Originally Posted by
Hi Veew,
This was without fleet or corp discounts. Am I missing something here? How can you get fleet pricing?
Thanks for your reply. Will give him a call tomorrow
You can try via a broker or possibly your employer or your union / professional association might be part of the VW Corporate programme which gives ~60% off the predelivery cost & ~5% off the RRP IIRC.
Alternatively, know your prices & negotiate like a mofo. Play one dealer off against another, etc.
There's a pricing thread & a "I have ordered" thread that might be far more appropriate for this discussion.
BTW: If you've seen others achieve that price then it isn't unreasonable to expect to get it yourself but expect to have to work for it & possibly lower your own standards of behaviour in order to do so.
carandimage The place where Off-Topic is On-Topic
I used to think I was anal-retentive until I started getting involved in car forums