I think your calculation shows how car prices have actually continued to reduce in real terms over a fairly long time now. You'd expect a three door GTI with xenons to clock in at the low $40s on road if still offered these days. The classic case of course is the WRX which has floated in a $2k band pretty much since its initial offering in the 90s.
I've got xenons on our other car and they are vastly superior to the halogens on the Mk7, but I'll continue to argue my point that for me it is a moot point - I rarely drive on unlit roads at night which is the only time they are of any benefit. My $2k is better put towards things like.. OZ wheels.However if I was doing a lot of unlit night driving then yes, the xenons are a no-brainer.
I totally understand the concepts of inventory control and keeping costs and therefore options lists down, but if a customer is willing to pay a sufficient enough holding deposit to cover any loss VWA would incur on an oddly specced vehicle if things fell through then what is the harm in allowing someone to order a manual GTI with xenons, Dynaudio and purple metallic paint? VWA are in the envious position of selling a product that a lot of their customers accept they will have to wait for ex Germany.
Yes it does push people up the chain into Audi as budgets increase, and as someone who may look at an S3 equivalent next time around I fit the mould. But I wouldnt be doing my homework if I didnt then look at what BMW and Mercedes are offering then as well.