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Thread: tool to put car in maintenance mode

  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by doc_777 View Post
    I think reasonable questions always deserve reasonable answers.
    Excellent philosophy!!

    Quote Originally Posted by doc_777 View Post
    I'll admit up-front, I own an OBDEleven device. Have had one since the early days, and have lifetime "pro" - so no ongoing costs. That being said, when I tried to use it to retract the EPB when changing the rear pads on my T-Roc, I was unable to get it to
    OK, me too!! Like you, Ive had my OBD11 account since the early days - but these days I use the NEXTGEN version dongle (which was a generous gift from the manufacturer). I've not used the original white-body OBD11 dongle to retract the EBP motors, but I've done it successfully quite a few times with the NEXTGEN dongle.

    I'm not sure if you used the OBD11 One-Click-App (OCA) when you tried on the T-Roc. I NEVER use OCAs - I always use the manual method to access module coding (much fewer problems with manual coding)

    Quote Originally Posted by doc_777 View Post
    I was exchanging the near-new VW pads which are incredibly dirty, for some Bendix Euro+ which I've found over a couple of vehicles to be substantially cleaner.
    Arrhhh.......... that makes sense!! Probably not much difference between the width of the Bendix pads and the "near-new VW pads" - so the original position of the drive mechanism in the EPB motors was about correct for the Bendix pads!!
    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lucas_R View Post
    Realistically, if you want to do some DIY maintenance on ANY modern car (regardless of brand) you need a diagnostic tool.
    Agree - particularly when doing maintenance on equipment that directly relates to such a critical part of the car's safety.

    As the hypothetical car hurtles headlong into an impending collision because of brake failure - no one wants the driver's (last?) thought to be: "gee - I wish that I had used a diagnostic device when changing the rear brake pads"!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Lucas_R View Post
    OBDeleven is popular but i guess its limitation is that its designed for VW/Audi/Skoda products and as far as im aware, wont really work on a non-VW brand - like Mazda or Kia for example. OBDeleven Pro Edition Next Generation Professional OBD2 Bluetooth Diagnostic Scan Tool for Android and iOS (Beta) - VW, Audi & Skoda
    Your hypothesis regarding OBD11 and VAG vehicles is valid to a point!

    However, one of the differentiators between Ross-Tech and VOLTAS-IT (makers of OBD11) is that whereas the former company seems to be happy to sit-on-their-laurels and simply provide VCDS users more of the same - the latter company has an explicit objective to grow its markets. As an example, despite many years of Ross-Tech promising an integrated solution for VCDS users for SFD protection, there is still no fix!! This means that VCDS can NOT be used to access coding on key modules for the fleet of VAG cars built after about 2020!.

    OBD11 however was the first to provide an SFD solution and it is now dealing with SFD version 2 vehicles !!

    In terms of the alleged VAG centric nature of OBD11 - this ain't true any more!! Check-out the list of supported cars HERE. Notice brands like BMW, Mini, Toyota, Lexus etc! Yes, not every vehicle is in the list - but it's a good start (and it's much better than VCDS)

    In fact, OBD11 recently released a special software version of their App specifically for non- VAG vehicles!!

    So, very different corporate ambitions between the Boards of OBD11 and VCDS!! No prize for guessing which corporate objective best suits the end user!!

    Last edited by DV52; 08-05-2024 at 10:16 AM.
    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by DV52 View Post


    Arrhhh.......... that makes sense!! Probably not much difference between the width of the Bendix pads and the "near-new VW pads" - so the original position of the drive mechanism in the EPB motors was about correct for the Bendix pads!!
    Very good point you raise. I better lock that one away in the brain bank for next time so I don't break something!

  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by URDN07 View Post
    hey all
    im planning on doing some minor maintenance stuff on the car (changing brake pads) but looking into it because of the electric handbrake the car needs to be put in maintenance mode to release them.
    is there a tool available so i can get this and other small jobs done?
    Find someone with VCDS that lives nearby.
    Hey there is this dude in Kenmore that could help
    Gimme a shout, I'm happy to give it a go, should only take a few minutes.
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