That reads like quite a pointed comment about a car boot! I've heard of people finding boots practical and useful, but never a source of enjoyment.
Nonetheless I am glad if the Golf7 boot has been a source of enjoyment , Dutch77. Much more enjoyable than the high-capacity windscreen washer reservoir I imagine but, let's face it, not a patch on the centre armrest. Imagine the enjoyment if you could subtract the loading and unloading part from the boot experience, and don't even think about an auto closer (which will be added to the Golf8 with any luck).
That said, your boot enjoyment would be even greater if the Golf7 boot were not shorter than that in the Mark IV, V or VI.
As many have written in various online fora, including this one, items that would fit in the boot of their Mark IV, V or VI simply cannot be accommodated, or cannot be accommodated as easily, by the Golf7 boot due to its relative shortness fore& aft which is exacerbated by the height of the false floor and angle of the rear seats. This has been a source of frustration and inconvenience, rather than enjoyment and, in my case, would require an investment in new luggage or hanging on to my Mark V longer than I otherwise might.
However, as you are now giving your Golf7 the "boot", all that is of no moment to you and I trust you will derive as much enjoyment from the boot of your new car. Of course, someone with as much baggage as you should find that an A3 boot would be more enjoyable than the boot in the S3.
But giving VW props for its Golf7 boot design because its capacity is the greatest in Golf history when it is shorter in one critical dimension and, for many, less practical, is a bit like commending VW for a less efficient engine with lower specific power output simply because it has a higher capacity.
The utility of a boot does not necessarily correlate directly with its capacity and given the greater overall length of the Golf7 the reduction in boot depth fore & aft is even more lamentable.
I am sure your enjoyment of your S3 will not be affected by its boot capacity.