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They were definitely firmer than stock (so don't buy the blurb that it rides like stock). They were more than acceptable on smooth roads, but they did relay any imperfections more (as you'd expect) and on rougher roads you definitely felt it wasn't stock.
Unfortunately I think everyone is going to judge the feel a little differently depending on their personal definitions. Coming from a background of cheap Commodore modifications growing up with Pedders springs it was definitely more comfortable than that!
The only scrub I ever got running the springs in combination with the OZ ST LMs which gave 9mm more poke than the stock Detroits was on sharp left cambered corners (I'm assuming the wider apex on a right hand turn was enough to avoid the issue) driving aggressively. I believe this was the fender screw, which on the Mk6 was subject to removal to eliminate this issue (in fact the Rs didn't have the screw in the first place for this reason). I never got around to doing the mod before I moved the car on so cannot 100% confirm this was the issue, but would be very surprised if it wasn't. Ergo VWR + stock or close to stock wheels = fine.
I'm not sure what the go is on the Mk7s yet spring wise, but your other choices are SPM (read Lucas Rs threads), Eibach and probably H&R, subject to availability (although per my wheel thread there are H&R Mk7s running suspension mods so assume yes). FWIW I spend a long time reading threads on Mk6 springs and H&R were always considered quite hard, the Eibachs were mixed and the Yanks loved the VWRs. The SPMs are a relatively newer product.
One last alternative on the Mk6 was the Driver Gear springs which were apparently more compliant again over VWR but with less of a drop - however they came in manual and DSG versions, and people were using manual springs on DSG cars to gain a bigger drop (more equivalent to VWR). No idea if VW are making something similar on the Mk7 though.
I've been told today by colleagues and people around me that if I change the spring on a magnetic damper, it could lead to detrimental outcomes to the damper itself in the long run as the damper was designed for a certain spring rate and certain size and changing it would just destroy it. After a long and hard discussion they've finally convinced me to stay stock with the springs or change it out fully with KW. (Go hard or go home)
Now the question is, can I live with the gap between the body and the tyres 
I've just recently contacted my local dealer for Milltek and asked for a quote price on their catback+muffler and turboback, if the price is within reasonable I think I might go for the catback+muffler as my dealer said it doesn't void my warranty if those are the only thing that's changed. Can anyone back me up on this? or is he just saying crap.
My grandma used to say...