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Anyone on here own a manual 7.5 Original GTI?
Hoping someone can do an autoscan on their car or may have a saved copy.
Converted mine to manual and want to compare some long coding.
Assuming that you use the release version of VCDS software (not the Beta, or Test versions) - have you tried looking in the directory Ross-Tech\VCDS\Scans on the laptop that you use with the diagnostic cable? That's where old auto-scan reports that you have made in the past are stored
And if that fails, try looking in Ross-Tech\VCDS\logs - there's a bunch of stuff in this directory about your past activity with the cable. Perhaps one of these files - like an adaptation channel map, or a Log.txt file - has what you seek
And if that fails, try opening Codinglog.CSV in the directory Ross-Tech\VCDS\debug with a higher order application like MS Excel. This file contains a complete database of all the Byte/Bit changes that you have made with your cable to the hex02 module (using that laptop). The records contain the "before" values - so this might be of interest in respect of original module code-strings on your mk7.5?
PS: and if you have in the past, or you currently do use the Beta, or the Test version VCDS software - the appropriate directories for the locations above are Ross-Tech\VCDS-Beta\*, or Ross-Tech\VCDS-Test\*.
Last edited by DV52; 03-08-2019 at 01:07 PM.
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