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Thread: MK7.5 How to remove front grill and bumper???

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2018
    Vancouver, Canada
    Users Country Flag

    There are 8 tabs along the back side of the grille. the mk7.5 grille now clips into the bumper from the front, not straight in from the top like the mk7.

    The easiest way to remove the grille is to remove the bumper and then pry the tabs open from behind the grille and push the grille forward out of it's track. It took me about 20minutes to remove the bumper and pop the grille out when I first tried it.

    Photo Jul 09, 5 46 03 PM by jonnysundell, on Flickr

    Photo Jul 09, 5 46 16 PM by jonnysundell, on Flickr

    Photo Jul 09, 5 48 31 PM by jonnysundell, on Flickr
    Last edited by jonnysundell; 10-07-2018 at 10:58 AM.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2018
    Users Country Flag
    Quote Originally Posted by jonnysundell View Post
    There are 8 tabs along the back side of the grille. the mk7.5 grille now clips into the bumper from the front, not straight in from the top like the mk7.

    The easiest way to remove the grille is to remove the bumper and then pry the tabs open from behind the grille and push the grille forward out of it's track. It took me about 20minutes to remove the bumper and pop the grille out when I first tried it.

    Photo Jul 09, 5 46 03 PM by jonnysundell, on Flickr

    Photo Jul 09, 5 46 16 PM by jonnysundell, on Flickr

    Photo Jul 09, 5 48 31 PM by jonnysundell, on Flickr
    Thanks for this. After googling everywhere trying to make sense of what I was seeing behind the top grille in our Aug 2018 built Golf R and wondering why I couldn't just pull it up to remove I came across your post.
    WHY OH WHY did VW make it so you have to remove the bumper first?
    cars (chronological) Morris850, Morris Mini DeLuxe, Cooper S, Mazda 1500SS, hard times so some old Holden, old Falcon Ute, better times so second hand Lotus Elan +2 (6 weeks, hopelessly unreliable) Chrysler Valiant Charger 770, second hand Datsun 260Z + 2 auto, Mitsubishi Cordia Turbo, Nissan 200SX turbo auto for 20 years(wonderful car burning ZERO oil after 200,000km & no problems when sold.. should have kept it), Toyota GTS 86 auto, now Golf R Mk 7.5 DSG built Aug2018, white.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2018
    Users Country Flag


    In order to remove the top grille, you do NOT have to remove the bumper in the Golf R 7.5 (built around August 201.

    Undo two "torx" screws (one at each end)
    Put one hand under uppermost shiny grille space and while pressing in the holes, pull towards you to release catches under the holes.

    There are 8 tabs along the back side of the grille. the mk7.5 grille now slip horizontally under a molded strip that is part of the bumper . Cutouts in the tabs are located by bumps in the bumper which release easily if clean of grit.

    Apologies to VW for my evil thought.
    cars (chronological) Morris850, Morris Mini DeLuxe, Cooper S, Mazda 1500SS, hard times so some old Holden, old Falcon Ute, better times so second hand Lotus Elan +2 (6 weeks, hopelessly unreliable) Chrysler Valiant Charger 770, second hand Datsun 260Z + 2 auto, Mitsubishi Cordia Turbo, Nissan 200SX turbo auto for 20 years(wonderful car burning ZERO oil after 200,000km & no problems when sold.. should have kept it), Toyota GTS 86 auto, now Golf R Mk 7.5 DSG built Aug2018, white.

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