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Thread: Mk7.5 Golf - News and Discussion Thread

  1. #871
    Join Date
    Dec 2017

    Quote Originally Posted by Giskard View Post
    That config racks in at $53k with the extended warranty. If you can negotiate 25% off that price, you need to start a brokerage business.
    Thanks for the compliment.

    With all due respect, if someone is paying MDRP for a Volkswagen at a dealer right now they are either too rich, too lazy or too gullible.
    I have been to two dealerships who have provided me written quotes for identically configured vehicles to the above (sans the infotainment package) for $38,990 and $39,890 respectively, despite this arrangement being a (circa) $50,000 proposition on the VW website. One vehicle was a new MY17 and the other a demonstrator MY18, hence my original question.

    It wasn't difficult to achieve those numbers at all.
    I guess you'll be my first customer.

  2. #872
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    Mar 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Szeitszam View Post
    Mate I've been through four local dealerships and have found the prices to be quite attractive once the sales reps were pushed a little. I've been in the market for two years.

    I managed very easily to get quotes for a 7.5 series GTI with DAP for $39,000 from several places around Brisbane and the Sunshine Coast. I'm a very aggressive negotiator and I'm very confident I could get them down further, or have an extended warranty/additional packages added for the same price.

    It's a good time to buy and given the stiff competition in coming in 2018, I personally have never felt in a stronger position as a buyer than now.

    A number of hot hatches are around the corner and are strong enough contenders to make VAG consider being more flexible in their pricing. The i30 N in particular is a product forcing some sharper pricing from its more established competitors. It's like I said to the sales rep.. Don't sell me a Golf, sell me a Golf for the right price.

    I will not settle for anything less than a manual GTI in Iridium with DAP and infotainment, with extended warranty. If they want my business they'll sell it to me for $40k.
    A year ago I would have been crazy to chase those numbers, but now I don't think I'll have any trouble.
    Liking this attitude.

    Best of luck with your negotiating bud.
    MY16 MK7 Golf GTI
    - Manual - Sunroof - Folding Mirrors - Lock/Unlock Chirp - 4x Indicator Flash - Traffic - MK7.5 LED Tail Lights with Sweeping Indicators - Dynablink Sweeping mirror LEDs - White LED's on rear rego plate -

  3. #873
    Join Date
    Apr 2017
    My mk7.5 gti with DAP ran into an issue of side assist being “currently not available”. Did not show up as an error when I start / run the car though. Any of you here encounter this before? Blind spot monitor is feature is ticked but isn’t working as well and I can’t seem to untick this feature. Checked all sensors are clean and operating (via park pilot).

  4. #874
    Hey @gabrielT, check this out Mk7.5 Golf - News and Discussion Thread. Is it the same problem that you are experiencing? I also had a similar issue after my battery was disconnected. All working fine now after the dealer did some recoding.

  5. #875
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    Apr 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Facelift View Post
    Hey @gabrielT, check this out Mk7.5 Golf - News and Discussion Thread. Is it the same problem that you are experiencing? I also had a similar issue after my battery was disconnected. All working fine now after the dealer did some recoding.
    Thanks Facelift. I think it might be similar issue. But the weird thing is that I don’t get any warnings/error prompts on my infotainment screen when I start my car or engage in rev gear. And can’t seem to activate them as well after it sneaky disables itself yesterday.

  6. #876
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    Quote Originally Posted by Szeitszam View Post
    Mate I've been through four local dealerships and have found the prices to be quite attractive once the sales reps were pushed a little. I've been in the market for two years.

    I managed very easily to get quotes for a 7.5 series GTI with DAP for $39,000 from several places around Brisbane and the Sunshine Coast. I'm a very aggressive negotiator and I'm very confident I could get them down further, or have an extended warranty/additional packages added for the same price.

    It's a good time to buy and given the stiff competition in coming in 2018, I personally have never felt in a stronger position as a buyer than now.

    A number of hot hatches are around the corner and are strong enough contenders to make VAG consider being more flexible in their pricing. The i30 N in particular is a product forcing some sharper pricing from its more established competitors. It's like I said to the sales rep.. Don't sell me a Golf, sell me a Golf for the right price.

    I will not settle for anything less than a manual GTI in Iridium with DAP and infotainment, with extended warranty. If they want my business they'll sell it to me for $40k.
    A year ago I would have been crazy to chase those numbers, but now I don't think I'll have any trouble.
    Quote Originally Posted by Szeitszam View Post
    Thanks for the compliment.

    With all due respect, if someone is paying MDRP for a Volkswagen at a dealer right now they are either too rich, too lazy or too gullible.
    I have been to two dealerships who have provided me written quotes for identically configured vehicles to the above (sans the infotainment package) for $38,990 and $39,890 respectively, despite this arrangement being a (circa) $50,000 proposition on the VW website. One vehicle was a new MY17 and the other a demonstrator MY18, hence my original question.

    It wasn't difficult to achieve those numbers at all.
    I guess you'll be my first customer.
    With all due respect... You have been in the market for 2 years. Easily negotiated a price of $39k. Yet later say that you would be happy with a price of $40k? You might be a negotiator. You're not a buyer.

    A saving of 25% of mdrp is not achievable on new models... Though again, you have been in the market for 2 years. These won't be new models when you have finalised your negotiations...
    Last edited by Roddy; 29-12-2017 at 04:13 PM.

  7. #877
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    Hi All,

    I have had my 7.5R for almost 4 weeks now and have a couple of questions -
    - Does your rear view mirror vibrate a little when accelerating?
    - How much road noise do you have (I'm assuming its the tyres)?
    - What tyre pressure do you run (maybe related to the above, i know the recommended is about 36psi)?
    - Is there supposed to be a checkup at 1500ish km's I was only advised of the first service at 15,000?

    I do have some more questions but cannot think of them at the moment.

    Also have an OBDEleven and have some questions which i will ask in the relevant thread.


  8. #878
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    Quote Originally Posted by ThatsMe View Post
    Hi All,

    I have had my 7.5R for almost 4 weeks now and have a couple of questions -

    - Is there supposed to be a checkup at 1500ish km's I was only advised of the first service at 15,000?

    I do have some more questions but cannot think of them at the moment.

    Also have an OBDEleven and have some questions which i will ask in the relevant thread.

    Some dealers do a check up at 1500km but it's just something they do - the normal VW services are at 15000km.
    Indium Grey Golf 7.5 Alltrack 135tdi Premium - all options

  9. #879
    Join Date
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    belgrave victoria
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    Yup i had the 1500k check up took all of 10 minutes they just look it over
    15000 is 1st service and thats mainly a oil and filter change with a check up
    I will be getting mine done at 15000 and every 7500 after that

  10. #880

    Anyone removed the tips on the wagon? Can’t find anything on this .. appears as tho mk7 u could tap off with mallet but not mk7.5 keen to find out before some exhaust shop massacre it

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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