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Thread: VCDS (VAG-COM) codes and programmable options for Golf Mk7

  1. #1061
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    Seattle, WA USA

    Hey Don, coming over from a 15 Golf (US) to a 2017 GTI (US) and have seemed to run into the instrument access code issue. I've seen a lot of talk about using VCP to pull the codes, I have both VCP and VCDS, how can I help with VCP to try to get the access code for instruments?


  2. #1062
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    Quote Originally Posted by badufay View Post
    Hey Don, coming over from a 15 Golf (US) to a 2017 GTI (US) and have seemed to run into the instrument access code issue. I've seen a lot of talk about using VCP to pull the codes, I have both VCP and VCDS, how can I help with VCP to try to get the access code for instruments?


    Ben; Congratulations on the new car - is VW still putting the steering wheel on the passenger side of their vehicles up there?

    So - happy to describe the process for security code discovery using a VAG CAN PRO cable, but a couple of caveats prior to the explanation to put the forced-polling procedure in context:

    First - As you already know from your VCDS experience, VW's control modules tend to get cranky if an attempt is made to enter an incorrect security code (they shut-down for a period of time measured with the ignition switched-on time). Forced polling of unknown security codes will result in the same outcome if not done properly! The way that VCP gets around this forced shut-out outcome is by first opening the control module with a known security code. Think of this as the key to open the module

    Second - In discussion with Ross Tech, I have been told that VW are/have been reconsidering their security code protocols - which is disturbing for us all!! There is apparently a rumor floating about that 6 digit security codes could arrive soon (or they may already be used) - what evil satanic mind even thinks about using a 6 digit security code? . There is also another rumor, which RT believe to be true, that VW has closed the loop-hole in the module's firmware that opens-up the control module for forced polling. I'm not sure, because I haven't been able to get my hands on a late version mk7 to confirm these hypotheses!

    With these caveats as a backdrop- this is the process for using VCP LoginFinder:
    Connect and open the Instrument control module @ address hex17

    As shown in the screen shots above, select Sec. access button, then select LoginFinder - you should then be presented with the following screen:

    The entry variables for this screen are as follows:

    1. Known login - is the security code that "opens" the module - as described above. The only known code that I'm aware-of for the instrument module on yor car is 25327!
    2. Range: Start - clearly this is 00000 if you are starting from scratch (assuming your module uses a 5 digit security code), but if you are poling in batches, then simply adjust the number to suit
    3. Range: Stop - the upper limit
    4. Reconnect before try- the process will disconnect then reconnect the module before each polling attempt. It only works with this ticked - for me
    5. Standard Diagnose - I've only been successful using this option. Try the other options, but they haven't worked for me
    6. Reconnect delay - this is the time delay (in milliseconds) between the beginning and end of communication packets. Obviously, the lower the number, the quicker the process works - however, I've found that making the polling process faster can cause instability, which results in the failure. I've found 10 (msec) to be about the quickest with pre MY16 modules
    7. Tries between recovery – this determines how many attempts happen between failed login tries. I've only had success with 2 in this box
    8. If you get any successful attempts, the security code is shown on the RHS box. Press Save when the process is completed - this will automatically load the successful security codes when next you access this module
    9. In the area that says "finished" (bottom of the screen) in the picture, you will be able to see the current number being polled and the estimated time for the process to complete

    Good luck - the adulation, admiration and respect of your compatriots as well as all of us on this forum awaits if you can crack this problem!!

    Last edited by DV52; 29-01-2017 at 10:45 AM.
    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

  3. #1063
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    Seattle, WA USA
    Ok I'll give it a shot. First I need to figure out what I screwed up. Was doing some basic stuff last night and now the window switches only go down. The key fob works for everything. Added windows up/down with FOB, reverse mirror dip, and dual mirror sync. Gotta fix this, any ideas?

  4. #1064
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    Quote Originally Posted by badufay View Post
    Ok I'll give it a shot. First I need to figure out what I screwed up. Was doing some basic stuff last night and now the window switches only go down. The key fob works for everything. Added windows up/down with FOB, reverse mirror dip, and dual mirror sync. Gotta fix this, any ideas?
    Hmm.....odd! I assume that you used your trusty VCDS cable. Have you checked the entries with last night's date in the AdpLog.CSV file that lives in the C:/Ross-Tech /VCDS/Debug directory on the laptop that you used - to confirm that the changes that you wanted to make, were actually made?

    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

  5. #1065
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    Yeah I looked at it all and changed all the window stuff back, but still nothing. Actually had to go re add the key fob otherwise the windows couldn't roll up at all. Do the door mounted window switches fall under the BCM or door modules? Do you know what the soft reset box is in the adaptation screen?

  6. #1066
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    Quote Originally Posted by badufay View Post
    Yeah I looked at it all and changed all the window stuff back, but still nothing. Actually had to go re add the key fob otherwise the windows couldn't roll up at all. Do the door mounted window switches fall under the BCM or door modules? Do you know what the soft reset box is in the adaptation screen?
    Ben, the door mounted switches are wired directly to the door control modules, but this doesn't mean much with the CAN network. The soft reset box is the same as turning the ignition key off/on.

    Have you tried resetting to factory settings in the MENU and are you aware that the reset procedure for "fast-glass" is to hold down the window down button for a few seconds after the windows bottom-out, then to pull-up the window up button for a few seconds after the windows roll-up? You might need to do this a few times.

    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

  7. #1067
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    Hi Don,

    Thank you for your excellent explanation, I now understand the coding options much more fully!

    Your step by step instructions worked perfectly! Much appreciated.

    Now I understand the commands better, I have also altered the 3rd brake-light blinking so that it blinks with the outer turn signal.

    Thanks again for all your coding help and tutorials!

    Drive: Golf GTI 5DR Manual (Non PP) Build Week 48, Delivered 29/12/2016, Pure White, 18" Austin Alloys, Dynaudio, Car-Net App and Voice Control

  8. #1068
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    Seattle, WA USA
    So most bizarre thing. Went back and reset all all adaptations and coding to stock from coding log for the BCM. Window switches still not working for up position. Went through and cleared out and put stock coding in 17 instrument module (only change made was adding fuel refill quantity, removed now), and both door modules for mirror sync and passenger reverse dip. Once I put those back to stock the switches all work as advertised! Hmmmmm, maybe this is something new for the 2017s. Either way, if anyone runs into this issue, might want to consider other modules and not the BCM. I'll eventually dive back into eliminating the exact culprit, but just happy it's working correctly now!


  9. #1069
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    Rear fog light as #1 in three-step turn signal (?)

    I saw the Kencha (sp?) mod where the inner/outer signal rear signal lights alternate - approximating (I think?) the three-step (inner-middle-outer) signal lights, for example, found on recent Mustangs (very cool).

    So - I'm wondering if there's a way of coding the rear fog light position on each side (L and R) so that it's "step 1" of a three-step rear signal light.

    The way I think you'd have to do it would be to have the rear fog come on and stay on as long as you're signalling, then have the middle come on, then that stays on while the outer also comes on, then the middle-outer go out simultaneously.

    Thoughts? Ideas? Suggestions? Mockery?

  10. #1070
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    VCDS (VAG-COM) codes and programmable options for Golf Mk7

    Quote Originally Posted by Nuje View Post
    I saw the Kencha (sp?) mod where the inner/outer signal rear signal lights alternate - approximating (I think?) the three-step (inner-middle-outer) signal lights, for example, found on recent Mustangs (very cool).

    So - I'm wondering if there's a way of coding the rear fog light position on each side (L and R) so that it's "step 1" of a three-step rear signal light.

    The way I think you'd have to do it would be to have the rear fog come on and stay on as long as you're signalling, then have the middle come on, then that stays on while the outer also comes on, then the middle-outer go out simultaneously.

    Thoughts? Ideas? Suggestions? Mockery?
    There is only one fog light at the rear (in AUS anyway. Do NA models have them both sides?), and you'd annoy the cr%# out of the person behind you by blinding them.

    That's the only mockery I can manage at this time in the morning

    The other issue is there are only two phases to the indicator in the BCM that you can code against. Lit or unlit.

    This means you can definitely code the fog light to come on when you indicate, and have the inner and outer lights alternate based on the two phases, but you won't be able to code them to extinguish at the same time between cycles. As this would require a third phase.

    For example, to achieve what you have described, you would need to code this way:

    Lit Phase: Fog on, inner light on, outer light off.

    Unlit Phase: Fog on, inner light off, outer light on.

    Third phase (doesn't exist): fog on, inner light off, outer light off.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Last edited by agentthumb; 02-02-2017 at 08:33 AM.
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