Originally Posted by
I did some preliminary research on the VDSC system. What anintriguing piece of kit! It appears to be a form of rudimentary assembler language that uses Hex coding for memory addressing. The little reading that I did suggests that it's just a matter of setting the correct bit in the right memory location toactivate/deactivate a particular function. It appears to do much, much more, but it contradicts the VW dealer's contention that bluemotion and day lights cannot be set to "off" as a default setting.
I'dlike to have a (very cautious) play with a VDSC cable. Can you confirm whether the Golf Mk7 is compatible with VAG? The cable and software doesn't appear to be too expensive.There is an eBay unit for $27 USD (Ver12.10.3 OBD2 Diagnostic Interface USB Cable Scanner). The other question I have is where on the car is the receptacle for the interface cable?
Check the VCDS section of the forum for info on tweaks (They're for other models, but they give you an idea of how to software works). All recent VAG cars use a hexcode system which the VCDS software translates into an easy to understand array of tick boxes. The ones on ebay aren't genuine and feature a very old hacked version of the software. Considering the amount of work ROSS-TECH did to get VCDS to work with the Golf 7, only genuine cables with the very latest version will work with it.
Lots of people own VCDS cables too, so you can always ask around and see if someone would use the cable on your car. There's a thread in the VCDS section i believe.
As for the port location, its usually under the steering wheel near the pedals, pink coloured port.
Last edited by readerr0r; 27-09-2013 at 12:41 PM.
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