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Thread: VCDS (VAG-COM) codes and programmable options for Golf Mk7

  1. #1111
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    Quote Originally Posted by fabbromix View Post
    Ciao Don after installing the rain / light sensor (8U0 955 559 B) I would like to activate the feature, however, did not automatically closed in case of rain in my BCM voice can select the Bit 2 in Byte 0, could you tell me how to activate any further voice to be able to close the windows automatically?
    I'll put screenshot of my VCDS.

    Setting in my infotainment.

    Your photo of the setting found on the web.
    Attachment 28418

    I should also delay ignition car lights could you tell me the coding to be done via VCDS?
    Fabromix: As I said in a previous response Rain auto-close tweak is very difficult to get working on a mk7 - but if you want to persist with the attempt to implement the function (good luck), then you could try the following:

    If you re-look at the code for your new RLFS, you will see that Byte 0 has a value of hex02 (this is confirmed by the screen shot of Byte 0 in your post). If you had the missing Bit 2 in Byte 0 in your screen and you placed a tick in the box, you would add +4 to the hex value. This would make Byte 0 = hex06 (as per my screen shot from the web).

    So - All you have to do is to use the "Open Controller" screen in VCDS and don't select "Long Coding Helper". Simply copy the value in the Current coding box onto the clipboard and paste this value into the New coding box. Then change the 2 to 6 and press doit!. It's that easy - see the picture below:

    As for your second question - I don't understand what you mean by "delay ignition car lights"


    PS: Sadly, your use of SW version 15.7.3 strongly suggests that you are using a fake VCDS cable. My pet hate on these forums is responding to posts where the cable owner has supported the despicable theft of Uwe Ross's intellectual property. I may be wrong in my belief that your cable is not genuine, so the next time that you seek help, please provide a screen -shot with the current Ross Tech software (which is ver 17.2.4)
    Last edited by DV52; 13-03-2017 at 03:34 PM.
    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

  2. #1112
    Thanks for help Don unfortunately also by entering your coding do not you see the Bit 2 can be selected.

    I can confirm the proper functioning of the closure in case of rain.

    Quote Originally Posted by DV52
    As for your second question - I don't understand what you mean by "delay ignition car lights"
    I would like to delay the ignition of the lights having the selector of the automatic function was added, when they have still a lot of natural light.
    Last edited by fabbromix; 20-03-2017 at 05:10 AM.

  3. #1113
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    Im about 90% of my way through translating the central electrics computer into English.

    Has anyone else tried to do this with any of the others?

    I also adapted a cool feature into the individual driver mode selection.

    But I like it in green better

    Last edited by Diegothecat; 20-03-2017 at 10:28 AM.

  4. #1114
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    Jan 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by DV52 View Post


    PS: Sadly, your use of SW version 15.7.3 strongly suggests that you are using a fake VCDS cable. My pet hate on these forums is responding to posts where the cable owner has supported the despicable theft of Uwe Ross's intellectual property. I may be wrong in my belief that your cable is not genuine, so the next time that you seek help, please provide a screen -shot with the current Ross Tech software (which is ver 17.2.4)
    VCDS (VAG-COM) codes and programmable options for Golf Mk7

    SM-A700H cihazımdan Tapatalk kullanılarak gönderildi

  5. #1115
    Just got MY17 Golf Sportsvan (SV).

    I am having issues with some important codings.

    I cannot change DRL operation (so they won't be on when switch is on parking lights or when parking brake is applied) - channels are not available. Cannot seem to also get them to show up in lights menu.

    Also cannot change at all CH/LH settings. Wanted to switch them from main beam to fog lights and also enable automatic CH.

    BCM: 5Q0 937 086 BG

  6. #1116
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    Quote Originally Posted by komoornik View Post
    Just got MY17 Golf Sportsvan (SV).

    I am having issues with some important codings.

    I cannot change DRL operation (so they won't be on when switch is on parking lights or when parking brake is applied) - channels are not available. Cannot seem to also get them to show up in lights menu.

    Also cannot change at all CH/LH settings. Wanted to switch them from main beam to fog lights and also enable automatic CH.

    BCM: 5Q0 937 086 BG
    komoonik: Hi and welcome to the forum - the reason why you can't find the adaptation channels is because the boffins on the VW mother ship redesigned the database for the BCM on late model MY16 and MY17 vehicles. Alas you will find many tweaks affected by this change. But, in the main, the modification only applies to the "Parent" part of the channel identifier - the "Child" part generally has been left unmodified, fortunately. I've also heard that in some new BCMs, the magic number 31347 no longer works!

    So, I'm assuming that you have VCDS:

    1. for the DRL parking light tweak, look for ENG10575-ENG116593-Außenlicht_Front-Tagfahrlicht-Dauerfahrlicht aktiviert zusaetzlich Standlicht
    2. for the DRL using the handbrake, look for ENG10575-ENG122184-Außenlicht_Front-Tagfahrlicht Dauerfahrlicht bei Handbremse abschalten
    3. for the Coming home lamp selection, look for ENG10575-ENG115833-Außenlicht_Front-Fahrlicht bei Tag

    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

  7. #1117
    All of those channels are not available

    31347 does work

  8. #1118
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    Quote Originally Posted by komoornik View Post
    All of those channels are not available

    31347 does work
    hmmm........... OK, I had assumed (incorrectly as it now appears) that the 5Q0 937 086 had the same database structure as the 5Q0 937 08X series BCM

    So, if you still want help - please make an adaptation channel map of your BCM. For ease of analysis, I prefer that your admap has a .CSV format (and it doesn't matter for this purpose if you include the security code, or not).

    So on the screen below, select Applications:

    On the screen below, select Controller Channel Map:

    On the screen below, select :
    Controller Address 09
    tick only Adaptations (measuring values un-ticked)
    Log in or security access code leave blank
    Select CSV file radio button
    Press GO

    When the process is completed, look in the C:/Ross Tech/VCDS/Logs directory of a file name admap-09-5Q0-937-086.CSV. Copy this file to a hosting site (like dropbox) and include a link in this thread

    Last edited by DV52; 26-03-2017 at 10:05 PM.
    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

  9. #1119

  10. #1120
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    Quote Originally Posted by komoornik View Post
    komoornik: - now that's a very interesting BCM admap indeed - thanks for sending the file!

    I notice that you stripped-off much of the header information. Nothing wrong with that because I don't need to know stuff like your VIN, or the date when the admap was made. But, to make sense of the records in your file, I do need to know some of the missing information. Please provide the full header data from the file - if you don't want to post this data here in public, then send me a PM.

    I trust that you are using a genuine VCDS cable, so I assume that disclosure of the software version that was used to make the file (which is needed to analyze the data) isn't a problem.


    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

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