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Thread: Is the satnav option worthwhile?

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Is the satnav option worthwhile?


    I'm looking to get a 90TSI Comfortline with DSG and the driver assist package.

    I'd like to have the integrated satnav, but the $950 option price seems very steep especially given the price of standalone units.

    Can anyone give feedback on the built-in unit?
    Is it significantly better than a high end stand alone system?


  2. #2
    Join Date
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    The built in unit is beneficial as it gives a readout in the MFD and you don't have to worry about someone breaking in and stealing it or leaving suction rings on your windscreen (which can in itself, lead to break-ins).

    I can't say for certain or the newer golf but the RNS510 does not inlcude live traffic updates or up to date maps so in the end a standalone unit will be more functional but not as aesthetic or integrated.

  3. #3
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    Hi team_v, I believe that the RNS510 cannot process Australian traffic updates (SUNA) unless there was a very recent update I am not aware of. The newer Golfs may have them though...

    Also, I don't think anyone steals GPS units anymore as they are so cheap.

  4. #4
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    Unless the maps have significantly improved over V6 I would save your money and buy a portable unit.

    Far, far better and map updates every 3 months against VW once a year with 2 year old maps.

    No proper text to speech Says "turn here" instead of "turn into Smith st" If next turn is more than about 30k away it says " Stay on this road for a very long time" How wonderful is that.

    No ability to select fastest or shortest route No traffic as said No speed shown on screen so you cant compare how fast your speedo is (usually 7kph at 100kph)

    Lack of named streets in V6 has been complained about in map mode.

    Need I go on.

    Only $950 Lucky you Mine was $3500 with RVC in 2011 Absolute waste of money.
    2021 Kamiq LE 110 , Moon White, BV cameras F & B
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  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hillbilly View Post
    Only $950 Lucky you Mine was $3500 with RVC in 2011 Absolute waste of money.
    I was going to say that.

    When I bought my Caddy Maxi Life in 2011, it was $4,500 for the RNS-510 to replace the RCD-310. Then on top of that, it was a further $450 for the Bluetooth (the one that stuck out of the dash). I turned it down.

    I now have an ANS-610 for just over $600. I figured I could replace it 8 times over and would still have a few dollars to spare.

    By the way, the $4,500 did NOT include the RVC. That was almost an additional $1,000.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by wai View Post
    I was going to say that.

    When I bought my Caddy Maxi Life in 2011, it was $4,500 for the RNS-510 to replace the RCD-310. Then on top of that, it was a further $450 for the Bluetooth (the one that stuck out of the dash). I turned it down.

    I now have an ANS-610 for just over $600. I figured I could replace it 8 times over and would still have a few dollars to spare.

    By the way, the $4,500 did NOT include the RVC. That was almost an additional $1,000.
    I tell a lie Mine was $3600 with Park assist 2 and RVC

    Have used Park assist ONCE in 2 years. Car was specced up Wife bought it for my birthday or I would have got a lesser model ROFL

    Wonder what I will get this year May take a trip to the Audi dealers LOL
    2021 Kamiq LE 110 , Moon White, BV cameras F & B
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  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hillbilly View Post
    Have used Park assist ONCE in 2 years.
    Actually I am waiting for owners to get stuck into vehicle manufacturers over park assist.

    By law you are required to leave a gap of at least 1 m to the car in front and the one at the rear. This means you need a space of at least 2 m longer than the car. Manufacturers who offer park assist let an acceptable space be identified when it is as little as 800 mm longer than the car. They seem to try and out do each other by saying theirs can park in smaller and smaller spaces, all the while it is drivers who accept the space identified by park assist who will end up with the fine.

    One reason more fines are not issued is because it is the "last" driver who has to be fined, and the parking patrol has difficulty identifying the offender. I suppose with more CCTV it will be easier and then watch the parking patrol kick into gear

  8. #8
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    I have to agree with the other posters that an inbuilt GPS is a waste of money.

    1/ Map upgrades are estimated at $199. Free on most portable units.
    2/ Not as advanced as portable units. Less or inferior features.
    3/ $950 vs $250
    4/ As posted above, how often do you really need your GPS. Me, once every 2 years and normally when I am interstate or overseas in a hire car and you can't bring your inbuilt unit along

    Advantages of inbuilt unit:
    1/ Intergrated look. No suction cup.
    2/ Less sercurity risk for theft. But at from $99 are portable units a real theft item??

    We bought our Passat last July and purposely waited to get a car without GPS.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Amalgam View Post

    We bought our Passat last July and purposely waited to get a car without GPS.
    Lucky you didn't wait too long...otherwise you'd be stuffed (TIC)

    Having a Gap Year!!!!
    what next?... what next?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Happy with my RNS510 ($1100 from eBay). I rarely use navigation but just about always have the Map screen on. It's one thing to know where I'm going, but if I'm stuck in traffic I might see a few side-streets to link up a nice shortcut, or seeing points of interest while driving, plus I like the integrated look. Trouble with the standard GPS for me years ago was the amount of time and kerfuffle getting them fastened, powered, and navigating IF you happened to have it in the car when you needed it. Of course these days Google Maps on your phone more than does the job if the built in maps aren't sufficient.

    I'd get them again, in fact I'm hoping the GTI is available with the Pro system with Google Earth maps. Of course we're yet to find out how much that would cost if it's available, we only know it's not (currently) an option for the Highline and below.

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