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Thread: Mk7 Golf TSI & TDI - Observations and Questions

  1. #581
    Join Date
    Nov 2013

    I hope your new wipers continue to function properly. Mine have developed the smear again, although it isn't as bad. There have not been any further updates to the wipers since my replacement so I didn't bother requesting for another set. If these ones get worse then I'll ask for them to be replaced again.

  2. #582
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    Yep, had my wipers replaced 2 times so far and even on the 3rd set they still smear on the drivers side. Initially the replacements were good for the first couple of weeks, then the smearing came back. Annoying, but I can't be bothered going to get them replaced again. Going to wait till they wear out and then get the bosch wipers.

  3. #583
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    I have the opposite problem with my blades I think .. I get no smearing but after a while the drivers side wiper judders across the windscreen and makes a really loud squeaking sound as it finishes the upward wipe.

  4. #584
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    I have that problem. Initially, it's OK, but the driver side wiper starts to shudder after a minute or two. You'd think that things like this would have been spotted and fixed during the testing stage. Surely it rains in Germany?

  5. #585
    Join Date
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    Burleigh Waters, QLD
    Quote Originally Posted by ajay1940 View Post
    I have that problem. Initially, it's OK, but the driver side wiper starts to shudder after a minute or two. You'd think that things like this would have been spotted and fixed during the testing stage. Surely it rains in Germany?
    Maybe it's a problem that doesn't exist with LHD cars. Anybody know?

  6. #586
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Interesting point, I haven't read of any LHD cars who have had this issue. If they have, I'm sure it would not annoy them as it is not in their direct line of sight!

  7. #587
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    Quote Originally Posted by veew View Post
    Interesting point, I haven't read of any LHD cars who have had this issue. If they have, I'm sure it would not annoy them as it is not in their direct line of sight!
    LHD are probably mirror image to RHD cars. This is the case on the Octavia.

    Best place to ask would be one of the UK Golf forums
    carandimage The place where Off-Topic is On-Topic
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  8. #588
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    Jan 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by flight View Post
    Maybe it's a problem that doesn't exist with LHD cars.
    This 19-page long thread would suggest it's a problem for LHD cars as well:

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    Quote Originally Posted by ajay1940 View Post
    You'd think that things like this would have been spotted and fixed during the testing stage.
    The people in that thread also wonder the same thing.

    My guess is that VW spotted it during the testing stage, but decided to put it into production anyway. TBH, if I were a corporate entity, I would've done the same thing - shareholders come first.

    Would annoy the consumer to no end, though!
    Last edited by Diesel_vert; 12-04-2014 at 05:37 PM.

  9. #589
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    Burleigh Waters, QLD
    Quote Originally Posted by Diesel_vert View Post
    Would annoy the consumer to no end, though!
    Since the Mk7 has been around now for a few months, VW has had ample time to consider the numerous complaints and develop a fix. At the least, I hope my new TDI Highline to be delivered end-May will not come with the problem. If it does, the dealer will hear from me very quickly.

    I did see a reference on another thread to a dealer bulletin on the subject. Does anybody know more about this? It would be good to identify a ref number and/or date for such a document so everybody could quote it to their dealer when seeking a fix for their car.

  10. #590
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    Jan 2009

    Quote Originally Posted by flight View Post
    Since the Mk7 has been around now for a few months, VW has had ample time to consider the numerous complaints and develop a fix.
    The Mk7 Golf started production in August 2012, with models reaching European showrooms by November 2012.

    The fact that we still hear reports from some (but not all) owners of the same issue suggests that rectifying this problem isn't high up on Volkswagen's list of priorities.

    Quote Originally Posted by flight View Post
    At the least, I hope my new TDI Highline to be delivered end-May will not come with the problem. If it does, the dealer will hear from me very quickly.
    As with any car, the later the build date, the more likely it is to have production faults rectified and bugs ironed out, so fingers crossed.

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