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Blackvue. Even on their website they admit their cameras don't do well with particular brands and specs.
Strange I have 3 Blackvues. My Bil has one, My neighbour has 2 and we dont have any trouble with any of the brands I have mentioned
ATM my DR500GW is running a fast Sandisk Ultra 128GB and previously had a Sandisk 64 gb Class 10 and prev to that had a Samsung 32gb class 10 .. Not too bad for cameras that are only supposed to run only up to 32Gb cards
I did have trouble when I foolishly bought a cheap Samsung supposedly 64 Gb card off Gumtree and it proved to be a doctored 8gb fake. Apart from that havent had troubles. Even lent the cards to my kids to use in their cameras on a recent overseas trip. No problems there. One of the Blackvue cards I got wasnt too flash though.
2021 Kamiq LE 110 , Moon White, BV cameras F & B
Mamba Ebike to replace Tiguan