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Thread: VCDS (VAG-COM) codes and programmable options for Golf Mk7

  1. #1651
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    ^^^ david: thanks for posting up the additional information. A few observations perhaps before we can proceed - it's still confusing (to me, at least).

    Your screenshot of the the MIB screen suggests that there is a problem with the AFS but the part of the autoscan for the BCM error suggests that there is a problem with the DRL/Parking light (only the right-side I assume because the screenshot says that there is only 1 DTC). The two are very different. Byte 2, Bits 0-2 also suggest that you have incandescent fittings with bog-standard static AFS. What type of headlight fittings are on your car (I'm not familiar with MY13 GTIs sold in Switzerland)?

    Can you provide a full description of the retro-fitted equipment and the coding changes that you made?

    Last edited by DV52; 13-04-2019 at 07:22 PM.
    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

  2. #1652
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    Quote Originally Posted by DV52 View Post
    ^^^ david: thanks for posting up the additional information. A few observations perhaps before we can proceed - it's still confusing (to me, at least).

    Your screenshot of the the MIB screen suggests that there is a problem with the AFS but the part of the autoscan for the BCM error suggests that there is a problem with the DRL/Parking light (only the right-side I assume because the screenshot says that there is only 1 DTC). The two are very different. Byte 2, Bits 0-2 also suggest that you have incandescent fittings with bog-standard static AFS. What type of headlight fittings are on your car (I'm not familiar with MY13 GTIs sold in Switzerland)?

    Can you provide a full description of the retro-fitted equipment and the coding changes that you made?

    Hi DV52;
    The lights here are the same as EU, they only have one diference between the R and my GTI that is the one less U DRL Ligth! the rest is more or less the same... speaking about the front ligth!
    The only modification that I had made since I have the car was exchange the Xenon because they stoped working... one side, and I was advised by my brother to put two new ones and I did! as I had some H7 from the AFS light that time to time they stoped working I decided to change for a LED since that I needed to take out all front of the car to put the Xenon lights, I decided to put algo change the H7 light!
    After that modification it started to show on the MIB that message... some weeks ago I decided to buy one OBD Cable and and investigate that error...
    True that when the car is parked I turn left and the light turns on... and then right and the light turns on..and just after that it stops working. Today I will do another test... If I only turn right if the error shows or if I needed to turn on both directions to the error appears....

    Thank you for trying to help me!

    Best regards

  3. #1653
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    Can someone tell me how to display POIs on the Active Info Display? I have seen pictures of other overseas cars which had POIs on their AID so it is possible. I have VCDS so if anyone can tell me the coding, that would be much appreciated.

    VCDS (VAG-COM) codes and programmable options for Golf Mk7-3jrguq8-png
    Last edited by mickofoz; 14-04-2019 at 12:31 PM.

  4. #1654
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    Quote Originally Posted by davidbag View Post
    Hi DV52;

    True that when the car is parked I turn left and the light turns on... and then right and the light turns on..and just after that it stops working. Today I will do another test... If I only turn right if the error shows or if I needed to turn on both directions to the error appears....

    Thank you for trying to help me!

    Best regards
    Hi DV52,
    I did check 2min ago... and they turn on only once each! After that I must turn off the car and on again to be able to see the lights and the error... and it is that light...I have two H7 that I could try to change... but I don't know if I am able to take all the wires of without unmount all front of the car...

  5. #1655
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    Melbourne, VIC
    Hi everyone,

    I am having issues with the various login codes posted on this forum and am unable to access the Engineering Mode of my 5F ECU (MIB1 - 5Q0035819A). I have the suspicion that the dealer has either changed the code or the firmware update done by the dealership in past has resulted in a changed code (20103 code and other codes posted here do not work, e.g. 31347, etc.). I have FW version 0486.

    I was hoping you kind folk with Ross-Tek/VAG cables can kindly check the Firmware version of your Golf MK7 with MIB1 control modules (ECU 5F), if is of type 5Q00358XX; and then possibly test if you can access the login screen with codes 20103, 31347, 25327 (USA/North America), 40168, others. It would surprise me if anyone with a later FW can access their ECU 5F with above codes (as I cannot).

    This will help me eliminate an updated FW being the issue/culprit.
    Any other suggestions/codes are welcomed for me to test

    Happy Easter (to those who celebrate) and thank you for any help provided in advance.

    P.s. Need to login to be able to copy EEPROM/Component protection from above unit, to newer unit; for newly installed rear-view camera to work properly...

  6. #1656
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    ^^^ahara: For the benefit of others that may be reading this and as I have indicated in my PM, the current "HEX" series of genuine RT cables should be able to read/write adaptation channel/long code in your hex5F module. My experience, using my trusty HEX-NET cable (with the latest software) is that there is no compatibility problem, albeit I prepared to concede that there may be some issues with the very latest modules which RT has not yet incorporated into their stable - but as per past performance, it's only a matter of time before this is fixed).

    If you are using the older style HEX-CAN cable - you will experience problems trying to read/write-to the newer 21-Bit modules. But remember that HEX-CAN cable architecture is over 20 years old now and while RT has attempted to keep these devices up-to-date, it has been not possible (for technical reasons) to continue RT's past update process for these cables. Personally, I reckon that RT has gone beyond the normal practice of most equipment suppliers to keep their product updated.

    hmm..... now, let's talk about "copying component protection" - which is an interesting way of describing CP (yes, I'm aware that the term was borrowed from the AudiEnthusiast site).

    Not sure if you are aware, but CP is a process whereby the CP master module (what RT cables report as the "CAN Gateway") @ address hex19 interrogates a bunch of other modules (what VW calls the "CP constellation") for their identity. This happens every time that you turn-ON the ignition. The CP master has a database of the identities of these modules as defined at the factory. If the reply from the challenge-response interrogation is not EXACTLY the same the identity in the master list, a CP error is generated in both the CAN Gateway and the offending module. The only official way of removing CP errors is to hook-up the car to VW's proprietary system in Germany (it's called FAZIT).

    VW claim that CP protects their customers from the black-market trade in stolen equipment. I'm not sure that this is indeed the objective of CP, or whether the real aim of CP is to reinforce the position of dealers into the practice of retrofitting new equipment. I'm told that in Australia, VW will not authorize independent workshops for FAZIT connection - if this is true, the latter objective in my previous sentence may indeed be true!!

    I'm not familiar with the process of "copying CP", but based on the summary description above and at an intellectual level, I guess that it's possible to trick the CP master by copying the old module identity and pasting this into the correct part of the new module's firmware. I've just not seen this done, but if you have a suitable device for reading/writing the EEPROM (either by removing the chip and inserting it into a purpose-built programmer, or using a VCP cable), then it does appear to be theoretically possible as a solution. This assumes of course that in the copy/paste process, together with the old module's identity, you also capture sufficient "other information" (like the car's VIN and other stuff that gets carried in the old module's CAN communications).

    VCDS, or OBD11 devices will not be suitable in this process because they can not change module firmware

    But it does sound like an interesting suggestion - I'm eager to hear your progress!!


    Good luck
    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

  7. #1657
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    Those login codes won't get you access to the licenses inside the MIB unit. The only way to manipulate them is via root access to the QNX OS over the network interface. Requires specific cabling setup, correct root access password (which is different for each firmware version) and a specialist knowledge of the QNX system and VW's FEC licensing. I only have contacts who can do this, don't know myself.

    To get a reverse camera working however there is no difference between an MIB1 or MIB2 unit. It's just simple coding. There is no licensing associated. For nav, App Connect, bluetooth, voice control etc a valid license is required to be installed on the MIB unit per feature.
    2011 Skoda Octavia vRS TDI DSG wagon|Revo Stage 1|Race Blue|Leather|Dynamic Xenons w 6000K|9w7 BT|THA475 Amp+active sub|Whiteline ALK|RVC|
    2009 R36 wagon|Biscay Blue|RVC|Tailgate|ECU and DSG tune|LED DRL/Indicators|3D colour cluster|Quad LED tail rings|Climatronics upgrade|Dynaudio retrofit|B7 RLine Flat Steering Wheel|3AA CCM|TPMS Direct|B7 Adaptive Cruise with Front Assist|Discover Media retrofit|PLA 2.0|Lane Assist|BCM retrofit|High Beam Assist|DQ500

  8. #1658
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    ^^^^ Kamold: thanks for the additional information - I had understood (incorrectly as it would now appear) that the infotainment equipment in MQB platform vehicles did not use QNX operating system which I had thought applied only to MMI 3G & 3G plus devices.

    I'm still intrigued that "copying CP" is theoretically a workable solution, but given your advise, it does appear that the implementation process is out-of-reach for most sentient beings!!!

    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

  9. #1659
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    Is there a way to stop the bloody warnings that interfere with every function - they are frustrating and distracting.

    I don't need a reversing reminder or one about traffic laws etc.

  10. #1660
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    ^^^^^To remove the nag screen from MIB -go to Byte 23 in the module@ address hex5F, un-tick Bit 2

    It's probably wise to reset the MIB after you have made the change - hold down the ON/OFF button until the MIB turns-OFF and then turns ON again
    Last edited by DV52; 03-05-2019 at 12:31 PM.
    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

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