Lending 101 Never lend your tools, your car, your wife or your money not necessarily in that order.
Is it a manual or an auto
Hi so i just bought a used 2015 manual golf7r and ive been driving it for a few days and im loving it. The other day i let my friend test drive it and he put it from 2nd to 1st instead of 3rd twice and the engine jumped to almost 8k revs. Nothing happened after that but later when i drove it i noticed going from 2nd-3rd the gear shift is a little bit different changing it into that gear. even 1st gear is a little more clunky going from 1st-2nd. Did he screw something up with the tranny or clutch? the engine seems fine and doesnt sound any different. Thanks!
Lending 101 Never lend your tools, your car, your wife or your money not necessarily in that order.
Is it a manual or an auto
2021 Kamiq LE 110 , Moon White, BV cameras F & B
Mamba Ebike to replace Tiguan
its a manual. I just went for a drive before and the 1st to 2nd even 2nd to 3rd gear changes are so clunky, the car almost studders when i do it. Is there a chance the syncros are ruined? the engine seems normal
Might have stuffed the clutch
To do it once is an accident Twice is stupidity.
2021 Kamiq LE 110 , Moon White, BV cameras F & B
Mamba Ebike to replace Tiguan
Not that i want to pour petrol on the fire....but if you have a warranty with the dealership, a code will be logged for the over rev condition, and they may deny any clutch / gearbox warranty.
The engine will be fine and easily cope with a brief 8K rev's condition (assuming this wasn't done on a cold engine)
Yeah I scanned the car and it came back with a engine code but my vcds is outdated so it didn’t say what it was, but it was around the time we drove so I’m prettt sure that it’s, I cleared the code but I’m guessing you can’t fully erase it?
I knew someone many years ago that managed to slip a Kombi van (aircooler) from 4th into first instead of third and tore the centre out of the clutch. The damage happens not when you select the gear but when you take your foot off the clutch. Clutch could be damaged and/or dual mass flywheel could be damaged.
This of course is really just speculation, to diagnose this issue would require physical inspection.
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09 Eos 2.0TSI DSG Loved this car but has now gone to a new home!!
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