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Thread: Is the satnav option worthwhile?

  1. #21
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by pologti18t View Post
    1. You have an in car charger for your phone or it powers itself via connection to ICE via USB port.
    2. You preload the maps at home if required for a long trip.
    3. Most plans nowadays have at least 1GB included.

    Preload at home.. Do you really think sat nav units (OEM or Tom Tom) are really what is required when travelling outback?
    Why go to all that effort though when the RNS510 does everything i need without all those hassels?
    It should be left as is rather than having to tether to a device with a pre-loaded map.

    Plus i would have to pay more for a 1GB phone plan just to use my GPS once per month and buy a car charger which i don't need now.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    You don't *need* data for phone apps that have offline maps (just download them at home like you would when updating a traditional portable GPS). There's no point buying more hardware (portable GPS) if you already have a touch screen device with a GPS chip inside. Just download an offline navigation app (I linked to one in my last post), buy the maps (unlimited free upgrades), download them, and you're set. Get a cheapo universal phone holder for your car if you need one and use the car charger.

    Having said that, I'd still prefer the in-car integration which is why I have the RNS510 (amongst other reasons). But I have 1GB data with Telstra 4G on my phone which is a good supplement. I can check how much data each app uses on my phone, so far Google Maps as used 17.1mb in the last 27 days (I have live traffic conditions turned on which would be the main reason for this amount since I have most of S.E. Melbourne stored offline). By way of comparison I've used 200mb downloading podcasts to listen to on the train, 73mb of YouTube streaming, 57mb of Internet Radio, and 40mb of general Internet browsing.
    Last edited by Ryan_R; 10-05-2013 at 03:39 PM.

  3. #23
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  4. #24
    Join Date
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    Pologti18t, does Bringgo work with the Golf 7's Composition Media system?

    Or does it only work with Chevys and Barinas etc?

    It would be a great solution if it did. I hope that one day we will be able to 'mirror' Google Maps through our Golf Media screen.

  5. #25
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    Looks interesting but says the head unit has to specifically support their profile (sounds like in most cases you'd be buying the phone app and a custom head unit), so I doubt you'd see it work with the Mk7 HU (not that we know a lot about it yet).

    You might also be interested in scrolling down in this thread

    And before you ask, I've got no idea
    Last edited by Ryan_R; 10-05-2013 at 09:48 PM.

  6. #26
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    I'd just like to thank everyone for their comments and opinions.

    I've ended up ordering without the satnav.


  7. #27
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by doubtfull View Post
    I'd just like to thank everyone for their comments and opinions.

    I've ended up ordering without the satnav.

    Sensible You can then buy the latest model from the Sponsor on here for bout $1180 which is far cheaper than from a Stealer
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  8. #28
    Join Date
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    Melbourne Australia
    The satnav was useless at that price, well done! Now spend the money on a nice break from work!
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  9. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hillbilly View Post
    Sensible You can then buy the latest model from the Sponsor on here for bout $1180 which is far cheaper than from a Stealer
    Huh?, it is $950 factory installed (page one, first post this thread) Which I think for a factory installed/integrated unit is pretty good to option up a lower grade car...

    inlcuded (such as in the passats) is better (obviously)... but try and add it to a multivan and you are well over 3k...
    Last edited by FSI 220; 15-05-2013 at 12:24 PM.

    Having a Gap Year!!!!
    what next?... what next?

  10. #30

    The new nav system is fantastic & worth every cent, I get to drive a few of the bigger Audi's with the MMI system & this new Golf setup is great - its so far ahead of the RNS510 (that cost ~ 3k) it's not funny.

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