I've got the same suspension clunk - when I first drive out of the garage in the morning or go from a drive to reverse and the car first starts to move. Once or twice a day only so I am not fussed. Like everything car related I will wait till it gets worse and then get the dealer to look at it.
What I don't like is those dark overlays when the reversing camera is first activated... I cannot actually see where I am reversing and they won't auto hide until I start moving the car... anyone know how to make them go off immediately or not show by default?
Other dislikes - I notice just after sunrise (I am an early starter at work) that the auto headlights get confused and don't come on so the instrument cluster also doesn't come on. Generally like that until I get somewhere VERY dark like right into the car park at work and then the headlights come back on and so does the instrument cluster. Again - can I change the sensitivity to avoid that issue?
A couple of niggles that I believe are electrical gremlins - the power window auto up and down stopped working last week but came good after a restart of the car. Little things like that but not enough to get too worried about (yet...)
Still love the car.
Golf 7R | 5 Door | Limestone Grey | DSG | Sunroof | Leather | Driver Assist | Tint | Formerly GTi11.5