:

    • Left car-side: Leuchte20BR LA71 -> Leuchte23SL HLC10
    • Right car-side: Leuchte21BR RC8 -> Leuchte24SL HRA65

    Before I attempt the above I will continue with something I have already played with this morning...
    I came across some information as follows.
    Leuchte17TFL R BLK SRB3TFL R BLK SR KC3: = Inner Left-Side
    Leuchte16BLK SLB35BLK SL KC9: = Inner Right-Side

    I had limited time this morning but was able to modify the Inner left side as follows
    Leuchte17TFL R BLK SRB3TFL R BLK SR KC3 - Lichtfunktion A? (Standlicht allgemein Schlusslicht;Positionslicht; Begrenzungslicht) to >>> Brake light
    This seemed to work so I will copy from my table
    Leuchte23SL HLC10 settings to Leuchte17TFL R BLK SRB3TFL R BLK SR KC3

    Will let you know the result.,

  9. #1879
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    VCDS (VAG-COM) codes and programmable options for Golf Mk7-1-lights-jpgVCDS (VAG-COM) codes and programmable options for Golf Mk7-2-lights-jpgHeya Don,
    Thanks for your input and guidance.
    I have coded the inner park lights same as outer park lights.
    Now they all work as brake lights (100%) aswell as park lights at 30%.

    I have a few more questions..

    1: Can the reverse light change to yellow color and then be coded to work with turn signal ? Like the front LED?
    Most likely the answer is NO.

    2: There seems to be an empty slot next to the brake light, is this empty or just dissabled?
    Most likely EMpty.

    3: I have seen dual Front LEDs active on some cars, is there a way to check if mine has them to?
    I have single white DRL LED that turns yellow and becomes the indicator.

    Last edited by ArdiL; 14-01-2023 at 03:24 PM.

  10. #1880
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    I just wanted to finish by adding a quick video of what my rear lights look like after all the coding.

    Brake with tail lights on -

    Brake without tail lights -

    2017 Highline with R line Option.

    VCDS (VAG-COM) codes and programmable options for Golf Mk7-1-lights-updated-jpg

    VCDS (VAG-COM) codes and programmable options for Golf Mk7-rear-lights-inner-jpgVCDS (VAG-COM) codes and programmable options for Golf Mk7-rear-lights-outer-jpg
    Last edited by ArdiL; 24-01-2023 at 04:08 PM. Reason: Updated Fog Light

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