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Thread: removing calipers.

  1. #21
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    Last edited by tigger73; 12-04-2020 at 08:33 PM. Reason: insert video
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  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lucas_R View Post
    Skip to about 3min and 50 seconds.


    thanks dude.. finally found some good vids on youtube someone actually goes thru the process on mk7 golf r was actually quite hard to find thus having to ask here at expense of ridicule.

    need to bleed the brakes and disconnect the brake line looks pretty simple.. the guy seems to get a fair amount of brake fluid on his hands too and isnt very concerned about it

  3. #23
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    removing calipers.

    I’ve painted my brakes off the car when I bought a secondhand set and refurbished them as well as on the car. Literally could not tell the difference.

    Save yourself the hassles and just paint them on the car. Unless you’re showing the car and someone’s going to dock you points for the backs that aren’t painted then there’s no point. Nobody is ever going to know/care except you.

    Reality is that the parts you can’t see are just going to get filthy with brake dust so the only time you’re ever going to see the clean paint is when you have them apart. Just don’t paint the backs of the pads or get paint between the 2 as it’ll make it harder to change pads next time.

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  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by tigger73 View Post
    I’ve painted my brakes off the car when I bought a secondhand set and refurbished them as well as on the car. Literally could not tell the difference.

    Save yourself the hassles and just paint them on the car. Unless you’re showing the car and someone’s going to dock you points for the backs that aren’t painted then there’s no point. Nobody is ever going to know/care except you.

    Reality is that the parts you can’t see are just going to get filthy with brake dust so the only time you’re ever going to see the clean paint is when you have them apart. Just don’t paint the backs of the pads or get paint between the 2 as it’ll make it harder to change pads next time.

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    ur right, and have already thought about this... was considering using some paintbrush caliper paint but can only get the colour i want in a spray can... im thinking i want to change the brakelines and fluid anyway because the last mechanic/s ( VW VILLAGE) i got to do the brakes for me are the same ones that put the sticky taped / broken coilpack back in on a major service so dont think its ever been done ( fluid that is ).. not even sure if its that important maybe someone WHO ACTUALLY KNOWS WHAT THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT can tell me better but already have 150,000kms so it might be time for refresh heading into final 100,000kms i use the car and intend on doing some track.

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