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Thread: Is the satnav option worthwhile?

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Good to hear. Any specifics that stand out?

  2. #32
    Everything Ryan! - too much to list, its so integrated as well - all the functions are now in one place. You even turn traction control off through it (no longer a switch). All the vehicle & chassis / lighting settings are seamless, speed zones, 3D stuff - new cluster & advanced multi-lane direction in front of you.

    Like I said, too much. Spend a couple of hours in one, i jump back in my Golf 6 with RNS510 and it now feels "vintage"

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Cool, I figured the system would be better but perhaps the same ol map data would be a limiting factor. That said, the RNS510 (with latest software) also has (inaccurate) speed limit data and advanced lane guidance. Digging through HU menus to access stuff also sounds like a bigger distraction compared to having access to those settings on the MFD, and more of a risk of passengers changing something if you jump out of the car to refuel or something.
    Last edited by Ryan_R; 15-05-2013 at 02:58 PM.

  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Guy_H View Post
    Everything Ryan! - too much to list, its so integrated as well - all the functions are now in one place. You even turn traction control off through it (no longer a switch). All the vehicle & chassis / lighting settings are seamless, speed zones, 3D stuff - new cluster & advanced multi-lane direction in front of you.

    Like I said, too much. Spend a couple of hours in one, i jump back in my Golf 6 with RNS510 and it now feels "vintage"
    That sounds good... it's not like it could get much more basic than what has been offered in the RNS for so long. I've had many rants on how inferior just about all built in factory units are compared to $99 windscreen mounted jobs, hopefully this is a step in the right direction (and continues rather than being left to rot).

    If it has an engine or heartbeat it's going to cost you. | Refer a Friend - AussieBroadband $50 Credit

  5. #35
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    It is good to hear (apart from already having ordered without one) that the new satnav is a great improvement on the previous one.

    It does still strike me that options like these must be very high margin items for Volkswagen. I mean the display is there already as must be most of the processing hardware. Just need to add a GPS chip and a software license which would cost well under $100 per unit. Plus a little software modification and you're done.

    I'm not saying the dealers or maybe even VWA do well from these, but VW must love getting orders.

  6. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by doubtfull View Post

    I'm not saying the dealers or maybe even VWA do well from these, but VW must love getting orders.
    How much are the optional factory sat navs for other makes? Perhaps thats a better representation of the cost effectiveness of the VW option.

  7. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Guy_H View Post
    all the functions are now in one place. You even turn traction control off through it (no longer a switch).
    Thats no good... currently launch control is a fluid ,"S" - TC Button -Rev - Dump... instead we will be interrogating our head units....

    Having a Gap Year!!!!
    what next?... what next?

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    I have just purchased a 2013 Series 7 TDI Highline with factory fitted satnav as a standard option. I have also been a long time user of Garmin portable GPS devices.

    While I like the way the satnav has been integrated into the car and have found the driver interface simple to use and intuitive, at this stage, the actual navigation function does not work as well as my $300 Garmin unit.

    The main problem appears to be that the algorithm used to work out the pronunciation of street names is very poor and we have had frequent problems understanding what is said, even for the streets we know close to home. The system also attempts to pronounce the abbreviations for St, Rd, Blvd, Crt, Crcl, etc as they are written rather than in full making them completely unintelligible.

    Then there are the ones we are still trying to work out - ‘please take the second exit then follow the road wern’??????? I hope these are only software issues that will be addressed in future updates but at the moment, they affect the functionality of the factory fitted satnav.

  9. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wrinkles66 View Post
    I have just purchased a 2013 Series 7 TDI Highline with factory fitted satnav as a standard option. I have also been a long time user of Garmin portable GPS devices.

    While I like the way the satnav has been integrated into the car and have found the driver interface simple to use and intuitive, at this stage, the actual navigation function does not work as well as my $300 Garmin unit.

    The main problem appears to be that the algorithm used to work out the pronunciation of street names is very poor and we have had frequent problems understanding what is said, even for the streets we know close to home. The system also attempts to pronounce the abbreviations for St, Rd, Blvd, Crt, Crcl, etc as they are written rather than in full making them completely unintelligible.

    Then there are the ones we are still trying to work out - ‘please take the second exit then follow the road wern’??????? I hope these are only software issues that will be addressed in future updates but at the moment, they affect the functionality of the factory fitted satnav.
    SO you are finding out how bad the Navigation actually is.
    Its always early with its instructions and you are not up to where it thinks you are I have never been able to adjust this.
    Do you like the "Stay on this road for a very long time." Turn now 25m BEFORE the corner. The fact that the maps are about 18 months out of date when we get them. The Text to speech is abysmal as most portable units will say "turn left into Smith St" VW says turn left in 200m Then turn now.
    Is disgusting for the price.
    Would never have had one except it was in the car when I bought it.
    2021 Kamiq LE 110 , Moon White, BV cameras F & B
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  10. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wrinkles66 View Post
    Then there are the ones we are still trying to work out - ‘please take the second exit then follow the road wern’??????? I hope these are only software issues that will be addressed in future updates but at the moment, they affect the functionality of the factory fitted satnav.

    Was that instruction for a roundabout?

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