Kind of impossible to answer those questions as they all depend on what value you put on the extra stuff/performance the GTI offers over the Comfortline.
For me, I would say no. For 90%+ of driving the core driving experience is pretty similar between the two, power difference aside, and the GTI's additional electronic gizmos hold little appeal for me. But that's just me. I suspect many will say yes, the $20,000 extra is well worth it.
But I suspect your wife's opinion is the one that matters most. Best to let her test drive the GTI - despite being happy with the Comfortline she may love the GTI and be happy to outlay the extra moolah. If not, better to let her be. Happy wife, happy life.
Last edited by Splashalot; 13-02-2017 at 04:56 PM.
2018 Golf GTI, Manual - gone.
2017 Golf 110tsi Trendline, manual (gone - gladly)
2007 Golf GTI, Manual, (gone - sadly)
1978 Golf GLS; 1972 Superbug, (memories)