For those who are not aware, RHD/LHD is not an issue for a car assembly line.
Some years ago I took a tour of the Mercedes factory in Stuttgart and witnessed on one assembly line a procession of cars, RHD sedan followed by LHD wagon followed by LHD sedan followed by RHD wagon and so on. Cars are built with a bill of materials, each component or assembly being delivered to the appropriate section of the assembly line just in time.
My 06 Jetta was built in Mexico, assembly and finish was second to none. Human input into car assembly is of such a limited nature due to technology, organisation and logistics that the days of assembly line workers having a negative impact on car quality are pretty well gone. And for those who believe that German assembled vehicles and or components are superior because the German assembly lines are manned by Teutonic types, rest assured, most factory jobs in Germany are carried out by people of Eastern European origin, believe me, I've been to scores of major automotive component factories in Germany and seen it.