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Thread: Running on empty - what does it really mean?

  1. #1
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    Running on empty - what does it really mean?

    Yes - OK, I agree that I have totally butchered the well known words to that famous song that was penned by Jackson Brown. But, if I persevere with these lyrics, here's my question:- just how much “Looking out at the road rushing under my wheels” can I do when the fuel gauge says zero?

    I’m aware that when the fuel gauge goes into the “Red-zone” (i.e. the last sector on the dial), I’m using what the manual calls "the reserve quantity”. However I assume that even at zero reading, some fuel is still present in the tank -but how much and how far will this take me?

    Has anyone been daring enough to find the answer to this question, or has anyone been forced into a situation where the car has physically conked-out due to lack of fuel in the tank? If so, how far did you get after the zero reading?

    The other thing about which I'm not sure is what damage (if any) is inflicted on a mk7 Golf if the driver actually runs the engine dry (presumably, because the next petrol station was too far away)? Is this a no-no with the type of engines that are used in the Golf - or is it OK? For instance-is the lack of lubrication a problem for the injectors when no fuel is being squirted and the injectors are pumping?

    Your views would be welcomed
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  2. #2
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    Like the judge in "And Justice for All" I like occasionally seeing how much further I can go on a tank so every year or so I conk out of petrol.

    Have never struck a problem after fuelling back up (Golf Mark V).
    2014 GTI | Pure White | Manual | Sunroof | DAP | Dog sleeping on back seat |

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    excellent aussie classic too 'Running on Empty'
    90 TSI 1.4T

  4. #4
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    From memory the low fuel light comes on when there is ~8 liters remaining in the tank. When the needle is pegged at empty (can't go down any further) you have ~4 liters remaining. What I don't know is how well the fuel system can physically access the last drop of fuel.

    My theory is the amount left when the fuel light comes on is proportional to the distance you can drive with a full tank before the needle moves off of full.


  5. #5
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    Camberwell, Vic
    On a recent drive from Sydney to south-east Melbourne on one tank I filled up at the destination with the distance to empty saying 80km and the needle in the first part of the red sector (the thinner red part). I was alarmed that the car took 52.5 litres!

  6. #6
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    In the mk6 jetta I have the tank is rated at 55 litres. 0 km range projection equates to about 50 litres. I suspect the red zone in mine starts when there are about 7 to 8 litres left as it seems to burn through that region faster than the rest of the gauge. Lines up with that another poster above said about the red zone.

    I have driven an extra 40 km after the gauge was empty and my projected range was saying 0 km. people have said that the fuel pump will be damaged but after 2.5 years I haven't had any issues. When I refilled that time it took 53.1 litres. Meaning my fuel tank had 1.9 litres approximately and the car was still running. Good knowledge to have imo but if you are in this zone I wouldn't recommend speeding for obvious reasons. If you are doing highway trips then set the cruise control to something reasonable and monitor the real time consumption. Hope this helps.

  7. #7
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  8. #8
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    I have run into the red a number of times on mine now and find the warning light comes on as it reaches the red where it takes 48L. At halfway through the red it takes 50L and the few times that has happened the range was showing 60km - 80km. I did see somewhere else on this or another forum someone (in WA I think) who claims to have been able to fit in more than 57L in their mk7 which is remarkable for a nominally claimed 50L tank.
    Nov '15 Polo 81TSI manual white

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by grtuned View Post
    Grtuned; Kramer sure is one sick puppy! Great video and so apt to the theme of this thread.
    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    At such a low fuel level, I'd be worried about having fuel surge and starvation issues when you're cornering, and also the other foreign deposits that you'll inevitably be putting into the tank every time you fill up.

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